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Everything posted by christenew

  1. Another thing to consider is if you are flying out of Calgary, what days of the week does sunquest offer service.
  2. Fantastic review. Thanks so much for the detail. I am so excited to go and I still have to wait for January.
  3. Thanks for all the advice. I still don't know what I will do. We shall see...
  4. So this morning I got up after my FI went to work and his email was open on the computer (I was not snooping). There was an email titled "Engagement reminder from Hallmark". It wouldnt suprise me if my FI brought home flowers to mark the occasion of the day he proposed. Did anyone get anything for their FI? If so what did you get? We still aren't married yet so I am so confused.
  5. Thanks I would love to hear. We already booked, but when I saw what people from the US were paying I was quite happy with the price I was quoted for my Toronto departure
  6. what is the difference in flights leaving from Detroit vs Toronto? Oh and welcome to the forum fellow possibly ROR Toronto bride.
  7. Congratulations!! Have a fantastic time.
  8. I love the bridesmaid dresses also. The colour is fantastic. I loved the flowers too. Real or fake? Upgrade?
  9. absolutely fabulous pictures. I love the colour of you BM dresses.
  10. I am going to second the suggestion of looking into your date ASAP if you haven't already booked it. The January times were quickly filling up. I am a January bride so just PM with any questions. Welcome!!!
  11. Since most of the other questions are answered I will respond to your most important question....golf...LOL I attached a short cut. Hopefully it works http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16425
  12. LOL I was laughing when I read the title of the post thinking....I can't believe someone started a new thread just to answer questions. Then I realized how many questions there were to answer. LOL. Thanks for all the great info and great questions!!!
  13. I heard that Margarittaville it tonnes of fun, but very very expensive. Anyone been there. My friend went 3 months ago and he said he paid $15 Canadian for 1 drink.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein Good idea! I'll do that! Yeah do this please!!!! Then when it is my turn everyone has helped researched it.
  15. This is their website: Tai Flora Services Ltd. - Jamaica's Full Service Florists This is their contact info: Tai Flora - Ocho Rios Santa Maria Shopping Center, Main Road , Ocho Rios Tel: 876-795-2500 / 2501 Fax: 876-795-2502 Toll Free (Intra Jamaica): 1- 888 - Flowers (356-9377) Toll Free ( US / Canada): 1-(877)-884-4390 From their website you can email for more info.
  16. Once you get your confirmation there is no harm in emailing Chandlyn to ask if it is available and reserve it. I emailed my requests in March for my wedding in January. The reason I did it so early was because January is a busy time and I know there are a number of brides on here that are interested in the same things by FI and I are.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by kater Just curious, if the Mammee Bay dinner is the standard with the free reception (which is what I want), what if there are three weddings that day, all of which want that restaurant at that time? That's why I'm curious as to whether we still need to "book" it before someone else does...... It is standard with the free reception if you have less than 50 people. If it is more you need a private recption which is at the Plantation restaunt, which you need to pay for. It is $500/2 hours. I dont think you need to book it. From what I have read there are multiple receptions there at one time, but most failed to notice other people because of the intimate setting.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Hez43 When we were freaking out about this, my husband called and asked someone (the TA, or Chandlyn or someone) and we found out the Micheal is the brother of the GM. That's how he gets away with it. -Heather That explains a lot.
  19. Thanks so much Heidi for your candid answers about the excursions. That helps so much.
  20. I think I am going to be the first person to ever post anything negative about Lee's Travel. I emailed them and asked for some quotes for specific outings and numbers. I got a generic email back with none of the answers I requested. Did anyone else get this kind of a response?
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