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Everything posted by CarrieRN

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie carrie i adore your updates of your nephew! he is such a doll baby, with his huge eyes and quepie (sp?) doll hair hes getting so big! Abbie, He is turning into such a big boy! And he looks so different now from when he was a wee little baby. He started out as a Greek baby and turned into a little white (polish) boy.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Awww he is such a cutie!! Makes you want to have one doesnt it? It does. Dave isn't there yet. I figure we will start trying in the spring.
  3. Been awhile since I put my most current pics of Philip on here. He is too cute not to share. As a refresher, he is my twin sister's baby and is now 10 1/2 months old. He crawls like lightening and is into everything. He is standing up now and will occasionally walk with a walker but not quite ready to walk on his own. I watch him on Thursdays and am getting lots of baby practice. He is a very busy baby so hopefully when I have my own things will be easier. I am getting FI used to baby too, it is working... a little bit. His ornery look Playing at a friend's house. Entertain me, Uncle David! Lawnmowers are fun. Wow! This ball looks way to big to fit in my mouth! What else am I supposed to do with this thing?
  4. I agree with the others as well. So not original of me but that happens! The earrings are super cool! I agree though if you wear a necklace, wear something more pendant shaped (vee shaped)
  5. Here they are rocking horses! I figured you were northern England. Your posts remind me of my friend who lives in Barnsley outisde of Sheffield. One of my other friend's family lives in Bolton. I am glad to hear that your FI loved it! He is so going to cry on your wedding day. You have to try not to LOL at him then.
  6. Thanks for the detailed review! And of course, I am one of the ones who wants to see more pictures! Btw, I was looking at your due date, you have the potential to have your baby on my wedding date!
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your little kitty. That is so sad. Poor little thing. Any idea what happened? I had to put a kitten to sleep once when he was only 6 months old because he had FIP and was very sick. It was heartbreaking.
  8. Alyssa, Your stuff all looks great! Everything looks so professional. Your guests will be so impressed with attention to detail!
  9. Congratulations Maura & Jose! Hope your day was perfect!
  10. My sister and I have been using bare esscentials for almost a year. We both really like it. I occasionally have sensitive skin but have never had a problem with the powders. I like how they make my skin so even looking, since I tend to get very pink cheeks in winter. My sister even has the eye makeup and lipstick from them as well. I will probably go get some of that before my wedding.
  11. Martha, I hope your BIL is doing better. We haven't heard anything from you, so I hope all is well. For those doing the mixed grill, how much is that per person?
  12. Wow Maura, everything looks great! So exciting to see it all come together! Have a great time and a wonderful wedding day!
  13. I love those. You both look so happy and gorgeous. That photog was probably thrilled when he saw the two of you!
  14. I would just ignore that part and after she is married, just talk about your wedding as if you don't even know that bit of info.
  15. Those look great! I am sure your guests will love them. Plus, it starts getting them in the mood for your DW!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride April that's a really nice pic in your signature! I agree! I think I have a new crush on April and her FI! LOL! You should keep the extra cards and randomly send them out for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays for his friends! Just think about the expressions on people's faces when they get a pic of your FI and friend for a birthday card!
  17. Congratulations! That is so exciting! And hurry with those pics, will ya? LOL
  18. That is so true. And if you leave them home, that is pretty much what happens (or doesn't happen). Why is that we have to do all the work anyhow?
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