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Everything posted by AlmostMrsForbes

  1. I swear ... if I have one problem (after getting plenty of assurances from Chandlyn that everything will be fine) they will see a "special" bridezilla appearance. I may kick Michael's bum myself! Don't get me wrong - I'm not typically a violent person, but I've put too much emotion, work, etc into this wedding to someone cause this kind of drama ... we'll see! :-)
  2. Gosh ... mine would have to be that my parents are married again, and that our whole family is happy and healthy. They divorced when I was 15 - and they are still really friendly. I know it sounds so juvenile ... I just miss having the whole family together.
  3. Our song will either be "Can't help falling in love with you" by Elvis, or Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight"
  4. Right now, I'm searching for how the actual ceremony should flow.
  5. Hi, All I don't know if this is the proper place to post this or not? Anyways, I was wondering how everyone decided on how to layout their ceremony? I'm getting ready to have my programs printed - and not sure what to put where. I'd like to have a couple of readings and have my string quartet play a song during the ceremony. I'm having a religious (protestant) ceremony - with the standard vows. I've done some research, but I think I may be missing something?? Is there some great resource that I've overlooked? Thanks! Desiree
  6. I'm so sorry, Mo. My thoughts are with you and Tim. Please know that we're always here for you.
  7. I'm using Brian Nejedly - a local photographer in Ocho Rios. He's been great to work with so far. I think I'm going to have him for the entire 8 hours and it will be somewhere between $1600 and $1800 + day pass. Check out his website Brian Design - Photography & Website Design by Brian Nejedly - Ocho Rios, Jamaica
  8. I do - as far as I know, they're the only ones in the area. They are a bit pricey - $1,000 (four musicians) for one hour, but I've always wanted classical music at my wedding, and think they will be beautiful on the beach. I actually was referred to them by my wedding photog, Brian Nejedly. PM me if you want the name/number of the cellist (who will put together the group for you).
  9. I'm buying my girls' dresses and shoes - do you think I should get them an additional gift?
  10. hi. i am getting married at ROR - I hired a string quartet (the only one i could find in jamaica) and am walking down the aisle to pachelbel's canon in d.
  11. hmmm ... i'd mail it to her new husband, asking him to please keep his wife dressed.
  12. What about combining it with a marriage announcement ... something casual and say "come help us celebrate at our home on xyz date, etc.
  13. thanks, girls. i really do trust him - that's not what i'm getting at. the thought just sickens me ... like that kind of intimacy is only supposed to be shared with me. I also think it bothers me more because we are about to make this huge commitment to one another, etc. i'm going to talk with him tonight and really let him know what i think about it. hopefully we can come to some kind of compromise - maybe no lap dances or something. i also think that we're going to have my bachelorette party that night, too. i think that will help - at least i won't be alone and obsessing about it.
  14. Hi. OK - so I've never been a fan of strip clubs. I pretty much find them gross, disrespectful, etc. Well, FI's friends plan to take him to one (probably more) for his bachelor party. He's gone over the course of our relationship a couple of times, and I've never been thrilled. I know everyone says that it is a right of passage, etc. I just have a problem with him having some girl's breasts in his face 6 days before he marries me. I'm not trying to be a nagging, bitchy fiance/wife, but I think I have a right to expect this much of him. It's not like I'm asking him not to play golf or have friends ... I'm asking him not to have a strange girl rub her naked body on him. I've been totally stressing over this ... I talked to FI about it, and he basically thinks I need to relax and says that its his bachelor party and he can't reallly control what they do ... right. Did this come up with anyone's FI? If so, how did you handle it. Also, please feel free to tell me that I'm being ridiculous ... I just don't want to be upset about it so close to the biggest emotional day of my life.
  15. I was a little "leery" about the whole shower and registry thing to start with. I thought it seemed like begging for gifts. After seeing the reaction of my friends/family, though, I really think that showers, etc. are what the people who love you want to do for you. I am having two showers - one that my aunt is throwing for me for close family - my mom has several sisters and they're all really excited about it. They've watched me grow up, they want to be part of it. The other shower is being thrown by two friends - they begged me to let them throw it. So - my attitude towards it has changed a bit. People love you and want to celebrate this time in your life. In the US - or at least where I'm from - showers are a big part of that. It doesn't have to be a "traditional" shower - they just want to spend time with you and join in your happiness. As far as registries go - register, don't register, but know that people are going to be buy you gifts. Some people like to know what you need/want when shopping - others will just buy a gift that they think you will love. I do think, though, that if you invite someone to your shower - make sure you invite them to the AHR or your wedding.
  16. hi, girls just for clarification - when we are talking about "originals" of a birth certificate, are we talking about a "certified copy"? My fiance doesn't have an original of his birth certificate, and everything else we've done (for other things requiring birth certificates) a certified copy has been OK. Thanks!
  17. Hi, Girls! For all those already married at the ROR - did you have any trouble with people not being able to hear you say your vows? Was there a sound system/mic set up? I'm specifically interested in how this is handled at the beach gazebo. Thanks!
  18. they did the same thing to me ... a mary kay rep emailed me. i just marked her as spam mail.
  19. the girl in the next office over went to wittenberg - i think she graduated in 2001. yea, ohio!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Hey! OSU? Go Buckeyes! Paula V - are you an alum?
  21. Hey there to you, too, sister! I kind of thought there'd be more than one of us on here! LITB!
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