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Everything posted by monicabrandon2008

  1. Thanks everyone. I know, it's such a shame how crude people can be. It's so sad. I can't stand any neglect to an animal. makes my heart sad.
  2. abs, arms, shoulders and legs whew I'm pooped Plan on trying Amy's fat blaster recipe tomorrow = ) 15 min. treadmil, 15 min. eliptical, 15 min. treadmil and then 15 min. eliptical
  3. Good, hope it helps! I'm using Cecilia for our wedding 6/27 and TTD session. We are having a small wedding and her packages and prices were right up our ally = o)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by leamil Hi! We had our reception on El Patio 2 weeks ago (4/19/0 and it was beautiful. I was really happy with the location because it was private, they made it up beautifully, and I thought it was better for us not to be in the sand - also much better access to bathrooms! For our group (45 people) we were planning to pay the extra $750 to make it "private" if that was what it took to have a DJ (after reading the new music rule here). However, when we got there Sandra said "of course it is private for your group, and there is no problem with music." We had the ultimate package and a bigger group, so maybe that is why, but I was very pleased not to have to add that $750! PM me for a couple good pics of El Patio - I don't have the right version to edit/ compress/ post yet! Leah CONGRATS!!! We would love to hear all about how the wedding went and see pics of course!!!
  5. check out this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13384
  6. I heard that story on the news this morning. That is so sad = ( I wanted to cry this morning when they covered that story. Welcome back and I hope you get some rest!
  7. I love this show! I just caught all of the episodes for this season the other day. I agree Rebecca has a kick ass body...SOOO jealous! That would require too many hours a day of working out to get her body. I never knew Rebecca was on Amazing Race....when was that? I usually try and watch Amazing Race but I know I've missed some seasons.
  8. Thanks everyone for the well wishes = ) I know I would be so so sad if anything happened to my Leo. She called me in tears when it happened. It broke my heart. Luckily this story has a happy ending though.
  9. Glad to hear that! I have seen a couple 3 legged dogs and they always seem happy and chipper just like any other dog = )
  10. No! What happened is my sister currently has a roomate and they didn't close the back gate very well one day. Well, she has puppies and 2 dogs....Sadie is the only one that got out. A lady was turning the corner and saw Sadie so she stopped and then noticed a truck was coming up behind her. The lady waved and the truck sped past her and hit Sadie. The truck just kept going!!! I would never do that! I would have to stop.....my conscious wouldn't have it any other way. Luckily, the lady had a heart and called my sister. I'm so glad that Sadie is doing well and is atleast happy = ) I'm going to visit my sister May 21st. Sadie should be home by then. I will have to take an updated pic = )
  11. Pet of the month My poor sister had to make the difficult decision to put her dog down or amputate her back leg after being hit by a vehicle. After you read what I posted you will see why she decided to keep the sweet girl and have a 3 legged dog. Sadie is still at the vet and my sister has to pay one hefty bill when it's all said and done but knows she made the right decision. Just thought I'd share since there are so many animal lovers on this forum
  12. Yes, my date twin = ) We are getting SO excited!!!! I find that I'm totally motivated too being so close to the BIG day! Every second I think about being in my bikini in Mexico and that is the best motivation!
  13. Oh I love it! That turned out very nice!
  14. CONGRATS!!! It is so exciting when guests start booking. Makes you feel loved = )
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Last night I did 30 min on my elliptical, 45 min of kickboxing cardio and 30 min of abs That's awesome Angel! I ran 2 miles outside yesterday, abs and arms!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Oh..I am down 4 lbs in one month, so the hard work is really really paying off. Most of it I think is due to the diet changes I made; I've hit my 110 goal weight, but still working on tightening everything up! YOU go GIRL! That's awesome! I'm trying to get to 115. I'm close. I need to try your recipe for the fat blaster!
  17. I love Addison too! The elevator scene was great = )
  18. It comes on at 8 central time. I watched it....it was a good one = ) always is! I won't say anything since Sodria can't watch it till tomorrow.
  19. That's a great thread! Thank you. I am incorporating some blues in my wedding so thread actually gave me some good ideas! Gosh, I REALLY love this idea! Highly doubtful that I buy all the fabric and stuff to do it but I'd love to.
  20. OH I LOVE Kashmira's dress! She was beautiful in that dress! No, I'm not doing a Tiffany themed wedding. I get sucked up in all the little (expensive) details and then I realize I'm not rich! HA.....I love watching platinum weddings. That may be my problem BTW- I love that quote by Mrs. Beckham = ) That's a great motivator!
  21. That's a great inspiration wedding! I loved all of the flowy fabric they had.
  22. Yes, that's the one. It's beautiful! The couple is too cute also.
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