Hi. OK - so I've never been a fan of strip clubs. I pretty much find them gross, disrespectful, etc. Well, FI's friends plan to take him to one (probably more) for his bachelor party. He's gone over the course of our relationship a couple of times, and I've never been thrilled.
I know everyone says that it is a right of passage, etc. I just have a problem with him having some girl's breasts in his face 6 days before he marries me. I'm not trying to be a nagging, bitchy fiance/wife, but I think I have a right to expect this much of him. It's not like I'm asking him not to play golf or have friends ... I'm asking him not to have a strange girl rub her naked body on him.
I've been totally stressing over this ... I talked to FI about it, and he basically thinks I need to relax and says that its his bachelor party and he can't reallly control what they do ... right.
Did this come up with anyone's FI? If so, how did you handle it. Also, please feel free to tell me that I'm being ridiculous ... I just don't want to be upset about it so close to the biggest emotional day of my life.