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Everything posted by Betsy

  1. I remember being too excited to sleep!! That is so exciting that your wedding is so soon! I agree, no caffiene in the afternoon, also try not to exercise at night either. Maybe some Yoga before bed though might work. Good Luck! (And for those under-eye circles, Bare Minerals work great for covering)
  2. Did you guys do a search on here? You might be able to find some!
  3. OMG I miss this show! We don't have Bravo anymore since we moved, it's not with our cable that we have right now ?? Anyways I LOVED NYC and OC when I got to watch - and seriously LuAnn is getting divorced? Wow! Bethany was always my fave too!
  4. Puke. They seriously make me sick!! But I still can't help watching LOL
  5. Wow Helen, good job taking all those pics! It looks beautiful and it was SO nice of you to think of the other brides on here!
  6. My mom showed me this website a while ago - looks like an awesome deal, esp on the brushes! Gonna have to check it out again!
  7. Ana - so awesome that you took a break from your honeymoon to show us pics!! They look great - love the socks/shoes pics LOL! You look beautiful! Have a great honeymoon!
  8. Happy Birthday Amy! Hope it is great!!!
  9. I loooove Target's $$ bin! That is so awesome! Gonna have to go check it out....
  10. Those are both beautiful! I totally agree, that shimmery one is perfect for your TTD!
  11. We ate at a steakhouse at our resort. (Moon Palace, Cancun) It was delicious!
  12. A lot of brides on here do budoir photos. I didn't, but now I kinda wish I would've LOL! I think it is totally up to you guys, I gave my DH a sweet little card for him to open on our wedding day and he loved it.
  13. I would send out STD's. I think it is kind of a courtesy to your guests so they can start saving money and get vacation time off work and everything. You can even DIY it to save money yourself.
  14. That is awesome Ann! That would be so cool for a Mexico or Hawaii bride to do the "Mexican Fiesta" or "Hawaiian Luau" from the catering menu for the AHR when they get home!!
  15. I hate when that happens! Waiting is the worst! I hope it all works out for you, make sure to let us know.
  16. That is SO adorable! I LOVE IT! Are your colors orange and pink? OMG she is going to look so cute in the pics!
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