Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Ok gals....i'm reaching out and asking for some help
I feel like I do all the right things with diet and exercise, but I still have a few trouble spots that are really bothering me. FI thinks I'm being really too picky about my body....and that is probably really true; but I want to look tip top in my pics. I know plenty of you would roll your eyes at me complaining about my body....but you know we are always so hard on ourselves....and the grass isn't always greener.
I seem to be "fleshy" on my tricep area no matter how much I work them. I do all of the good tricep exercises....dips, kickbacks, rope twists....seriously I do them all, but still don't have that "thin upper arm" thing going. I even showed my FI in certain lights it almost looks dimply...and he had the audacity to say, "oh wow I never really noticed that." Uhm yeah I about really wanted to smack him. Not what a girl wants to hear about things you are self conscious about. Also.....I gain ALL of my weight on my stomach. I am overall really thin, but still have the little pooch on my lower tummy. Some mornings I wake up and it looks flat, some days it just really sticks out. I'm thinking that is just genetics because my mom has it too, and she has always been tiny. Do I just up my cardio to get rid of overall fat? Do I increase my weights? I'm worried about making the arm area bigger...not thinner....what do you all suggest? Help, because I'm really worried I don't have time to fix those areas before the big day!
Sounds like seapincess gave some great advice. I just wanted to say I feel ya! I have always been thin but my lower tummy and arms rarely ever change no matter how much weight I lose. My Mom is the same so genetics definitely does it for me. I bet you look fabulous and try not to be so hard on yourself.