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Everything posted by monicabrandon2008

  1. Sorry to hear about SAndra and Landy not taking care of you! We've always heard great things about them. Maybe it's because Sandra was focused on going on vacation I'm glad you didn't let it ruin your day and that you loved the resort. That makes me excited for my trip/wedding in June. I can't wait to see pics!!
  2. I love the last dress. It's very different and looks great on you but I like the first one as well!!
  3. I missed these somehow before but you look beautiful! I'm getting married at 3PM also and it seems like that is a perfect time for pics! Can't wait to see more!
  4. I like the DR Scholls. They are dressier and I love cork wedges = )
  5. So sorry Christa, it's 5:45 here and my FI picked up some Crown for us We are having a get together tonight! Hope you ladies have a great weekend!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Mmmmm, I love pomegranate martini's. I saw that on Oprah too. Although I am going to be honest & admitt that 1.5 cups of juice to 2 oz. of alcohol just doesn't work for me, so I reduce the juice quantity haha Yes, as the night goes on there is less juice and more vodka or some vodka shots on the side
  7. mmmm, I love martinis! I don't have an appletini recipe but I always make pomagranate martinis. I use Oprah's favorite recipe: 1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice 2 oz. Absolute Citron vodka OR white tequila 1 oz. Cointreau liquor Shake ingredients in a shaker and put in chilled martini glasses. Put pomegranate fruit into glass as garnish. The pomegranate juice does get expensive if you are serving for a big party so I wonder if you could substitute the pomegranate for another juice? You may try that. This year I think we are going to make Pina Coladas. My FI's favorite! I'm still looking for a good recipe.
  8. I clicked on the link and it says this item is no longer available. Dang
  9. I say "in Riviera Maya" I will be working on my save the dates soons and I will be saying "in Riviera Maya, Mexico
  10. I decided not to go with this resort since I'm getting married in June '08 but I bet by Jan '09 the kinks will be worked out.
  11. Great advice! I always make sure my luggage is tagged. This is what really kills me is when you do the right thing and something gets stolen out of your bag!! Last summer I went to visit my sister is Cali and she gave me a present, Ralph Lauren Romance perfume, my favorite! It was the big bottle so I had to check it in because I wouldn't have been able to carry it on, too many ounces! Someone stole it out of my check on bag!! Grrrr! Still mad about that LOL
  12. If you click on the picture it will bring up a screen that is a bigger pic. That dress is beautiful on you! Congrats!
  13. Sounds like we will all have a great time too! You just put my mind at ease, thank you! Did you bring an IPOD for music or CD'S?
  14. Oh, how I wish I was in Florida!!! Lately I have been wearing tons of hats and scarfs to stay warm Thanks everyone....I finally picked Dreams Tulum!! YAY!
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