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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Ouch! I'm glad it's not broken - and thank god your wedding is still far enough that you will be all healed up! Hope today went better!
  2. My std's also had our wedding website along with a little card saying that we were excited to see everyone in MX and I also included our TA's card - I think you should def. at least put your wedding website on - We listed prices/things to do @ the resort etc. on our website.
  3. Good! I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't even purchased the book yet! It is funny b/c I always say I don't have enough time to read - and seriously - I don't even have enough time to BUY the book LOL! But I am going today too! Just as soon as I can drag myself away from here...........
  4. April 10, 2008 Moon Palace - I bet we are going to be there at the same time!!
  5. I bought the flip flop ones - not sure what size they are but they look great for playing! IMO I think they will get a lot of use mostly by the pool. I was super excited when they came in but then again I haven't given them yet so I don't know if they will really work - I just hope they do! I will let you know for sure when we get back though.
  6. I agree with taking her to lunch and talking it over with her. My sister is my MOH and I have happily done everything so far but I was concerned b/c no one had said anything about a bachelorette party! I know kinda dumb but I really wanted to have one - So I just called my sis and just asked her and she felt SOOO bad that she hadn't done anything yet! I think she just needed a friendly reminder - and hopefully that is all your MOH needs too! Good luck!
  7. I've emailed mine twice this week and still no response....I am figuring she is really really busy w/ all the other weddings - but I plan on calling her if she hasn't responded by next week!
  8. I love that dress! I actually bought a less formal more beach dress first...and then stupid me, I tried on some really formal dresses about 1 month later because I just didn't feel like a bride in my old dress! SO I bought it! Now I have 2 dresses - so I say buy the one you love and makes you feel beautiful in! Nothing is too formal - when are you ever gonna get to dress up like a princess again!
  9. I have been doing great on the eating part - until today when I picked Ellie up from school (she's 5) and she was begging me to go to MCdonalds playland b/c 2 of her other friends were going - I went in thinking ok I will just get a salad.....ended up with a cheeseburger and fries! OOPS!! - not great on working out - I just can't get my butt to the gym! I SUCK!
  10. I still haven't got the book!! ARGHH! I will be off to get it later this afternoon so I can start reading it!
  11. Sounds like something is def. bothering her! Maybe she doesn't feel "involved" enough or something? I know my mom was starting to act wierd about the DW at first b/c she didn't know how she would be a part of it - I just called her one day and told her that she was a very important part of the wedding and everything and she is much better - so maybe she just doesn't feel involved enough or something? Good luck getting her to talk to you!
  12. OH man, I just ordered mine from OTC!! Oh well - that is an awesome price though! Let us know how they are!
  13. Morgan - that is a great idea! Good job on her siggy too! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
  14. I bought a dress off ebay - It was very thin material but it was beautiful - I kind of liked the thin material anyways because of the hot weather - but it wasn't meant to be - it didn't fit me right and so I just returned it no problemo. I personally wouldn't order a dress from ebay again - I think it is a better idea to try a dress on first because it can be a whole different thing when you actually try it on.
  15. I didn't know that either! Thanks! Seriously I was thinking the same thing as you!
  16. WOW this site had more pics then I have ever seen! I am getting sooo excited!! Thanks for posting this - I can't wait to show FI when he gets home!
  17. LOVE that phrase!! I totally know what you mean - even though my stomach has never been flat but definitly less....pouchy in the morning! That is so exciting when smaller clothes fit you! Good job on lunch!
  18. I am a little late posting this....sorry! I still need to figure out the camera thing - I seriously need to buy a new one but I don't want to spend the $$....I know I just need to do it! SO I am 5'4 and weigh 140.5 - I started the south beach diet on Tuesday - so I guess I have been on it for 2 days - it sucks kind of but you see results really fast - I will pry only stay on it for 2 weeks - it is just a good "jumpstart" for me! Ok so good luck guys!
  19. That totally sucks and is UNFAIR to you!! What does she want you to do? Mess up the loan so then they have to take time to fix it?? How rude!
  20. We had our Pre-Cana weekend about 2 months ago - it was very....informative I guess I would say - The priest that was there kept talking about how children before marriage aren't really a part of God's plan because you are not supposed to have sex before marriage and if you do you are abusing God's plan - things I totally don't agree with - so it kind of struck a sour note with me.......We did get worksheets too and a notebook that we answered a bunch of questions on - I loved that part because it really re-emphasized that FI and I are meant for each other! We had our Focus test and that actually went really well! Our priest told us we did really good so that was exciting - then he set us up with a sponser couple from our church which we have met one time. We are meeting them 1x a week for the next 3 weeks. They were super nice and totally put this whole double wedding thing in perspective for me! I was really glad it went so well!! Sorry this is so long!!!
  21. This thread is extremely helpful!! I love that I don't have to feel guilty about not buying the $300 cake!! WOOHOO!!
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