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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Those look awesome! I love that you put the hospital info on there - great idea!
  2. Everything looks awesome! Where did you get your hankies - I wasn't going to do that but yours look so awesome I want them now!
  3. Seriously - We watch Fresh Prince every night before we go to sleep! It is on Nick at Nite! I love it!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Otis1230 My friend got married last year at moon palace- she said most people gave a money gift. they didn't give anything because she messed up everything- so, they gave nothing. So, far my w.planner is excellent- so im thinking a small gift is nice. the dom. republic sales tax is crazy- so i don't think ill be giving 15% or higher- if we do cash Um This is scary considering I am getting married at MP! So far my WC has been awesome though - do you know the name of your friends?
  5. I am getting so excited I can barely sleep anymore! I almost finished our fans - just have to cut and attach the programs to them. My welcome letters are done - just have to print them off - so mainly I am just tying up loose ends! I cannot believe it is almost here!!
  6. We are going to just thank everyone for coming and say a few sweet things - trying to include mostly everyone of course - I don't think much is expected of you at the rehearsal dinner - mainly just thanking everyone who made the trip and everything.
  7. Those look beautiful! They will look great with your dress too! Congrats on the good deal!
  8. Um...No thanks - Why would anyone even put this on tv?? Although I will admit I used to watch Simple Life all the time!
  9. You have no idea how excited I am that there is a BDW Myspace! It might just be #1 on my friends list! Pathetic, I know LOL! Here is mine: MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/98353128 Hopefully it's not bad that my whole entire name is on there LOL!
  10. Adorable! Your lil flower girl is going to love that her intial is on that! So cute!
  11. I JUST finally bought this book today on the way to work - and I LOVE it! Funny because I am the most paranoid person in the world esp. about psycho serial killers, but I really really like it! Can't wait to talk about it!!
  12. Sounds like a great plan! I already have my starfish so in 2 1/2 weeks (eek!) I will be ready with my journal and starfish to send off - just something for you brides who don't have yours already to think about!!
  13. So do you want the shoes to be a light rose color also?
  14. Great Job - Those turned out beautiful! How could anyone say no after seeing those invites!! Love them!
  15. 8 hours! Girl you have some patience! It paid off though - they look amazing! Where did you get your stamps? They look great - Good job!
  16. Sorry you are going through this - it SUCKS! You know what, it is YOUR wedding and I totally agree with all that has been said. I would totally do what Becks said and just maybe even very nicely say "Well if it is going to be to hard for you to come we totally understand." OR "The wedding is really about me and FI to celebrate our love for one another and we don't need to have suits on to do that" OR "GET A LIFE IT IS NOT YOUR WEDDING" Don't elope - you decided on a DW because it is what the two of you wanted - and it will be absolutely beautiful and wonderful - and people will come - and if your FMIL wants to make an ass of herself and be debby downer then let her ruin it for herself - but not for the two of you. GOOD LUCK!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Yes, please do! I had an appt. with my OB for April 4th to get put on clomid. Don't need it afterall. I was diagnosed this summer with hypothyroidism and insulin resistance that I believe are related to the PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2000. How about your sister? Thanks for asking! I am so excited for you seriously b/c I know how hard it can be! She was diagnosed about 5 years ago and at first no one really knew what it was - just that she couldn't lose wieght, and was very irregular - she also has "pre-diabetes" according to her DR - b/c of the PCOS. She's been married about 4 years and they are hoping for children but it is hard w/ PCOS so I know your news will be exciting - and I am so happy for you and your FI! And I'm sure you will look absolutely stunning in a white sheet - just add some tulle and bling and wa-la instant bride! CONGRATS again!
  18. I just started my fans - I bought them from OTC and seriously they are all way different sizes - I am making 24 and I bought 2 10yd rolls of ribbon - I've made 16 and now I need more ribbon!! Hope that helps - about 1yd/fan give or take - and if you have a Hobby Lobby the ribbon is 1/2 off right now! WOO HOO!
  19. CONGRATULATIONS! That is great news - I hope you don't mind but I think I might share your news with my sis - she has PCOS too and this would really excite her as well!! I am SO happy for you!! Congrats girl!!
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