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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I love The Hills - and I say OMG out loud. The addiction is taking over my life! LOL. (at least I haven't said that out loud yet....)
  2. Update - Hey gals the robes I posted on here came and they are BETTER than I ever imagined! They are super soft and comfy and I think they will be perfect - I love the monogram idea too! Here is another pic and they are only $13.99 at Target.com! Yari - I love those necklaces! I am emailing her right after I send this! They are perfect!
  3. I just came upon this post. Like you need your bridesmaids to stress you out - they are supposed to HELP you! One less thing to worry about now though! I'm glad it sounds like it is all working out!
  4. Wow those pics are amazing! Love the "boobie cactus" hilarious! I especially love seeing all the GREEN because all that is here is WHITE SNOW~! Looks and sounds like you two had a great time! (except for the layover darnit) Thanks for postin!!
  5. That dress looks like it was made for you! I love it! All your hard work paid off - I am so happy for you!!
  6. So do you think I could use that as an excuse to go on a mini vacay to vegas, Yari??
  7. Well I already have one dress - I just wasn't LOVING it after I kept looking at dresses online - I probably should have just stopped looking - so I did already have one (that I need to sell now) But now I have a GREAT one!
  8. Thanks - I am so relieved - HELLO my wedding is 7 weeks away and I still hadn't found THE dress. No worries now!
  9. Ok well when I tried it on it with my mom it just wasn't right - so I returned it - I know I suck and I'm Sorry I didn't post pics but trust me you didn't want to see them anyways...........Now for the good news (I am just gonna post in this same thread) I went to David's Bridal on Friday because I saw a dress on the website - tried it on - and LOVED IT!! So of course I bought it - And I know this pic is blurry for some reason.......I have to go back for my final fitting in March so I will take better pics then - but here is the ONE!!
  10. Well until I find more great ideas on here!! Here they are: Pic#1 - Flip flop cards from OTC and Spanish for Dummies (Target) Pic#2 - Margarita Mix - personalized at theknot.com Pic#3 - Purell, 2 SPF 15 Avon chapsticks, Sunscreen on a rope (all from EBAY) Pic#4 - Kids Palm Tree Coloring Kit - colors, paper, stickers (OTC) Pic#5 - Beach Bags (in blue, purple, pink) (OTC)
  11. I am home too - school was cancelled today - blowing winds and snow.....AGAIN!!! I am sooo sick of this! Cancun, here I come!
  12. Wow that would be crazy! Glad I already have my dress!!
  13. That looks so fun! Funny b/c I always randomly make friends w/ people at the bar too - my FI is always making fun of me for it! I so want to see your "list" of games! You look sooooo fun!!!
  14. I love this idea too - I saw this somewhere on here I think - but what if you made cd's with some "island" music with personalized cd labels on them - I think it would be a pretty easy DIY project!
  15. Wow you girls are SO BRAVE!! I am scared! I think it hurts like hell to get my eyebrows waxed LOL!! Maybe I can get enough courage up to do it.....
  16. That's the best thing about WW - one day doesn't have to mess up your whole week!! Maybe do some extra cardio or something and then you don't have to worry! (cupcakes are my weakness yumm)
  17. Betsy

    Hi all

    Welcome!! I am a Palace Bride-to-be - I would be happy to help you!!
  18. Look how cute this is!! I found it by typing "wedding" into the search box! It comes as a T-shirt too! $15!!
  19. I LOVE this site!! And it reminds me of my name everytime I go to it (Betsy)! Wonder if that is the real name of the person who created the website??
  20. Oh how cute! Thanks for the tip - I have the ones from theknot.com in my shopping cart but I haven't purchased them yet - looks like a trip to VS is in store for today!
  21. What can I get my parents instead of a hankie? I mean I kind of like the idea....but not really - someone had posted some really awesome poems on here that I would like to give them...with something else - still trying to come up with ideas!
  22. Hey gals - I just ordered these robes from Target.com - they are on sale for $13.99 - I only have 3 BM's so it wasn't pricey at all! But I figured they will get tons of use out of them at the Resort! By the pool, lounging around the hotel room, I even got one for myself!!
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