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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I have read Angela's Ashes, great book. And I love Emily Griffin, have read all the "something....." books - they are awesome. AND I have read Remember me, too. I love reading! And if I find a good book I can usually read it in a day. Another good one is The Secret Life of Bees. I know it is a movie, but the book is waaaayyyy better. And James Patterson has some good books. I don't read the scary ones though LOL. I think it was called Suzannes letters to Nicholas and there is another "letter" one too.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Dmitri_Markine They feed coffee beans to a weasel and then collect the undigested beans when they come out from the other side...lol The chemical digestive reaction changes the taste of the beans. It's considered as the most expensive coffee in the world and a cup of this coffee in Toronto cost around $60(if you can find a place). It has an amazing aroma of vanilla and chocolate. I paid $15/lb in Vietnam for this coffee, directly from the farm where they grow weasels. Are you kidding me? Gross LOL!!! I should get myself a pack of weasels, I bet I could make a fortune haha! Anyways I LOVE McDonalds Iced Coffees. They have a semi-new line out and I swear, I love them more than starbucks! I get one every single morning. I get an Iced Coffee w/ sugar-free vanilla syrup. YUMMO!
  3. Hey girls, one of my best girlfriends had invisalign and she loved them. They straightened her teeth perfectly and she is all done and now she has beautiful teeth! Just something to make you feel better about the huge cost!
  4. I love hot sauce. Those are so cute and will fit right in!
  5. Well I was a 3 dress bride. Then I got rid of the one dress. But I cannot get rid of the other two! I must be crazy. I had the wedding dress I wore cleaned, and put into a special box (whatever the f that means - I think it was just a way to pay more $$ @ the drycleaners LOL) And the other dress is hanging up in my closet. I think I am saving it for our 10 year vow renewal that I am already planning in my head. I hope it still fits me LOL.
  6. Welcome back MRS! Your pics are fab, and it looks like you had a great time - despite the dress. Juan C sounds amazing and I'm so glad he saved the day for you!
  7. In regards to tipping, we did tip alot. The bartenders, the bar staff at our wedding reception, the housekeepers, and our WC. They make absolutely no money there. And we had such an amazing time and everyone was so accomodating that we just felt that it would be rude NOT to tip them. Just our opinion.........And I don't think they are allowed to talk about it/or ask/or anything. We just left $$ at the bar, and I got my WC a card thanking her and put the money in there and dropped it off with her before we left.
  8. Your single guys bags sound great! Can't wait to see the pics!
  9. I absolutely did NOT feel sorry for Stephanie. The only reason she even got the interview is b/c of Lauren and b/c she is on TV. That kelly drives me crazy anyways. But seriously...... Also, didn't you think "charlie" spencers friend looks like the old guy from Dazed and Confused that hangs out w/ all the high school kids LOLOL!
  10. You may want to check w/ your resort first. Our resort actually had one big menu up for the buffet served at our reception. And then little cards by each dish to explain what the food was.
  11. OMG I can't believe Lauren thought it would be a good idea to have Stephanie Pratt work there. This isn't going to be good at all..........duh.....
  12. That is SO freakin cute! I love love love it! You have to PM TammyB and tell her you got it LOL
  13. Sweetie - don't worry about "wasting every body's time" - Seriously - YOU are the bride! It is the ONE day you get to be the center of attention! And you should, and you DESERVE to look beautiful! This is all coming from me, a 3 dress bride LOL! You look beautiful in that dress you picked out, but if it doesn't feel like *the one* I certainly think you should go try. My 3rd dress, that happened to be the one, I bought from DB rigt off the rack. It was brand new, luckily, and it fit me like a glove. I loved it. And I'm so glad I bought it! So the point is, take the dress with you, try it on with a veil and shoes and jewelry and if you still don't love it keep trying on dresses. Make sure you bring a camera, and don't make any decisions that day. Wait, go home, look at the pics, sleep on it, and the next day make your decision. Good Luck! I was SO in your shoes once, and I never regretted buying my dream dress.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I collect extra pounds. It seems like every day I just get fatter and fatter. Hopefully BL6 will help me eliminate my collection! Yes, I do too. I heard it was the hottest new thing to collect. People are lining up to collect pounds around here. They are going fast. But somehow, even somewhat mysteriously, I can always seem to keep adding to my already enormous collection.
  15. Beautiful wedding! You both look gorgeous of course! Thanks for the teasers! Can't wait to see the full review.
  16. I "collect" hallmark christmas ornaments. My mom got us one every year from the time we were born on up. And now I do it for my kids. Whatever ornament we got symbolized something we did that year, like the year we got our kitty, we got a kitty ornament. I guess thats more of a tradition. I would LOVE to collect wine, but I always drink it to fast too! Maybe I will have to start getting a wine I don't like, that way it will stay around for awhile. AND I think I want to start collecting fine china. I never was really into it, but now I love cooking, and having people over, and I think it would be cool to serve them on nice china from all over the world.......
  17. FYI you don't need an outside wedding planner for the Moon Palace. They have WC's that work for the resort. And they generally don't allow outside vendors anyways. Have you booked yet? The Miami office usually can point you in the direction of a WC but usually one isn't assigned until it is closer to your wedding date. There is also a Moon Palace thread on here that may be of some help. Good Luck!
  18. Your dress is amazing! And I think your flowers look beautiful, sorry they weren't what you wanted though! Sounds like you were able to have a wonderful and beautiful wedding, even though there were some issues. Thanks for the honest review! I also think you should get some sort of reward for the fastest review ever! You're still in Montego Bay, aren't you?? LOL
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