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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Congrats on being a MRS! I love your positive outlook - you guys look so in love and it looks like it was a GREAT time! And you still have one more wedding to look forward too! How awesome is that! Thanks for sharing the pics - that will be such a fun memory to look back on!
  2. Seriously though, just a word of advice, I would recommend getting your nails done before you go! Because I promise, the last thing you are going to want to do is sit in a nail salon for an hour while you are on your wedding vacay!! Just something to think about
  3. I LOVED project runway! But we don't get the Bravo channel anymore - so I have no idea about this new show.
  4. Looks fun - love the expression on that guys face when you are up dancing LOL!
  5. I think print will show up better on #1. Are you writing a whole letter? If you are I would go w/ #1 just b/c I think it will be more clear. That bow tie/veil is super cute though - I like that part of it a lot. Maybe you can find something fun to do w/ that too?!
  6. This is great - I think if I could have added something I would've had sparklers. And a videographer. And a girls day at the spa. I seriously don't know what I would "cut out" We had the free package, and I DIY'd our flowers and used our ipod for the reception - all of which worked out perfect. Our guests loved the OOT bags and used them at the pool. So I guess it was okay that I didn't have any extra money to spend on things cuz i wouldn't really cut out anything. Except personally I probably wouldn't have had those 2 tequila shots at our reception LOL!
  7. Camie - your pics are beautiful and brought back so many memories! I was married in the chapel gazebo too! You look beautiful - and SO happy!!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. I was going to say - I just brought both copies to the SS office and the DL place too. The reason they wanted the spanish one was b/c there was some sort of "seal" or something - the translated one is more like a photocopy - but I still brought them both, and had NO problems at all! It was way easier than I ever thought! Good Luck!
  9. Jess - those look beautiful! I love them - so cool. The calligraphy is an awesome touch! Your guests will be delighted to receive those invites in the mail!
  10. Your pictures are beautiful!I love that "gracias" parasol - they will be amazing for thank-you's! You look gorgeous!
  11. Your tables look beautiful! How adorable is your little cousin/goddaughter!!
  12. At least he doesn't shut the DVR off 1/2 way through your show. And then you start watching it only to figure out that the last 1/2 isn't recorded. LOL We still love them though don't we
  13. WHAT? It totally sounds like you are getting the run-around - which is even MORE annoying in this situation! I think you should go back to the bank tomorrow and DEMAND to speak w/ a manager - did they cancel your card for you? So the police basically did nothing? Argh- how annoying - and in the mean-time you are out that money right? That totally sucks, so sorry girl!
  14. Wow - congrats on moving your location on such short notice! Welcome to the forum, happy planning!!
  15. Your pics look AMAZING! I love them all! Very very beautiful!
  16. Thanks girls! Sorry I didn't reply earlier - just got my computer back! Thanks for all the birthday wishes - it was a GREAT day!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess So you don't have to share these deep things with the group Betsy - just your FI? Did you end up staying in touch with any of the couples? NOOOO we didn't have to share anything w/ anyone else - at least not the private things. We had some group sharing things where we all talked about how we divide up household duties/money/etc. Or how we were planning on doing it. Then we all ate dinner together - like I said, I thought it was going to be some fun party-like atmosphere where we would make new friends, but it was totally opposite - you are there to take your relationship to a new level I guess, I hadn't done any research on it before I went, so you are already one step ahead of me! Don't worry - it isn't "bad" at all - like I said it def. brought us closer together too. And no, we didn't stay in touch with any other couples because we didn't really have a chance to make "friendships" with them.
  18. They are cute! I just looked through every single category and voted! Wow those kids are smart.
  19. OMG that sucks! Anything resolved yet? Hugs to you! Hope it gets figured out soon.
  20. Hey Jess - It is pretty intense. And I felt like it was kind of negative but I guess that is because they want to make sure you are prepared for the bad times. We talked a lot and they asked us a bunch of questions which we wrote down in a notebook and then shared with each other (privately). So anyways I guess I was excited for it because I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was going to be a fun couples thing LOL! But it is a very serious retreat. I'm not saying it's horrible or bad, it actually did help us and strengthened our relationship. Hope this helps!!
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