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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I think it would look beautiful without anything - seriously I wouldn't want to lug a bunch of tulle down with me LOL!
  2. Does that title even make sense? I am trying to find a rhinestone cover or wrap for the stems of my bouquet - and having no luck! Does anyone know what I am talking about? Or where I could find one? Thanks!
  3. We just bought his suit at Men's Wearhouse too - they are having an AWESOME winter sale right now!!
  4. Hey gals - I am super excited that I just made this bouquet myself - I went to Hobby Lobby tonight and just bought some silk flowers and decided to play around with them and low and behold I actually did something nice!! I still have to figure out how to put the ribbon around them and everything but anyways here they are: Sorry about the HUGE pics!
  5. Does anyone out there have any ideas for what to put in a welcome letter for our OOT bags? There is so much information - I am just not sure where to start. Any idea's you have will be sooo much help! Thanks
  6. Hi! I am getting married @ MP on 4-10-08 so I will try to answer your questions the best I can! *We are bringing cd's and our iPod - the WC said they have a cd player available for songs during the ceremony. If you are having a private function afterwards I am sure you can use it there too - but we are just bringing some small iPod speakers - there is also a disco there if you want to use that for dancing! *They do have some favors/table settings, etc on the website that you can look at (Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site) under weddings/optional services. I don't think they list prices anywhere though - not that I could find anyway. *Also I have mostly been contacting our WC by phone with questions - a few emails here and there - but she has been really helpful and nice!! Good luck and hope this helps!!
  7. Let me tell you - that is completely NORMAL to feel that way! Two of my very BEST Friends are all of a sudden "unable" to make it - one just went to another wedding of an ACQUAINTACE in December and the other one has another wedding in FLorida in Febraury so she cant make it either. (sorry my spelling is awful) Anyways I totally feel your pain and it just sucks in a word - but ya know what - we will have the time of our lives and it is going to be wonderful anyways!
  8. THANKS SO MUCH FOR POSTING THESE! I am a MP bride set for 4-10-08! I am so glad to hear you had a good time - we did not do a site visit - just talked to a few people who had been there - so it is really nice to hear from someone else that it was great! Thanks!
  9. Hi! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I am a MP bride too - 4-10-08 - I got a letter from the WC shortly after booking my date and I have called her a couple times and she has been EXTREMELY helpful!! I am getting sooo excited!!! Good luck planning - let me know if you have any questions - maybe I can help
  10. What your guests see far outweighs what they hear. I highly encourage the use of visuals in the ceremony. Not only will you delight your family and guests, but your wedding video and photos will be rich in imagery, creativity and memories. Hand Blessing Ceremony - Version #1 - (Version for couples planning to have children) [bride], please hold [Groom's] hands palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you. These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and vibrant with love, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as he promises to passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness. These are the hands that will work along side yours, as together you build your future, as you laugh and cry, as you share your innermost secrets and dreams. These are the hands you will someday place with expectant joy upon your stomach, until he too, feels his child stir within you. These are the hands that look so large and strong, yet will be so gentle as he holds your baby for the first time. These are the hands that will work long hours for you and your new family. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief engulfs your heart. These are the hands that will tenderly lift your chin and brush your cheek as they raise your face to look into his eyes: eyes that are filled completely with his overwhelming love and desire for you. I found this at and I LOVE it! Orange County Wedding Officiants Ministers Non-denominational Ceremonies & Readings
  11. Moon Palace in Cancun does it to - Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site - just click the weddings tab and then you can see all the extra's they list- there is an extra fee - but they do offer it. Hope this helps!
  12. I know MP does offer free packages for a cocktail hour or private reception if you book over 15 rooms or something - and we aren't having that many people come - I just wondered if anyone used the dinner that MP throws in and how it was......
  13. I am probably just going to tell them to get a Navy dress and let them pick out there own - there are only 3 BM's - and maybe have them add a white sash or something to tie into the white?
  14. So I think I have finally picked a color - I am running out of time! I was thinking of having my BM's wear Navy dresses w/ a white sash - has anyone seen these?? And the guys wearing navy shirts/white pants or vice versa - How about this for a flower girl dress - is it dressy enough? We are going a little casual anyway -
  15. So I got an Ipod for christmas (yay) and it is yet another motivational tool for me to get to the gym!! SO does anyone have any good workout songs they can think of? Thanks!
  16. Those are really cute - You could always attach a ribbon to the keyring or something like that if your guest's wanted to be able to attach it to the luggage - otherwise they could attach it to the zipper part!
  17. FINALLY started working out again - started WW on Monday - so far so good - I have been to the YMCA 3 days in a row!!! WOO HOO!! Hopefully I can keep it up!
  18. Hi! I am a Moon Palace Bride and I'm torn between PAYING extra for a private reception or just doing the dinner that they provide. Has anyone actually done the dinner?? I mean I want it to be exclusive to our wedding party - There are about 30 people coming - Just wondered what everyone was doing!
  19. You look amazing - I just got re-motivated by looking at your pics!! Thanks and Great Job!
  20. Sorry these pics are so big! I don't know how to resize them!! Anyways I did them myself using clear luggage tags that I bought on ebay - then I included a little note and the TA's info as well as our website info and everything - What do ya think??
  21. Hi! Congrats on your upcoming wedding! My wedding is 4-10-08 at Moon Palace and my WC is Carolina Lopez too!! We are doing the wedding at the Immaculate Conception Gazebo. We get dinner reservations for our entire party at one of the restaurants at Moon Palace - We won't know which one until we get there - we are also bringing our IPOD w/ speakers for the dances which my Travel Agent told us that there may be time after our wedding to do some dances at the gazebo. I just mainly want to have a dance w/ my father and husband. So I don't think the plan is to have a private reception at this time - I just can't see paying $25/person when we are at an all-inclusive resort!! But I still want the whole reception thing - so I'm not sure yet!!
  22. Hi! When we booked our flights on travelocity.com we just printed our tickets off here at home. Then when we go to the airport we just have to check our bags and thats it. My sister actually DID book the flight and the hotel through travelocity. Seriously it can get really really stressful trying to decide what will make everyone else happy for travel arrangements - I've been there!! But in the end we just gave everyone our TA's name/website and then told them we booked on travelocity and they could do either thing - so far so good!! GOOD LUCK!
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