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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Chantal - sounds like it may be all fixed for you! I certainly hope so! I totally understand you just wanting to BE there! Good Luck and I hope it all works out!
  2. Those look beautiful! She did a great job! I've seen people blow that pic up and frame it too - it looks awesome!
  3. Awww - you guys look SO in love! Your photog really caputured that! They are beautiful MarieSam!
  4. Jac - you look beautiful! I love your dress! Great pics - can't wait to see more!!
  5. Marie - I am so glad you decided to post your review! I loved it! Your pics look so great so far - can't wait to see the rest! Thanks!
  6. Hey there! There is already a thread on this topic! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41426
  7. LOVE everything! I need one of those starfish wine toppers - those are so perfect! And your GM's will totally love their bobble-heads! Are you going to take those with you or give them out before? Super cute. YAY! Congrats - and have a great wedding!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Since this is a wedding forum and this is a wine related thread i'm going to post this here: lol Have any of you seen one of the newest trends for weddings is having the couples favorite bottles and assortments of wine out for their guests autographs and messages? The the guests are provided with gold or silver permanent markers to write their special notes or comments on them. I just saw this and thought it was a great idea/ keep sake.... just wanted to pass it on One couple had 25 bottles, one for every anniversary until their 25th. I LOVE that idea! Totally wish I would've done it too!!!
  9. I didn't wear a slip - my dress was pretty poufy too, and while I was hot, I am SO glad I didn't have another layer of clothing on under my dress!
  10. That dress looks beautiful on you! I love the lace and beading, it looks so good! What a great deal too! Congrats on THE dress!!!
  11. There must be 2 threads about this on here now? Seriously, it's the flu. Here's the other post, I think it will calm your nerves too. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41390
  12. Jacilynda great advice! Oh it is sooo good to know that we are not alone, isn't it!
  13. OMG That is the exact same thing I did for our AHR - only I used our DW pics! I love shutterfly - they always do such a good job - and I always get my stuff super fast too! That is such a great idea too!!
  14. I love that flower girl shirt! It is so cute! She can totally wear it again and again too! And my fave color is pink - so you know I love the color! Good Job!
  15. Hey Marie, I am SOOO sorry you had such an "experience" at the Moon Palace. Who was your WC? That sux she was only w/ you for 10 minutes. So sorry..............
  16. WTF is up with this talking squirrel head and Kevin? That is the dumbest story line ever! It is sooooo annoying me!!!!
  17. The photog kind of tucked my veil into the back of my dress when it was super windy on the beach for photos - you can't tell from any of the photos either - just a little tip!!
  18. Did her invitation say anything about gifts? Or are they registered? I mean for our DW everyone kind of knew "your presence is present enough" but I guess just use your best judgement here. Traditionally, you do get them a gift for the shower AND the wedding, but as we all know DW's throw tradition out the window (sometimes) SOOOO I guess I am no help LOL!
  19. They are both awesome and I have seen their work from other members. I bet if you do a search on the forum you will be able to see them, did you look at their websites??
  20. So do you think she TOLD your bro he couldn't go? Or did they come to the conclusion together? I personally wouldn't care if DH went ziplining, but then again I probably would be to scared to do that anyways. If you really have your heart set on hanging out w/ your bro maybe you could think of an excursion that you could all do. Or could SIL go to the ziplining place w/ you and take pics of everyone doing it? Maybe she wouldn't feel "left out" then??
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