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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Welcome! I am getting married at the Moon Palace in April - it is a "sister" palace of Aventura! Congrats!
  2. I was a *virgin* yoga gal - went to my first one w/ my mom....and it was AWESOME! I think you should totally go for it!
  3. Ok - I went to Target AGAIN today b/c more guest's booked and I needed a few more and my Target had TONS of them - If anyone wants me to get some let me know and I will get more!
  4. Good News - I emailed the company of these fans and she said she would sell the bamboo sticks for $1.50 a piece - SCORE!! So now I don't have to worry about it! Thanks for all the input - if you want the email or contact person for these just pm me!!
  5. Thanks! I will try calling her on Monday and hopefully it's not too late to book it - The website says it must be booked 60 days prior and Feb 10 it would 60 days - so I better get on the ball!!
  6. It sounds like you have already really fallen in love with Dreams - On the bright side all the food/drinks will be paid for since it is an all-inclusive - that could be a selling point to your guests - I know it was for mine!
  7. OMG I think I have to have these - they were on theknot.com but I love them.....only problem is they are $25. Is that really worth it for skivvies??
  8. SOO last minute but I think I want to book a cocktail reception now - I emailed my TA today - did your WC send you pics of the reception places? I just wondered if I should call my WC too or just let the TA handle it? What do you think? Also if you have any pics of the locations I would love to see them!
  9. Welcome! Happy planning!
  10. Quote: I was thinking of getting mine their jewelry and placing it in engraved silver jewelry boxes I love this idea - I think this is what I'm going to do!
  11. Crystal - I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  12. I saw some parasols at Hobby Lobby yesterday - they were $3 a piece! They had all different colors, orange, pink, yellow, green - I almost bought a few but I didn't....yet - just and FYI if you guys have one near you maybe check it out!
  13. Sorry I guess I wasn't too clear but I am talking about the crinoline slip underneath - or the hoop skirt - or whatever I need - do you think I can just buy one on ebay or should I wait and try one on w/ my dress?
  14. Hi! I am a MP bride too - and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but on the website Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site it states "no outside vendors allowed" I personally don't know if there are exceptions to the rules but I would call them or email them to know for sure - there is a contact number and email on the website! Anyways - congrats and good luck planning!
  15. I'm bringing this post back to life! (Following the rules ) So is this something I need to try on with my dress or can I buy it somewhere - say like Ebay?? I definitely need one with my dress - it has pick ups on it and doesn't have any crinoline or anything underneath - but I am not sure if I need to go to the bridal store to try it on or just buy one?? HELP!
  16. Go to this website Palace Resorts - Welcome to the Official Site and you can see pricing info on the flowers and extra's! Good Luck!
  17. That dress is BEAU-TI-FUL on you!! It doesn't even look like you will need alterations! I love it!
  18. They are in the $1 section and you might have to sort through b/c they have a lot of Books for Dummies, (that sounds funny but you know what I mean)
  19. OMG What a crock! Thank god you are getting it all figured out now when you still have time! I mean what the ......Did he really think you were going to have him fly to chicago to marry you??
  20. Congrats! I have less than 2 months left also! Let me know if you need help with anything! I still feel like I have tons to do and I'm sure you feel the same!
  21. *UPDATE* IT CAME!!!!!! And I LOVE it!! I am SOOO excited! I am going over to my parent's house tonight to have her help me - It laces up so I want her to do that b4 I take pics and then I will post them! I am so freakin excited!!
  22. Hey guys I just went to Target and bought "Spanish for Dummies" - they are only $1 a piece - the perfect size for our OOT bags! They still had a lot left so go check your local Target store! This purchase seriously made my day. It's the little things that get me excited!!
  23. Thanks for this code - I was just getting ready to order!
  24. Personally I just really really don't want my FI to see me before our wedding! I bet you will get tons of great sunset/night pics - and you can always do pics of just yourself and of just him before the ceremony.
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