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Everything posted by CarrieRN

  1. I thought the bodies that Ben gassed were the ones in the pit that Locke fell in after being shot by Ben. I don't mind the flashbacks, I like that it fills in some gaps in info. What about the black box? Maybe they can listen to it and figure that part out? Because the real black box would have been in the cockpit which was on the island.
  2. Make it something cheesy that he can at least get into the spirit of. As long as he looks like he is having fun, your guest will love it. Even if he has to do something dorky to feel comfy. Besides, can you choreograph something in where you can make fun of yourselves and the fact that you can dance and he can't?
  3. Congratulations! That is great news! But what is with all you girls being pregnant for your wedding trip? How are you supposed to party it up at your all-inclusive resort? It's worth it in the end.
  4. He proposed after 1 yr and 1 month of dating. Our 2 yr anniversary is end of July. We knew right away though, in first 2 weeks.
  5. I just read the whole thing too. Interesting so far. I was surprised.
  6. I think that is a great idea! Sounds like fun and gets people involved. I may have to steal your idea if you don't mind.
  7. I just went off the pill about a month ago (not for conception purposes though, trying to decrease the number of migraines I get), and I haven't really experienced any side effects. My first pd. was normal (actually is lighter off pill). I actually have less PMS effects off the pill...and so far less severe headaches.
  8. I don't want it to be too fancy. We probably won't bring any additional decorations down. Whatever they decorate with will be fine. Just want to make sure that the restaurant is good. Would love to have some sort of Mexican sampler meal since we are having a Mexican wedding. But, I'm not too fussy. Just want to make sure the food is something people will eat. So, you enjoyed all the restaurants? Not sure how picky my guests will be about "different" foods or not. My family will be fine (most of them at least) and I think most of FI's family wil be fine. I guess we'll find out!
  9. Starfish Soap in Starfish Print Gift Box with Starfish Tag - Favor Favor Baby This site has starfish soap (they do come in white, non-baby look) for $0.63 each. I think there is a min. order of 72 though. Just thought I'd post it. I am in the midst of planning a baby shower for my friend who is due in May.
  10. Hae they been eating the numbered ones? Do you think there will be any side effects from the magnetic properties of the island?
  11. I love mediterranean food. Want to make sure I can choose from a menu that will suit max number of people. Nice decor and atmosphere there?
  12. Okay girls. Just found out from the wedding coordinator that our wedding group will be too large for Le Gourmet. From the stuff she sent me last fall, it looks like my choices are Portofino, El Pescador, or the Mediterranean Rest. Is Portofino any good? FI and I hate seafood, so that is out.
  13. Well, if you watched the Lost short about the Orchid station, they have the guy holding a rabbit with the number 13 (which reappears in the cage behind him while he is still holding #13 rabbit, I believe). Well, in the recent episode where Locke is cooking and Ben was allowed out of the locked room, well, somehow it came up ( I think Ben asked) about what was for dinner. Locke said something about the cows were all gone (can only vaguely remember the set up) and he was making rabbit. Ben asked Locke, "That rabbit didn't happen to have a number on it?" I'm sure I"m not quoting accurately but that is the gist of it.
  14. Do we have to reserve the restaurant way in advance for the reception? Should I email my WC about securing Le gourmet or am I planning too far in advance?
  15. I can't go, I have to go to my friend's baby shower on the 20th. And I work night shift on the 21st...my birthday. I am eating at one of our Cheesecake Factory's tonight. We ended up with 2 in the Pittsburgh area.
  16. And it would have to be someone who had the ability to leave the island to get to the boat. And dont you think it is odd that Ben was upset that Penny's dad wants to exploit the island? Isn't that what Hansa did in the first place? Exploit the properties of the island? Not commercially, but still. Anyhow, have you watched this clip? We watched it last night. Pay attention. YouTube - New Lost Season 4 Sneak Peak!!! New Hatch!, The Orchid And after you watch it, I'll tell you a line that my FI remember from the most recent episode.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lyrebard Carrie, That's a great price for silk-screening. I bet that a lot of people on here might be interested in sending business your brother's way, if he's interested. Think he would be?? I'm considering buying totes and having them silkscreened locally, but can't find a good silkscreener... -L I will check with him. He used to work for a guy who owned a silk-screening business but the guy got divorced and had to sell. My stepbrother couldn't afford to buy it outright. The guy wanted to let Gary take over and just pay him monthly until he paid for it. But didn't work out. So, Gary bought his own (maybe this guy's stuff) equipment and is just starting up. He made us gag t-shirts and a banner for when we went to Jamboree in the Hills last year. He hasn't "officially" started a business yet. He wants to wait until he has more business. So, he could silkscreen anything from tees to totes to banners. This could be a good start for him. I'll keep you updated. I have to email him with my logo stuff anyhow so we can figure out what I want on my totes. I'll have to start a thread with that question.
  18. Okay, so I just ordered 80 navy blue canvas totes from here. Using the coupon code from another thread (cheaptotes), I saved 10% (truncated, not rounded up). The subtotal was $119.20 minus $11.20 plus $18.99 in shipping. Total came to 126.99. My stepbrother has a silkscreening business that he just started. He said he hasn't seen anything cheaper for that size online and that it is a good price for that size. He said he would do our silkscreening for really cheap but we told him to charge what he would charge. I don't want to save money at his expense, he has been struggling for a long time. So, he said $1 per bag. We figure we will give one bag per person but maybe just roll up the second bag and put it in the other tote with the OOT stuff (one mug per person, maraca pen per couple, flipflop playing cards per couple, disp underwater camera per couple, first aid bag per couple, and one spanish translation sheet per couple...I am still looking for some sort of crazy straw per person). I didn't want to have to double the cost of the OOT bags by making one per person and having to buy more to make it look fuller. Will it be tacky to roll the second bag up and include with the other stuff? We are trying to save money where we can since the AHR is going to cost us plenty (220 guests probably will attend). I'll post pics once the bags come in.
  19. Mine definitely increases when I'm tired and occurs a lot after working a 12h shift. Sometimes, they bug me while I'm sitting down if I'm on night shift. The compression hose didn't make a noticeable difference. I just have to get up and walk a little. Or if I'm home, I take some ibuprofen and go to bed. The cool sheets help and I'm able to go to sleep. It just feels like my feet and ankles are overstimulated. My chiro recommended taking magnesium supplements. I am inconsistent with any vitamin or supplement taking so, who knows?
  20. We were throwing around the possibility of Jack's dad being on the boat. Remember in the flash forward when Jack was at the hospital and was talking to the chief surgeon (or whomever that was) and he said to page his dad? And he did see his dad a lot on the island and the coffin was empty. Maybe it is related to the whole Daniel Faraday sort of thing?
  21. Congrats and welcome to the forum! London happens to be my 2nd fave city. (My hometown of Pittsburgh is tops.) I have been 4 times and miss it. I plan on making the next big trip after wedding to England. FI has never been. You will love Mexico.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyFTB Carrie, I know...I can't believe all the great reviews I keep reading on trip advisor and other sites about the bahia...and i have been checking it like a mad woman....Have you decided on where your ceremony/reception is going to be?? I would like to have the site maybe at the palapas. I had seen earlier pictures where they had a rustic non-arched thing but I haven't seen that for awhile. I guess I'll have to figure that out when I get there. My only concern is how much wind will I have to deal with. I want to have my reception (semi-private) at Le Gourmet. I have heard that it is the best restaurant. Hopefully the food isn't too fancy. I guess I will have to pick from a set menu since I will have around 45 people. How bout you?
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