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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. HOORAY for you and FI!!! That is sooo exciting!! I looked at that website, and the photos look amazing! Love the background song too!! Good job wheelin and dealin on the price/package too girl! Congratulations!!!
  2. OMG Stupid, stupid people!! LOL That was too funny tracy!
  3. OMG Stupid, stupid people!! LOL That was too funny tracy!
  4. Yamille, almost the exact same thing happened to me! Well I had a bridal party, but my si was my MOH, and I didn't think I wanted a bach party at first either............just like you! SO I called my sister one afternoon and the convo was kind of like me "Hey ummmmm I don't want to sound wierd or anything but were you gonna plan a bach party or anything?" her"OMG I totally need to I'm sooo sorry what do you want to do? Just tell me and I'll plan it" SO it was kind of funny in the end and all worked out!! We had a co-ed bachelor/bachelorette party on a party bus, it was super fun and went to bars and around the towns that we lived in - just an idea, don't know if you FI is having a bach party of his own! Anyways kinda long story but the point is - just call her!!!
  5. Betsy


    Congrats on your upcoming wedding and welcome to the forum!
  6. I totally think you should keep with the red Yael! AND it will look awesome in your photos with calla lilies!
  7. Welcome to the forum!! I'm sure you will find tons of useful info on here! Congrats!
  8. First of all, love your BM's dresses! They are so flattering and look beautiful! And yes, that jewelry all matches together perfect. You know your BM's money situation better than us, and I think that it was very sweet of you to consider that when you picked jewelry that is not super expensive! I think they will appreciate the gesture, and love the foot jewelry!
  9. Is your resort Adults only? Most 11 year old boys would say they don't care about something like this, I have a little brother who was 11 at the time of our wedding (big age difference, he was a surprise :) ) Anyways he acted like he didn't care about it, but he had a blast once he was there!! Is it just you and your FI that are going to be there, or is other family coming?? We had kids at our wedding, but there was a lot of family there too.......I guess it just comes down to a personal decision.....a hard one at that!! In my opinon, you are becoming a family too, and it should include your son somehow. Maybe you could do a civil ceremony at the courthouse, and then have a symbolic ceremony in jamaica along with your honeymoon. That way your son could feel like he was a part of the ceremony somehow. Good Luck!!!
  10. Congrats on picking your location! Let the planning begin! (happy late birthday too)!!
  11. You are going about it the right way at least! AND you are almost a MRS!! Don't worry, once you get to Jamaica all your worries will be washed away by the ocean...........and the rum!! Hope things start going better, and here's to a beautiful wedding!!!
  12. Those are SO cute! You truly are a DIY queen, I remember looking at those back when I was getting married and after I saw how much $$ they were, I forgot all about them! You did a great job and your guests are going to love them!!
  13. Betsy

    New Bride-to-Be

    Hi Meg! Welcome to the Forum and Happy Planning!
  14. A little late in the post, but Kate your pics are amazing! Love them!
  15. That is pretty fun if you are looking for a new hairstyle! Or if you are super bored and your husband is watching golf on tv.............
  16. How is everyone doing? Lent is almost over! But hopefully I will stay done smoking.....I have been doing pretty good, although I have gained 5 lbs already What are you guys doing to NOT gain weight?? Any tricks? Duh I know I should be not be eating crap and I should be working out but I have been chewing gum and it's like I can only not do 1 thing at a time, ya know! Like either not eat crap or not smoke LOL
  17. Well, I haven't named her yet. I am busy looking though at "2008 Top Ferret Names to name your baby girl ferret" I'm sure you have some good suggestions.
  18. As far as decorating, we made some 4th of July flip flops, just bought some ribbon and tied it in knots around the thong part LOL (I don't know what else to call it) and left about 1/2 inch ribbon, I don't know how to explain it, but it was really easy and they turned out super cute, a good idea, at least for the gals!! These aren't mine, just a pic of what they looked like except w/ different color ribbon These are cute, wonder how hard it would be to do a DIY??
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