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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. Beautiful pictures! Your cake does look very pretty, mine didn't taste good either but it looked nice LOL! Love the pic of your honey kissing your hand!! Adorable!
  2. Funny, I was gonna tell you to check eBay! That is where I sold mine.
  3. How cheap do ya wanna go? I've had Andre Spumante and it is $4.50 a bottle! It's not bad, especially after a couple glasses!
  4. Was everyone in your group all planning on traveling in the same airplane on the same day?
  5. Sooo we haven't heard anything yet??
  6. You are ADORABLE! Love the dress, and the flower in your hair! Too Cute!! Congrats on your legal day!!!!
  7. This is soooo scary!!! I hope everything is okay!
  8. So sorry Stacey and Adam. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  9. Your e-pics are beautiful! Congrats on the baby bump and Welcome to the forum!!
  10. Kristy, what airline are you flying? I wonder if you could call and ask someone at the airport?? Or maybe all your wedding coordinator in St. Lucia and see if she can get you some there - then you wouldn't even have to worry about it!
  11. We had never been to our resort either! I found it on the internet, and then contacted them and got lucky enough to find BDW! And the rest was history! The resort totally surpassed my wildest dreams, and I loved it! I totally try to talk my unmarried friends into having a DW b/c IMO it is the BEST wedding background and atmosphere! Who wouldn't want to get married in paradise!
  12. Stephanie! WTF!! You are being way too nice girl! Obviously "the ex" is threatened by you in some way and that is why she is such a bitch all the time! I would calmly remind her as much as possible that these are YOUR kids too and YOU are the mommy. Sounds like she needs to be put in her place!! SO sorry you are going through this, it truly sounds like a hard place to be! Ya know, we are close enough to go get a drink sometime........I think that would really help to put things in perspective LOL
  13. I used the Jergens Natural Glow for face also. It is a really subtle change, but like Bridget said, it's way better than ending up orange!
  14. I JUST heard this song on AI last night! I read through this thread the first time, but I was like, huh never heard it, then it came on AI and I totally thought of you Jacqueline! Then it came on the radio on the way to work today AGAIN LOL! I can totally see how it got stuck in your head.
  15. Jess, those look like they will be perfect for your wedding! Congrats on another thing checked off your list!
  16. Beautiful wedding set-up! They have like 4 or 5 different menus for the cocktail hour/appetizers. And it is totally like a meal with tons of food! I didn't find out the details of the menus until I got to the Moon Palace and talked to my WC, and I can't remember all the different ones! But I do remember that it was good food LOL!
  17. Beautiful wedding set-up! They have like 4 or 5 different menus for the cocktail hour/appetizers. And it is totally like a meal with tons of food! I didn't find out the details of the menus until I got to the Moon Palace and talked to my WC, and I can't remember all the different ones! But I do remember that it was good food LOL!
  18. Not even a Card? Seriously, I would expect a card. Talk to your FI about it, see what he thinks....I mean maybe they are planning on giving you something closer to the wedding, but wouldn't that be a "wedding" present?? It would bother me too, but try not to let it get to you too much!!
  19. At least you are cutting down.....that is the first step! I think it is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! And the first time that I really don't want to smoke. I've always liked it, and now, I just don't........wierd huh!
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