Quote: Originally Posted by carly I chose "more spiritual then religious". I was raised catholic (12 years of catholic school, then also a catholic college for 2 years), and I really do believe in most of it. I have a problem with the rules of the church though. I don't believe in judging people for their sexual orientation, religious choices, etc. I also don't believe that I have to go to "church" to feel at peace, or confessiong me sins to a priest. I think you can interact with your God (whichever religion you are) in however you see fit, as long as you life your life the right way. Basically, as long as you are a good person.
I believe more in the ideas behind the religion, and I don't take anything literally. Most of the stories are told to make a point, and the point is the lesson, not necessarily the story. At least that's what I believe. However, I have some friends that are very gung-ho with their religions and take each story as a literal historical fact and I completely respect that.
NOTE: As Alyssa said, this topic can be touchy, so please play nice.
Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I do consider myself religious. I definitely am trying to get to church more, but am not doing a good job at it.
I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, etc. I had a huge problem not being able to get married in the Catholic church cause my DH had already been married in the church. Needless to say it pissed me off, but rules are rules.
I love the tradition of the Catholic church, but I wish they would loosen up a bit. I believe that people are born gay, that they have a right to marry, that priest have a right to get married, abortion is a freedom of choice and I used birth control.
I am a liberal Catholic, but I definitley want to raise my children in the faith. I believe it gave me a good foundation regarding morals and principles. I guess they call me a cafeteria Catholic, I pick and choose what I want. At the end of the night, I still pray every day and I think about God all the time.
Awesome, couldn't have said it better myself! I converted to the Catholic faith while I was dating DH - he is from a Catholic family and we knew we would get married someday, and wanted to raise our family in the same religion. (I grew up lutheran.) SO I am going through RCIA (rite of christian adults) and learning about the catholic faith and guess what.......I got pregnant! We were not married yet and I was SCARED to death of what our priest and the Sister who was leading the class would say. I mean I thought I would get kicked out (LOL) BUT they were so awesome, and it totally changed my view of the catholic church. I guess I was lucky enough to go to a Catholic church that was somewhat more "understanding" I guess? Fast-forward to today where we just moved to a new town, not knowing anyone. The first "friends" I made were at church. They were so welcoming, and friendly, and invited me to be part of the church council. I seriously love going to church every Sunday and learning more about the Catholic faith. I don't neccesarily agree with everything, but I think that is why I was put in this situation. Maybe to open other peoples eyes about certain situations. I still pray every night and I feel truly blessed to have met DH and be fortunate enough to have 2 beautiful children.
Have you guys ever read "The Secret"? It's not at all a catholic book, it's about positive thinking and stuff. I personally loved that book. It talks about a "higher power" which can be spiritual/religious/kind of whatever you want it to be. I highly reccommend it (i can never spell that word LOL)
Anyways there are my 2 cents. The End.