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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Entrance to the Wedding Chapel (Flamingo) Inside of Wedding Chapel AND here is a picture of the "Bridal Gondola" at the Venetian! Hope this helps someone!!
  2. Hey girls, I just went to Vegas, and we stayed at the Flamingo. It was my first trip there, and I took some pics of the out-door set up of some weddings and went inside the wedding chapel too. Hopefully it can help someone! I will say although the flamingo is an older hotel it was a lot of fun and it is located right in the middle of the strip so it is easy to walk to almost everywhere!! Enjoy the pics!! (and don't mind the date on the pics, it is the wrong date, i have NO idea how to change it lol) Outdoor location #1 Flamingo Outdoor Location #2 Flamingo Outdoor Location #2 View 2 Flamingo There is a topless swimming pool on your way to this location. All covered up and there is a door and you can't see anything, but walking up to the location you see a sign that says "topless swimming pool" lol - just FYI Scenery pics by the locations
  3. Erika, so sorry about your accident! I am glad that Evan is taking such good care of you too!! That care package was so sweet from the BDW girls! That is awesome! Hope you are starting to feel better! HUGS!!!!
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I am a past MP bride, and YES, it does take awhile to be in contact w/ your WC - but they work so hard when you are there to make your wedding perfect! You will love the Moon Palace!
  5. Wow - this must've been what your countdown of FB was all about huh?! Sooo sweet JM! And she is beautiful! You guys look like you are having so much fun together!!
  6. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47668 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6691 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5463 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t37078 Here are a bunch of other links to help you w/ your decision too! Just do a search "program fans" there is a ton of useful info!
  7. Almost everyone used our fans. We had our WC set them out ahead of time, and we put our ceremony progams on them. It was a really easy DIY too.
  8. Wow - beautiful pics! I love reading reviews from other MP brides - I feel like I am there all over again! And way to not freak out about your dress!! You looked sooo gorgeous - can't wait to see the pro-pics!
  9. Great shoes MarieSam - both pairs and I am glad you went with the (more) comfortable ones! They were sooo pretty and I love the color!!
  10. Kristy, it is absolutely beautiful! I love love love it! You look SO happy!!!!!!
  11. Congrats and Welcome to the forum! You will have to check out the Moon Palace Thread, it is a beautiful resort!! Happy Planning!
  12. Seriously girls - you CAN do it! I was always the one who LIKED smoking (gross, I know) but I quit in March, and now even when I want to sneak one ( i do have an emergency pack in my house lol) anyways they always taste disgusting. And honestly, I never thought I'd get to that point! But trust me, it is sooo hard at first, but it is worth it in the end! And as far as the weight gain, I let myself eat anything I wanted while I was initially quitting, can you imagine trying to diet AND quit smoking??!! No way! Good Luck girls!
  13. $500 to translate sounds CRAZY. There was an "option" at our resort to have the spanish version translated for $40. I got both before we left our resort. And I took both with me to change my name the very next day we got back to the US.
  14. That is CRAZY!! He was sooo young too! So sad, makes you realize how short life really is!!
  15. Ana that was SO sweet! Yum Heather! Happy Birthday and enjoy the cupcakes!!
  16. Beautiful pics - you look AMAZING!! Were you logging into BDW in that pic that you are on the laptop?? (LOL)
  17. Crap I just saw this update! This is sooo sad, even though I suppose everyone saw it coming, so Kate looked sad about the divorce?? Ugh I am gonna have to find the re-runs so I can watch it!
  18. Sorry I am late Yael, but just wanted to say I hope you had a GREAT wedding day! You certainly deserved a beautiful wedding and I can't wait to hear all about it!!
  19. I would throw them away - I don't need any of my old love-letters/cards from ex-boyfriends, what's the point?? I am with the love of my life now, and the only cards/letters I need to keep are from him!! Just my own honest opinion!!
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