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Everything posted by CarrieRN

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet Ack! I'm late! Is it too late to give? i still want to donate too!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek my bags weren't from cheaptotes, they were from ingreetings.com. you get the bags and the printing all for 2.50 per bag. this is the site Full Color Heat Transfer Imprinting i ordered the 15x15 white canvas totes. Carrie a $1 per bag to be screen printed is really good, you got a whole bunch of family connections. thats great I'm trying to talk him into getting on the forum! I gave him the link and he looked around. I'll post pics of my bags once they are done. I figure he can work up some price that is good for everyone and maybe do some printing for all the brides to be. He has his own equipment but no "official" business yet.
  3. Congratulations to you and Paul. Gwendolyn is beautiful! And that is quite the head of hair on her. I guess you'll have to fix your baby ticker. I'm glad you and baby are doing well. I'm sorry to hear that you are stuck so far from home for the next month. Just let us know what you need.
  4. We will be there from Nov 5 through 13th. I am a nurse. I work in a medical ICU/ CCU in Pittsburgh. Most of the stuff for Mexico is done. I'm not getting crazy with decorations for Mexico. Just have to finish up my OOT bags. We should definitely meet up for a drink.
  5. You look gorgeous! Your FI is going to love the pics! Super sexy!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by rn81 Hey Gals, Just wanted to say Hello! I am a newbie to this, so don't mind my numerous questions, although I have pretty much just bugged Trisha since I met her through Trip Advisor first and she was the one to recommend this site and forum! Thanks Trisha. It is awesome to know that I am not the only one going a bit bridezilla on occasion when these Gran Bahia Principe coordinators don't respond quickly! I am getting married in the akumal part on November 7th, 2008. I can't wait! It sounds like everyone who has done it already, is fully satisfied with their wedding there. I am glad and feel so reassured now! Hi! You are my date twin! We are getting married at Coba on November 7th.
  7. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  8. Your bags look great! I still have to get mine screenprinted. My stepbrother is doing them for a fantastic family discount of $1 per bag. Are you bags from cheap totes.com?
  9. Well, for our AHR, the caterer did cut us a deal since FI's mom works at the church where we are having it and they are one of the caterers that they use frequently. (Plus, I think FI's aunt is good friends with the owner's parents.) They normally charge $31 pp ($5 pp goes to the church, but the priest waved it for us because of FI's mom). So we started off at $26 pp but then they offer $2 off per person for having it in December. They made us an offer of $20 per person with bar setup (normally that is $5/pp). We will still have to provide the booze but that helps quite a bit. It better be fun! Practically everyone we know is invited.
  10. We are having an AHR on Dec 6th. I think our invite list is around 325 at this point. Yikes! It is expensive to have 2 big familes combine in marriage. I plan on wearing my dress again so that the people I don't know at my AHR will at least know I'm the bride.
  11. Speedy recovery! Just think, you get a mini nose job that is covered by insurance! It will heal fast and you will feel so much better.
  12. Your bags sound fabulous! I'm actually having a little meet & greet bbq at my house in early fall and giving the bags out then. (And mailing the ones to my out of staters) They can lug their own stuff down. I want room for my pretty clothes that I will hopefully fit into once I start dieting and exercising like a good bride.
  13. Congratulations! I think we need need to rename our forum! Best Destination Weddings and Babies!
  14. November keeps getting closer and closer. I think I mainly have little things left to do. I need to get the guys shirts (mexican wedding shirts) and maybe some sort of shirt for my dad. Plus, I still need to get maraca pens, tropical notepads, and playing cards for OOT bags plus get the bags screen printed (my stepbrother said they won't take long to print). I also need to work on a first aid kit for the bags. I need to get shoes for my dress (I am getting a pair dyed in the same blue as my BM dress). And I really need to start dieting/exercising. I am up 10 lbs since last summer. No wonder none of my clothes fit. I need a swift kick to the derriere!
  15. I like the second gown better. I think it looks very sleek and elegant.
  16. Wow! Everything looks great! I feel like such a slacker now!
  17. Your pics turned out gorgeous! And whose little baby girl is that? She is so stinkin' cute!
  18. Great site, Erin! I sent it to my twin's sister in law. She and her husband do ferret rescue in Toronto and are always fostering ferrets.
  19. Have fun Stephanie! Congratulations!
  20. We are driving down to Nashville (leaving tonight) for a long weekend. My FI's twin brother is graduating with his bachelor's degree (they both took the long path to complete their degrees) from Middle Tennessee State Univ. Should be fun! I liked Nashville a lot when we went down in October.
  21. House Hunters International is one of my fave shows! Can we all come with you next time you visit your family? I had a friend when I worked in the airlines who owned a house over in Portugal. Never worked out for me to get over there though.
  22. What a cutie! And that kitchen is beautiful!
  23. Those look great Carly! Your guest are going to be so impressed. Did you sew in a personalized label?
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