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Everything posted by CarrieRN

  1. Welcome to the forum! Have fun planning!
  2. Congratulations! You will find a ton of great ideas on here.
  3. I love your siggy pic. Looks like bigger version of my Jack! Congrats on picking your location.
  4. Just make sure if you are booking with a tour group (such as Apple) that there are enough spots on the charter. I called during the second week of Nov and there were only 48 seats available on the charter. I had to put a deposit down to hold the rest of the plane. Yikes.
  5. I am going to start my exercise and diet stuff after the holidays. I'm not trying dress on until Feb and I have ten months til the wedding. I will just stay fat for Christmas. But then I have to get serious and start exercising again. Have taken forever off and want to start running again. So hard to start...and so cold outside.
  6. Welcome to the forum! This will make you wedding obsessed! It is a lot of fun to see all the great ideas here.
  7. That is even better than candy canes and ice cream (ben & jerry's creme brulee ice cream....best thing on earth!) Have fun looking at your pics.
  8. At my sister's (which was symbolic) wedding, the ceremony was spanish then translated into english. The spanish ceremony was very pretty, even if I was the only one who understood. It was cute because they answered their vows in spanish...but hesitantly...since they weren't sure what they were agreeing to. Si?
  9. Welcome to the forum!! You'll have a great time looking through all the ideas on here.
  10. Hi there all you GBP brides! Just wanted to get a fresh idea of who all has upcoming weddings at GBP. Please include your wedding date and which property you have chosen. We are Nov 7, 2008 at Coba.
  11. What's nice is that you could add these in favor bags and even do one per couple to keep bag costs controllable. We are so far planning on travel mugs (one each...I'm not that cheap), a mini photo album, possibly an underwater disposable camera, and the spanish phrases and pronunciations. And if we get money back for group discount, we plan on putting $20 in ones (for tip money) in each mug. I do like these wine stoppers though. Depends how many people end up going.
  12. For those of you with starfish themes, these are really cute and affordable. It says they are out of stock now but I'm sure they will get more. Starfish Design Wine Stopper - *Out of Stock Until 12/10/07. Reserve Yours Today!: Favor Warehouse
  13. Congratulations!! Enjoy your special day and all the days to come.
  14. Get two humidifiers. The noise is nice but not nearly enough to drown him out. I already have problems sleeping because my schedule is so screwy (I half to sign up for half day shift, half night shift). I swear I keep the same schedule as my twin sister...but she is awake because she has an 8wk old and is breastfeeding. I'm up at all the same hours. Maybe we could set up some sort of shock therapy for behavoral training like they do for dogs? Then we could shock them when they snore too loud.
  15. It depends how formal or significant you want it to feel. We finally decided (or I was finally agreed with) that it would be best to do the paperwork here first but we don't want a big deal made out of it. We are telling immediate family but I don't think any of mine will be there. His mom might and we are going to tell her sisters since they won't be coming to the DW. But we are considering Mexico our wedding. We have decided to wear Steelers jerseys and jeans. We don't even want any sort of celebratory dinner afterwards. We will save that for Mexico. So long story short (whew), it depends on how big a deal you want it to be.
  16. Okay, here is one I made that we are using for our travel mugs! I made a color version too. But the mugs are going to be blue with white logo. The logos were fun to make. Lots of cool clip art to play with.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv lol. I might have to try that! I have been reading humidifier reviews and found an inexpensive one I'm going to get for Christmas (we're not exchanging gifts, but I'm going to wrap it up anyway as a gift to "us"). If it helps, perhaps we'll get an upgraded version. Umm, yeah, so we got a humidifier a few weeks ago. Still sawing logs at night. We just moved it closer to the bed last night (old house, big rooms)...so far, no improvement. I try to inconspicuously wake him up just enought to make him sleep lighter...I spend a lot of time watching the clock change.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Carrie, I will fix it for you, sorry about that. That is perfect! Thanks again! And you can still see my Steelers ornament to the right of the destroyer!
  19. What is it with guys and snoring? My FI and I were laughing about this thread last night. He snores all winter. As soon as the weather is dry. I told him it was like bait and switch. When we started dating he never snored...then once I was in too deep, he started. I always tap him...and politely (I'm very polite during sleep for some reason) say, "You're gonna HAVE to turn." Doesn't always work. When he snores in summer, I get up and go out to the sunroom/sleeping porch. One night I was trapped between snoring him and a snoring cat. I bailed that night. In winter I am stuck in that room, the other rooms are too cold!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Galit and Carrie, you're all fixed up, I hope you like them. Carrie I can make it a little bigger if its too small for you. With all the tickers, pictures and cute stuff we all like to put I try to make small siggy's, but if you want it bigger let me know. Ps. Jack is adorable. It looks good, could you make the full tree pic a little bigger? He is lost inside his tree. He is a fabulous kitten...most of the time. Thanks for your help with this.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Galit, the pic is still pretty big, do you need help resizing it? CarrieRN your cat in the tree is super cute, do you want me to make a collage out of the pics for you? That would be lovely. Jack would love to be part of a collage. He is crafty.
  22. Try this link: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8310 If that doesn't work, search logo instructions.
  23. I made mine with instructions posted by MikkiStreak. I will try to find them for you. It wasn't that difficult. I made a whole bunch. I'll bump that up. We did decide on one to use for the travel mugs we are going to order. Photobucket won't let me upload right now. I'll post it when it will allow.
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