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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Like everyone else said - I would just buy a cute sweatsuit somewhere and have it embroidered or get an iron-on transfer! I plan to do this with the bathrobes I bought my bridesmaids!
  2. I am so into this as well - I have found some really cheesy stuff like these LOL - ok well sorry I don't think I should post these pics but I found them on amazon.com - just go to apparel and type in bridal thong! They are hilarious!
  3. Yes - which I purchased on Ebay as well..... veilsbylana is the seller name
  4. They are from EBAY of course! My FAVE spot for wedding stuff LOL! I just typed in rhinestone crystal dangle earrings and searched and found them. I just went to MY Ebay and the seller doesn't have any more right now but the seller name was "builderboudreaux."
  5. You told yourself an hour ago you were going to go to bed.......and yet you are still here.....
  6. LOL maybe they could be like the traveling starfish - the traveling undies!! JUST JOKING LADIES!
  7. I did a search for this first and couldn't find anything so hopefully this hasn't been done before - here are my earrings - and for a necklace I think I'm going to wear a small cross necklace that I already have!
  8. PS You don't look like an idiot - You look beautiful! I love the pick-ups!
  9. Oh wow that is beautiful! I'm sure your chest will be just fine in that dress LOL! Make sure you show us pics when you get it!
  10. Those are beautiful! I will definitly be using them! Thanks for finding this!
  11. When you are so pissed off and nothing is going to cool you down....and then you post on here and people get just as pissed as you are! When you start laughing out loud at what other people on here are saying - and then you pretend you are laughing at the tv cuz FI is in the room.......
  12. You poor thing!! Thank goodness your FI's family is so supportive! I don't know why people have to act like having a DW is a bad thing! WAKE UP people! That is why we are here - to make you feel better - I know it sucks that your dad's family are all being so uninvolved but just remember when you guys are soaking up the sun and saying your vows by the ocean breeze they will be a flittering thought in your mind! Hope this helps!
  13. Funny, I just placed an order with them last night - I ordered the flipflop cards, tote bags that I am going to use for my OOT and some palm tree coloring kits for the kids. I will let you know the quality once I get them!
  14. Girl where have you been?? I love that dress - and the fact that there are so many ways you can wear it! It's perfect!!
  15. I just bought some from Hobby Lobby - I guess I figured it would be the easiest ( and the cheapest ) I haven't taken them out of the box yet but they looked good enough!
  16. Those are great pics - I bet you are excited to get the rest!!
  17. Welcome!! I'm from Iowa too!!! How excited are you to get away from this snow for a tropical paradise wedding!! Congrats!
  18. We went on a cruise about a year and a half ago - my 1st one - and I was worried about getting sea sick too! But it was GREAT!! We went on a larger Royal Carribean one and it wasn't bad at all! We bought a "pop card" for soda - it was $20 and we just had to show it when we wanted a non-alcoholic drink. We paid for all the alcohol but it wasn't really too much$$$! Have fun!
  19. Those definitly look professionaly done! Great Job! I'm sure your guests will all love them!
  20. That is beautiful! I don't think I would ever take it off LOL! My e-ring is still to big (i'm waiting to get it sized until I can soder it together w/ the band) - so I find myself taking it off more than I should!
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