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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Wow I guess I missed this post from awhile ago - Those look awesome Morgan - Great Job!! And here I thought I was done with my OOT bags......
  2. You poor thing! Most bridal shops sell their dresses off the rack - and usually you get a discount for buying them off the rack - I am sure you will be able to find one with no problem - good luck!
  3. Good Job girls! I lost 1.5 lbs but I was really sick yesterday and barely ate anything so I think it was probably that - BUT a loss is a loss right! Anyways so now I am back to the workout/eating good today and hopefully next week will be another losing week!
  4. LOL that is too cute! Sometime I think AHF ( did you just make that up? LOVE IT) mean well but they just don't understand like other brides - esp other brides on here!!!
  5. So do you have your date/time confirmed? That is the only thing that you really MUST have at this point IMO - My WC set everything up in the very beginning and now is emailing me about last minute details - Don't freak out - that is the beauty of a DW! Almost everything is taken care of at the last minute anyways.
  6. WOW that is a great price and the shipping price is awesome too!! Do you have a pic of it?
  7. That is awesome! How do I find the article though? I am trying to search on it but I haven't came up with anything....
  8. SO glad you can laugh about that! I think it wouldve pissed me off even more- and good for you for holding your tongue about that mom/daughter. That has to make you feel so good that they all missed you!
  9. That looks so fun! Thanks for sharing the pics! And I love your hair straight - very nice.
  10. Congrats! You guys are going to have a beautiful ceremony!
  11. I got my bouquet jewel today! It is so beautiful - I love it! I ordered from the same place as Carly - you can see the website in this post - and the pic - it is so sparkly!
  12. Friday - weird b/c I ONLY work weekends so it is like my sunday to most people but I love it anyways Thanks for clarifying - I thought maybe it was a banned member LOL! What is your fave thing to do with your fi (besides THAT)
  13. I drink DT soda and who's shannon??
  14. American Idol - i am an addict! Would you rather stay home or go out on a Friday night?
  15. Conan and 90210 Who is the one person that gets on your nerves the most?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece This is bad etiquette but I really don't care, I sent STDs to everyone but I'm only sending invites to people who have actually booked the trip. I wanted to do message in a bottle invites and there was no way I was making and mailin 125 of them. When we get back we are going to send out announcements to everyone else with a pic from the wedding. I know some of my parents friends will be ticked, but my wedding isn't about them. I did this exact same thing - we sent STD's to everybody that we thought would want to come - then when we got the RSVP's we only sent actual invites to the people that said they would come, However we are sending an announcement of our marriage along with the AHR info to everybody - and we also requested no gifts at our AHR b/c we already live together and really honestly don't need anything - In my family I just thing that some people would've felt like getting a marriage announcement w/ our AHR invite all in the same thing that they were thinking we EXPECTED a gift - and I don't want anyone to think that! - I don't want to offend anyone or make anyone feel left out either!
  17. Def Sing well - FI is a great singer and I have joined him on a few Karoake nights - he is awesome! and I well......lets just say I have to have a few drinks first!! If you have/had children would you rather stay home or work?
  18. It is through our church - sorry I forgot to mention that - Our priest set it up for us - it is very non structured and totally relaxed atmosphere. I know you said you were doing something that doesn't necesarily deal with a church but it is a really awesome thing - I mean we get input from our friends on certain things but they are always one-sided kind of - like either they are FI's friends or mine - so this way it is a 3rd party point of view ya know??
  19. Few close friends unless BDW counts - then I would rather have BDW friends and a few close friends - was that an option?? Flannel sheets or silk sheets?
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