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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Sprint b/c FI's friend works there and we got an awesome deal! Are you still friends with any of your ex's?
  2. ONLY 3 bottles?? LOL I think that is the best way to end a week! Where is the next place you and FI/Hubby want to vacation to? (besides DW)
  3. TARGET all the way!!! Are you happy with yourself?
  4. A little late in the post but we didn't do pre-marital counseling but we did have to meet with a sponser couple prior to our wedding. We are actually going right now and it has been awesome. I think it is great to hear another couples point of view and it has been a great experience so far! Good Luck!
  5. Oops sorry - I hate cleaning too!! I always feel so bad when FI comes home from work b/c the house still looks like when he left! But I seriously hate it! Who is the most influential person in your life?
  6. You know when you go to do a search or read unread posts and you see the message that says you have to wait - if you buy the flood thing you don't have to wait anymore! It is the best invention ever! Besides BDW and gifts and everything else of course!
  7. Working.....and being on DW as much as possible
  8. Love the idea - not sure where to find cheaper ones though - I will keep searching........
  9. Oops I guess I was too late - I wear white whenever I feel like it --- Do you like the town you live in?
  10. Drinking wine of course!! Do you smoke? I only do when I drink....or when I'm pissed off.....or bored,......
  11. Thanks for posting the thread where the programs are attached! Either way the fans look awesome!
  12. Betsy


    Valerie - welcome here darling! You will love it - Congrats!
  13. OMG I so agree with the frying my face part - and the food!! I am going to have to be a good girl the first 3 days I am there!! I am just soooo excited to go on a vacation w/ my whole fam - my parents got divorced when I was 18 so I had an awesome childhood and everything - FI goes on trips w/ his parents/fam every year and I have been a part of them for the last 2 years - I just really really wanted a nice vacation with my family - instead of having my parents pay a shitload of money for one day in my hometown - that is the whole reason I planned a DW - so we could all be together......cheesy I know but that is the most important thing to me!!
  14. Confession: I love BDW and I think you guys are the greatest - how else could 5000 points mean so much to me - I am so happy right now!!
  15. Crap I don't have a watch!! I guess I need one but if I did I would wear it on my right wrist - I am left handed and i think it would get in the way....which brings me to my next question Are you right or left handed?
  16. Thank you so much! I just purchased it!! WOW! That was the nicest thing EVER!
  17. OMG you already did it!! Thanks sweetie!! Off to the VBplaza! Yeah!!!!!
  18. Lizz, you seriously don't have to do that!! I can wait until I have enough I Mean what do I need 8000 points for anyways!! I'm glad you use the !!!! a lot too!
  19. What a sweet memory Have you guys ever heard they saying (and I can't remember the exact wording) but it goes something like: You can get a real understanding for someone on how they handle the next few things Tangled christmas lights A rainy day And I know there is one more but I can't remember it - but it is so true - you can either be pissed or make the best of it. I vote make the best.......
  20. OH and I have another confession - I am too cheap to buy the flood thingy so I don't have to wait between checking posts/searching....but I am the most impatient person in the world so I seriously have to do a countdown in my head- I need to break down and buy it!!
  21. Hell yes - Santa brought it for me for christmas - and I was SO excited - I love it Question Does the WII count for excercise? I do sweat when I play TMI??
  22. Thanx for understanding girls - and in my defense on my first post (in the other forum) I put a few !!!! - and my sis said that it is not allowed to put a lot of exlamation points for some reason I guess they find it annoying - WTF? So now everytime I use them - which is a lot - I always second guess myself!! So I hope you guys like them!!!! I just can't help it!
  23. I think 3 months later is perfectly fine - I mean I don't think your guests will care and that way it will give you a chance to settle in as newlyweds AND get all your AHR planning done!
  24. I just read this entire thread - Morgan you are the sweetest ever! Anyways - I wanted to have a reception but it is not going to happen - I am not going to go into details as many of you already know the story - so we are having a ceremony and then dinner and then we are going to have a dance under the stars and then either head to the disco or somewhere - as I understand it - not going to be a private thing but I really don't care - the more the merrier is my motto - as long as there is no rain I will be happy!!
  25. Shit my pants! I hope I get $10 for it like you did too! LOL! What do you love the most about FI and Are we the only 2 playing this game LOL
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