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Everything posted by monicabrandon2008

  1. First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WHen is your actual bday, today? Mine is tomorrow = ) May 17th. I would act surprised. Poor thing has had such bad luck. He may not be able to handle another let down. He will be so happy to see you excited about your gift!
  2. awww he's a cutie! Congrats, how nice of you guys!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Ok gals....i'm reaching out and asking for some help I feel like I do all the right things with diet and exercise, but I still have a few trouble spots that are really bothering me. FI thinks I'm being really too picky about my body....and that is probably really true; but I want to look tip top in my pics. I know plenty of you would roll your eyes at me complaining about my body....but you know we are always so hard on ourselves....and the grass isn't always greener. I seem to be "fleshy" on my tricep area no matter how much I work them. I do all of the good tricep exercises....dips, kickbacks, rope twists....seriously I do them all, but still don't have that "thin upper arm" thing going. I even showed my FI in certain lights it almost looks dimply...and he had the audacity to say, "oh wow I never really noticed that." Uhm yeah I about really wanted to smack him. Not what a girl wants to hear about things you are self conscious about. Also.....I gain ALL of my weight on my stomach. I am overall really thin, but still have the little pooch on my lower tummy. Some mornings I wake up and it looks flat, some days it just really sticks out. I'm thinking that is just genetics because my mom has it too, and she has always been tiny. Do I just up my cardio to get rid of overall fat? Do I increase my weights? I'm worried about making the arm area bigger...not thinner....what do you all suggest? Help, because I'm really worried I don't have time to fix those areas before the big day! Sounds like seapincess gave some great advice. I just wanted to say I feel ya! I have always been thin but my lower tummy and arms rarely ever change no matter how much weight I lose. My Mom is the same so genetics definitely does it for me. I bet you look fabulous and try not to be so hard on yourself.
  4. Man, what a tear jerker as usual = ) I love Greys!
  5. Have a great time!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  6. That is a pic I found on here for ispiration but yes I used fishing line and affixed the flowers to it and plan on tying it around the poles I'm leaving them there so hopefully Sandra and Landy will save them for future brides to use.
  7. My heart truly goes out to you. I hope that time can heal you and your families pain. There have been some cool things I've seen on this forum how people remember their loved ones that passed away on their special day. I bet you can come up with something really special. My thoughts are with you. We are all here for you.
  8. I just watched them on the Ellen DeGeneres show. They were really cute. They were only on for about 5 minutes. Ellen asked where they will live and she likes London but Matt likes LA so they haven't figured that out yet = ) Shayne was teasing him saying he didn't have to kiss THAT many girls = ) He said well I think America differs. It was cute. They just teased eachother the whole time. Ellen asked if he knew it was her the whole time. He kinda went around the question and said I knew I was in trouble when I first saw Shayne.
  9. No I wasn't trying to say you were jusding her. Wrong words = ) But Brandon my FI was saying the same thing your FI said that it's all fake! LOL She did seem a little over the top!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ok so I finally watched the whole thing last night. You guys really thought Shayne was sincere? i had to rewind a few times to rewatch her expressions. I'm torn- at first I thought, hell no- she's acting. Then I rewatched and I noticed her legs tremble before she stumbled. Steve was convinced it was all an act. I dunno- but I guess we shall see if it truly does end up in married bliss. I have a hard time believing they will actually follow through with the engagement and end up married. See I thought it was really dramatic and like an act too. I didn't want to judge her though so I kept quiet Maybe that is just the way she is......I dunno. I'm looking forward to seeing them on Ellen's show today.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa well, i am not even getting one (bummer - i am with you Ann) but FI is supposed to get one and his last digits are 54 so according to the schedule he should have gotten it b/c he selected direct deposit but he got NADA - now he did file his taxes electronically on 4/14 (they were accepted and we have confirmation) but i guess that doesn't mean that they were definitely processed yet - i am going to make him call tonight I did mine on 4/8. I called to check status and they said give it 6-8 weeks to process the return and then another 2 wks. to get the stimulus check.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel The word of the day just in case anyone cared- haha farticles The particles of air contaminated after someone or something lets out gas. ohhhh hahahaha *breathe* I'm totally using that one on FI
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild LOL your tattoo stories are great! I once knew a guy that had "Mija" on his chest from his ex-wife (she had "mijo"), and he didn't cover it post-divorce because he said it could apply to any future lady in his life...ewwwww oh no he didn't!!!! hahaha you are right ewwwww!
  14. That tat is way too huge!!! I would never get a man's name on me. My ex boyfriend whom I was with for 5 yrs got my name on his chest over his heart and it was pretty big. Dumb, I know. We broke up and he got with someone else. He finally got the thing covered after being with her for a few years- he had to get a huge state of Texas colored in with black to cover it. I couldn't imagine sleeping with my FI if he had a womans name tatted on his chest!!!! Nick will have a hell of a time covering that! Mariah just got a silver dollar size butterfly on her lower back that says M Canon.
  15. I watched her on the Ellen Degeneres show today and she says she's totally in love!!! Who knows! She was acting like a little school girl with a crush.
  16. Like you had a hard time finding the 80lb cardstock at local stores. I asked and they looked at me crazy to LOL I ended up buying my paper at paperpresentation.com and they delivered the paper quick!
  17. Mariah will be on the Ellen Degeneres show tomorrow.
  18. Mariah will be on the Ellen Degeneres show today.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Ooh yeah forgot about that. I wish they would have showed us more of that fiasco. Chelsea what a SOR loser... haha kidding I'd be pissed too I guess if I were in her shoes. Anyone know about an after the final rose interview? I'm excited to see how the couple is doing! They(Matt & Shayne) will be on the Ellen Degeneres show tomorrow, Wed.
  20. Skipped working out over the weekend because we went camping. I did do lots of walking at the lake but I guess it doesn't matter when you're drinking alcohol Went to the gym yesterday 30 min on the treadmil and 30 min on the eliptical. Today I will do abs and arms. My throat is hurting so I doubt I'll do cardio.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by mmontgo Has anyone here used Dreams Tulum photographer/videographer? LisaG used the resort photographer and her pics are very beautiful. Here is a link she posted in another thread about the Dreams photog... Shutterfly | View Shared Pictures
  22. Awwwww what a sweetie!!! Eat it up while you can = ) I bet she will get adopted quickly.
  23. We live in Killeen and traveled to Belton on Friday evening to go camping. While on the hwy the President passed us with about 10 other security vehicles!!!! I was so excited! Of course I couldn't see him but it was still exciting. It stormed like crazy Friday evening. We were camping at Belton Lake and luckily it passed right by us. The radio was covering the storm and they talked on and on about how this storm may be ruining the rehearsal dinner. Sounds like it didn't!!
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