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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I just read pages 1-11 on this and they are all soooo funny!! Tami - I loved your video - hilarious! And that random guy w/ a you know what dancing with the bride - how funny was that!! I hope my wedding is as funny as these pics!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx look to the right of your siggy.. it says ""QUOTE.. click on that. COOL I know that was kind of a cheat question but I totally used it!! I like white wine! Are you scared of the dark? I am!
  3. You gals are gonna have sooo much fun! I wish I didn't work on weekends some times - even though I am like 6 hours away from Chicago - this looks like a lot of fun!! Can't wait to hear about it!!
  4. My cousin got married in St.Louis- not a DW but we traveled 6 hrs to get there and they had simple, very nice gift bags with a candy apple from there favorite sweet place and some maps/things to do/etc, I was so happy that they made us those and it really was a nice gesture - so I don't think you need to spend a bunch of $$ just a little simple thing to let them know you are happy they are there!
  5. What a beautiful dress!! I'm guessing that other gal in the pic is your sis b/c you guys look exactly alike! It looks like the weather was perfect and you and your hubby look sooo happy together! CONGRATS!
  6. totally a night person - i hate waking up in the am How do you put things in quotes on here? Seriously I don't know how to do that!
  7. FYI - my SIL bought her dress on ebay - it looks really pretty and sparkly and nicely made just so you know.
  8. Seriously I can't tell the difference - I know I'm a weirdo! What is your fave piece of clothing?
  9. Ok here is my confession and I hope I don't get into trouble here because the point is now I understand!! My sister is on a forum somewhere out there in internet land and I always used to make fun of her for meeting people on it and talking about it...Fast forward to now where I consider this place my #1 go-to before I make ANY decisions about the wedding, I mean any decision about life in general at this point - I called her one day and I said - OMG I am soooo sorry for ever saying anything about your forum friends because now I understand! I feel closer to you guys then 1/2 of my "realworld" friends! I mean seriously - and whenever I bring up the forum - like for instance How Morgan made my Bachelorette invites and I went into detail about how I posted it on here and how you guys are so awesome and most everyone was like - you gave someone on the internet your personal info -what if they find you?? And I was like are you kidding? I hope they do find me and COME to my bachelorette party!! LOL! So I guess that is my confession - You can't knock it till you try it - and my sister was right - you guys are awesome AND I hope someday I can meet you!! Please don't hate me for being so ignorant about friends you meet in BDW! I am the first to say WHO KNEW!
  10. LOL I would so invite tons of you gals to my wedding!! How funny is that!
  11. OMG I seriously never knew this!! What the hell did we do before the internet?? I would be sooo lost! Thanks a lot!
  12. Wedding crashers or superbad - I die laughing every time I watch either of them!! Whats your fave wine mine is white zin FYI
  13. Does chaseing around 2 kids count as a workout?? On top or on the bottom - you know what I meant..
  14. Bacon - I hate eggs - but I love me some bacon!! What is your fave movie?
  15. It is actually super busy in the ER - people come in for the silliest things "um I've had this back pain for like 4 weeks but I think I need to be seen today" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? But serioulsy it is fun and makes the time go fast - and I would much rather do it on the weekend than during the week - it is way better IMO!
  16. I went to a vow renewal on a RCCL ship - it was AWESOME and I would've done the same thing except my dad is afraid of cruise ships LOL! I'm sure it will be a blast!
  17. And how funny - I work 2 12 hour day shifts on the weekend! Too bad it wasn't at the same place!!
  18. You guys are the best!! Actually I only work on Sat and Sun so those are the 2 days that I am the best at eating and everything b/c I have to bring my own food unless I want to eat at the hospital Cafe - EWWWWW~~ So the weekend should be good - it's the rest of the week that sucks!! I love you guys seriously! THANKS!
  19. Oh yea i use redken colorsafe for my hair What is your fave drink??
  20. Some sort of wait I forgot the question! Sorry a little waste BRB
  21. My resort doesn't allow things to be shipped ahead of time which I intially thought of being a big PITA but after this thread I feel ok! I have saved all my reciepts so I will be sure to bring them with! Thanks for all the info!
  22. I said 5000 or less - our wedding package is free and there is a champagne toast for us included after the ceremony - up to 4 bottles - so I think that will be more than enough - also the cake is $65 for 15 people or less so I figured that in as well - we are trying not to go overboard with the extra's - I have included the most $$ photography package b/c that is not something I want to scrimp on - hope this helps!
  23. I have officialy declared Friday March 7th as my cheat day. Mcdonalds for lunch and FI and I went out for dinner.....and I got 2 redbull/vodka's - not too much sugar I don't think! I totally missed the "buddy" thread so I'm kinda sad I don't have a buddy but I'm glad you guys post so much under this thread b/c it makes me feel like I have all of you guys as my buddy!! Thanks!
  24. Those look really really good! Have you thought about putting a program on them? That is my plan but so far I have not seen it done on here....just wondering!
  25. Those are beautiful! Your guests are going to be so excited when they get one of those in the mail - great job!
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