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Everything posted by CarrieRN

  1. I just want to say that not all people in the 'burgh are like that! We do tend to get our party on. And that area of town is in a decent suburb of the city. Can you imagine how much this is going to hurt his dental business? I swear, everytime there is a story about Pittsburgh in the news it involves complete losers. But hey! Go Penguins!!
  2. I think with sales tax it came to $480. I was just at Alfred Angelo with my sister to find a BM dress for her and there was a girl there trying on the same dress (she bought it). Turns out she is getting married in Riviera Maya in Oct. I gave her the forum web address. The sales lady put a pretty necklace on her (crystal & pearls) that looks great with the dress, so I decided to buy that necklace/earring set too. I think that was $26. They have to special order it for me but I will post pics when it is here.
  3. I think a lot of them didn't vote for Ryan because they didn't want the money to go to Jen. I do feel bad that Sheila didn't get the jury prize. I suppose she is making some good money from doing the show. She will at least get lot of publicity for the short term.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Speaking of chocolate bars, there is one that I love that we don't have in the US. I'm not sure if they have it in Canada, but if they do someone needs to send me some ASAP! Bounty bars. They are like an Almond Joy, but without the almond. So yummy. My friend used to send me them from Ireland all the time, but she moved back to the US. Aren't those Mounds bars here in the states? Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't? Mounds and Almond Joy. My favorite candy bar is in England & Ireland. Crunchie! Yum, some big groceries stores here carry it. I have my friend stock up for me when she goes home to visit. I will ponder this Canada food thing. My brother in law is Canadian, his parents are in town visiting this week.
  5. Those poor children. You know the daughter and her children are a complete mental mess at this point. I hope they can rehabilitate them. How can you ever lead a normal life after that? They've never known normal.
  6. We are doing one per couple but rolling up an additional tote bag and including that. So everyone gets a tote but only one OOT set up per person. And everyone gets their own mug.
  7. You could always have a legal ceremony at home before going. It is cheaper and then you do the symbolic/religious ceremony in Mexico. We decided to do that after looking into the whole documentation and translation stuff.
  8. Love the date! We are 11/7/08. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. Engaged on St. Patty's Day! How cool! Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  10. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  11. CarrieRN


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  13. Has anyone tried their Creme Brulee ice cream? It is absolutely heavenly. Don't try any other brands of creme brulee ice cream, just ben & jerry's. I can't even let myself buy it because it is so super yummy. It is supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.
  14. Happy Birthday, Martha! I hope your day is fabulous!
  15. This is a great thread. I will have to add on once I am home. i am currently burning the midnight oil at work!
  16. Welcome to the forum! Congrats!
  17. Alyssa, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.
  18. Intestinal flora refers to the bacteria that live in our guts and help breakdown food products. Without e. coli (not the bad strain that you hear about in the news from time to time), our bodies can't make vit K which is important to help our blood clot. That's why babies get a vit K shot when they are born since they don't have the intestinal flora yet. Good bacteria can help control the bad bacteria as well.
  19. My sister had Philip on his due date. The day prior, she was in labor all day. They told her it was false labor since she didn't feel any contractions above the belly button. When she told me that they were 4 min. apart and she already had her bloody show...I told her to call the docs back. So, I took her in to the hospital and when we got there, she was already 8cm dilated! Just barely in time to get the epidural!
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