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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. This is the best thread ever! I am so glad I am not alone here. My grandma actually said to me - "I don't think we are going to go because it looks too alcohol oriented." WTF? Like just because there is free alcohol it is going to be some alcoholic freakshow?? I was too stunned to say anything! There would be free alcohol if we were getting married here for pete's sake! I love all the comments to give to people - I am seriously going to start using them!!
  2. I hope this helps.........I am getting married at Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort in Cancun- it is about 30-45 minutes away from the airport and it has 13 different restaurants. They allow children, have a special childrens place to go to and a day camp for the kids. But it is large. What we did is request to have our family all put in around the same spot of the hotel so we didn't have to wander around looking for each other. So our rooms are going to be close together - it is just getting to the pool/restaurants and everything - but the way I understand it is that there is a pool everywhere no matter where you are - and there is at least 1 swim up bar that I know of - maybe more - Anyways I hope that helps a little bit!! Good Luck!
  3. Did your WC already tell you what side or did you get to pick? I have no idea what side we are on? Should I already know that?
  4. I think that is adorable that you are having the kids be part of the ceremony!! I have a little brother who is 11 that I want to include somehow...but not quite sure - I am having 3 BM and 4 GM but I think we are going to have the odd man out walk down w/ the moms b4 I come out or first or something....not sure yet!! I love looking at old posts too - I have been doing it all day!!
  5. I am going to use my dress as my carry-on - I hope I can do that! I suppose I should check with the airline, another thing to add to my ever growing list of things to do....., but that is my plan! I am hoping to just keep it in the dress bag and put it in the overhead compartment somehow - or just hold on to it the whole time! I don't want to risk it getting lost in the luggage!!!!
  6. I always get mad at myself for eating out all the time - but then when I really think about it I am not doing that bad - as long as you are working out some don't worry - and the best thing about WW is you can start over anytime! On a side note I broke my scale - I don't know whether to laugh or cry!! It was old anyways. LOL!
  7. What a great idea! I might have to try that! I like it without the ribbon hanging down! Good Job.
  8. 1. How old are you? 27 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 27 3. Do you have children? Yup a 5 yr old girl and 7 month old boy (I guess we were a little too excited about being engaged!!) 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? I was hoping! 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? Nope 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Beach wedding from the start! 7. Where did you/will you get married? Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort, Cancun, Mexico 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? Slow and Sexy!! 9. How many guests did you/will you have? 30ish 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? Simple 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? Make up 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? 1 or 2 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? Yup 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Close to sunset 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? A little of both 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? PLEASE let someone else decide!! 17. How did/will the bride enter? Next to my dad *tear* 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: I don't know yet!! 19. Song to make your exit: No idea!! 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? Light and romantic 21. At what age did you think you would get married? I just hoped it would happen 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? Invited everyone 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? simply delicious 24. Champagne or red wine? Pop out the bubbly!! 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? Right after 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? Brand new!! 27. Who will pay for the bills? We both do. 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? ABSOFRICKINLUTELY!! 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? I can't wait to be a MRS!!
  9. That is pretty! I love the rhinestones on it! Are you going to buy it off eBay? I was just looking on there at wedding dresses!!
  10. OMG! I think you should have yourself a couple glasses of wine and call her back - then you won't have to worry about it and seriously doesn't everyone feel better after a couple glasses of wine! (just make sure it's not the whole bottle before you call her)
  11. LOL I have been sort of on weight watchers for awhile - I've had many "last meals" LOL! But the great thing w/ WW is if you have more points than your supposed to you can just work out more - I ate pizza hut on Sunday and I still lost 3 lbs!!
  12. Good advice from everyone - I am worried too! Especially after showing my FI pics of dresses that kind of look like mine! Now I think I want a more traditional dress!! ARGH!
  13. I lost 3 more lbs! WW rocks!!
  14. I don't know if that's the only way but I think it's the easiest!! It doesn't take very long to do either!
  15. SO......I already have one dress - when I bought it I was going for the whole "beach wedding" type but now we are getting married in the gazebo at Moon Palace and I found this other dress that I LOVE!! But I am scared of buying it w/o trying it on first - When I saw it though I got that *feeling*!! It is all I can think about!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!! http://www.bridalonlinestore.com/Col...Candace-front-
  16. Do you have a photbucket account? If not you should get one - it is free and really easy to use - just upload your pics there and then you an copy the link for your sig pic. Hope this helps!
  17. This is my same situation!! But I feel the same way you do now - I am planning my own! It is super fun - another reason to get together with everyone. I mean seriously we only get married once (well for now lol) so don't we at least deserve a big bash!! OF COURSE WE DO!!
  18. We are actually flying our priest down to Cancun, the minister at MP is going to do the first part of the ceremony and then our priest is going to do a blessing - it won't have all of the traditional catholic parts of a wedding but this way we get the whole thing at once!
  19. What a good idea! I wish I would've seen this sooner! Have fun!
  20. Have you thought about bringing an ipod w/ speakers? I think that is what we are doing for the dancing - Our WC told us that we can find just about anywhere to do an improptu first dance - which might even be better by the beach or in one of the grassy areas - even in the gazebo if there is enough time. My WC is Carolina. Are you doing your private reception in the ballroom or outside?
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