Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 One of my friends even asked me to ask "my online BFF's" a question for her...see they all appreciate it in their own way!
michelle, that is too cute tell her "hi" from us
doug used to not get it, but the longer i've been a member and the more i talk about it, the less weirded out he is. i tried to get him to join this jeep forum that is set up exactly like ours, so he would understand, but he's just not into this kinda thing. a long time ago he made me start saying "my forum friend" and my "work", "real", etc so he knew what i meant. now i just say maura, rachel, carly, yari, whoever, and he knows who i mean. he even knows where everyone lives and asks stuff like "how is your friend ann?" a few days after the baby-gwen-early-birth-debacle. its pretty cute.
the kids on the other hand are so into it! i dont usually get on at home, but when i do they have to be over my shoulder! they always want to know whats going on with so and so, and ali loves to look at all the pictures, and the smilies. she is such a voyer!