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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Looks great Yamille! I think it is going to make your guests even more excited for you wedding! I did luggage tags too - your looks SO good! The guests will love them!
  2. OMG Sharon is preggo? AHHHH! I am watching Friday's episode right now (DVR'd it) I am so far behind, but Savannah, I love your spoilers! Thanks girl!
  3. That was so nice of them! Love the hat LOL! Looks like a lot of fun!
  4. Congrats to the new MRS!! You made a beautiful bride - I love the colors of your bouquet and your BM's dresses! Welcome back!!
  5. Wow - never even heard of her but that is a GREAT song! Thanks for sharing!
  6. OMG Cattie - your pics are AMAZING! I love them! You look absolutely beautiful - and your FI is going to be so surprised when he sees these!! H-O-T!!!
  7. It sucks waiting forever to get responses from your WC - but just remember - they are EXTREMELY busy, and 9 out of 10 times they will treat your wedding like the only one there, I can't speak for all resort WC's but ours was awesome - maybe you can find someone else who has been married where you want to get married, and get feedback from them on the WC there. Good Luck!
  8. We tipped all the people you listed...WC was like $50-100, can't remember......and the massage/hair people were $10-$15..........everyone else, I just tipped what I normally would in the US - keeping in mind that they make so little - and everyone was SO accomodating, so we tipped extra for that too.
  9. I'm SO sorry to hear this! Do you think it is your step-moms decision mostly?? It sucks. And it sucks even more that you have to wait. I hope they change their minds!
  10. Betsy

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the forum and congrats!!
  11. Betsy


    Welcome to the forum! That is sweet that you are helping her! I'm sure you will find lots of good ideas on this site!
  12. Those are perfect for a right before christmas DW! Every christmas your guests will remember your wedding too, when they look at their ornament! Too cute!
  13. I LOVE your new dress - and I am so happy you followed your instinct and bought a new one! Congrats, it looks beautiful!
  14. There is also a thread OOT Bags, the things I used and didn't use or something like that, just use the search function and you will find TONS of ideas on OOT bags!!
  15. Love the idea of a poufy dress for the TTD! It is going to look so awesome! What a great deal too - now you won't have to even worry about it WOO HOO!!
  16. Great Deal! I love the dress, and the tanks are super cute too!
  17. Are you sure it's HIS website? I am probably THE most paranoid person in the world - but I don't think you can be too safe - and free bd pics sound almost too good to be true. I think you should see if you can meet him somewhere public first, a couple weeks before hand, and have him give you references/people whose pic he has taken before, etc. I mean it's good to check out any photogs previous work. Sorry, not trying to rain on your parade, just want you to be safe!!
  18. That is so sweet that you are high school sweethearts! Everything looked great! I love those bags you used as your OOT bags too! And that little card w/ your kitty - adorable!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR i'm bringing this thread back to life, mainly because i want to hear about the new games since I am so out of touch! and we really need to bring the Wii back out - we haven't used it since Gwen was born. but i also want to know who has the Wii Fit - I'm thinking of getting it but want to hear how ya'll like it (or don't). I loooove my wii fit. I wish I did it more! It weighs you, and keeps track of your progress, so even if you are exercising elsewhere you can still keep track on it. I like the aerobics games too, the hula hoop and the step are my faves. There is also a "running" option, sometimes I hop on the gazelle (its a cardio machine) and put the wii remote in my pocket and it is like you are jogging on a path. It is kinda fun when there is nothing to watch on TV LOL! And the yoga is super fun too. I love it! You should totally get one Ann!
  20. Cute Jewelry! And it was all on sale! And you didn't have to leave your bed! I would say you had a great day LOL!
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