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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I am thinking of the hand held paper rectangle fans - I just want our monogram and maybe a starfish - does that even make sense?? still searching.........
  2. Does anyone know where I could find a website for DIY fans for the ceremony?? I just want real simple ones but I am having a hard time finding anything!! Thanks.
  3. So is there a dance with the private party on the terrace? I have a whole list of questions that I am going to call them with today!! I keep coming up with more and more and I kind of wish we had planned a trip to go there BEFORE the actual wedding.
  4. I have been looking for some of these - has anyone thought about sending them out as save the dates? I found some at www.now-and-forever.com that were pretty cute - I requested a free sample - will let you know when I get it!
  5. Hi! I am getting married at the Moon Palace on 4-10-08! I am soo excited and I just realized all the stuff I still have to DO! What are you going to do about the reception? I see it costs like $25/person to have a private one and I really don't want to pay that @ an all-inclusive resort but I'm not sure what else there is! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding - don't you just love this place!
  6. Hi!! I am getting married 4-10-08 - I just went on the website today - Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site - it looks like they have totally redone there site - did you know we get free tours to like 8 different places?? I am getting sooo excited!! What are you doing for your wedding/reception?? We went w/ the free wedding package but I am stuck on what to do for the rest!!
  7. Betsy


    Hi there! Congratulations on your wedding - you are getting married on my birthday! I am getting married on 4/10/08 in Cancun - so I know what you mean about being stressed - I just bought a new issue of Brides mag today and it had lots of helpful hints! My biggest stress is what to have my bridesmaids/groomsmen wear!! Good luck w/ everything and welcome!! Betsy
  8. Has anybody heard of this travel agency?? Just wondered if anyone else has used them - thanks a lot!
  9. Your pictures are beautiful!! Welcome! I am looking for a photographer so I will probably be contacting you soon!
  10. Love the brown flip-flop idea - that thread was SO helpful - that color of his suit is exactly what I was thinking. Definitly will have to check out Mens Wearhouse - so you are getting married one day before me - that is exciting! Congrats!
  11. We are getting married at the Moon Palace in April 2008 and I am so excited! I am just wondering what to do for bm/gm attire - I am thinking semi-formal but I have spent the last three nights online looking for outfits!!! Thank God my account finally got activated on here I am going crazy!! Any suggestions??
  12. Hey everyone!! My name is Betsy and I just joined this forum! Just wondering if anyone else is going to be married at the Moon Palace in Cancun?? AND I am soo stuck on what to have my bridesmaid/groomsmen wear!! Any suggestions!! Thanks so much.
  13. Hey all you wedding planners!! My name is Betsy and my FH name is Aaron and we are getting married on April 10, 2008 at the Moon Palace Golf Resort and Spa in Cancun, Mexico. I am getting so excited but I haven't decided on colors yet!! It is driving me crazy!! So I am looking forward to chatting with others about planning and this blog looks so fun already! Talk to you soon! Betsy
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