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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I like both of them! But if I was a guest at your wedding I would want a handle I think! Especially after having a few drinks in that awesome mug!
  2. OMG I love that idea! Will you let me know what you find? I too have been struggling with the BM dress idea!
  3. Wow - those pics turned out beautiful!! I love your dress! Thanks for sharing!
  4. That dress looks beautiful! It looks beachy AND elegant! How did you feel in it though? That is the most important part!
  5. I think that timeline will be perfect! You can take lots of pics and you guys won't have to rush around! Plus then maybe you and your new hubby can have some "alone time" before your reception!
  6. WOW Can you make me one of those? They look amazing - Your guests will be very pleased!
  7. Those are great - And it looks like you got good deals on everything too!
  8. I was told by our WC that the DJ might not have the songs that we want played - maybe it's different for you? But we are bringing our IPOD anyways - we are only having about 20 people too though so that makes a difference. Good Luck deciding!
  9. OK it didn't work- pm me if you know how! Thanks!
  10. <a href="http://www.myheritage.com/collage" title="MyHeritage - free family trees, genealogy and face recognition" alt="MyHeritage - free family trees, genealogy and face recognition" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.myheritagefiles.com/J/storage/site1/files/68/46/02/684602_18505469500a74fghq3k86.JPG" width="500" height="574" border="0" ></a>[/html Ok I can't figure out how to post the pic on here but here is the link - I did it with my 7 month old son - HILARIOUS!!
  11. More family!! Only a few of our friends are going.
  12. Does anyone know where I can find these bamboo handles? I want to make this myself but I can't find the handles anywhere - looked on EBAY, craft stores, Googled it - Please Help!!
  13. As long as I write down everything and religiously keep track of my points I always lose! I love WW b/c even if you have 1 bad day you can get right back on the next day! GOOD LUCK!
  14. I actually went by myself just last week and it was great! I went another time w/ my whole family and seriously it was really overwhelming!! Just make sure you bring a camera with you so you can look at the pics later! I forgot mine the first time and had to go back to get it! Good Luck - you will be fine.
  15. OMG that is horrible! So do you have to find another resort or change your date or what? That is so unfair! I am sorry!!!
  16. Your rings are both beautiful! I bet you are getting excited to get them!
  17. I think if they are willing to exchange it you should go for it! How exciting!! When do you find out?
  18. Betsy


    How sweet - A New Years Engagement! I'm sure you are excited! This forum is awesome - you will find tons of info! Congrats!
  19. Betsy


    Welcome and Congratulations!
  20. Betsy

    Just engaged!!

    Welcome! I am sure you will find tons of sites/idea's on here! Congrats!
  21. Those are awesome! Wonder if my guests would think it was wierd to send out 2 STD's?? LOL
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