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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I love it! Will you have someone to help guests understand what to do? I could see some people getting confused- I'm only saying this because I have worked with the public too long and simple things become hard things. Then again, your guests are probably smarter than the average joe. Yea, if I don't assign the task to a BM then a friend that'll be there will be in charge. Basically just to take the pics of them.. she can paste their pics on the page and tell them where to write their comments. I can also make a lil sign if worst comes to worst
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 I just love your work and this is my next project. Mine won't be nearly as nice but I will try = ) You should totally go into the business of making scrapbook albums for people. make some $$$ off of that talent of yours. Let me know if you need any help or ideas with the pages. We can try to make it as nice without breaking the bank lol I'm gonna make business cards to give to the lady I'm making the scrapbook for..that way if her friends and family see it, they can hire me to make more for them!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl we're supposed to meet our photog at 7pm, but he said depending on weather conditions be ready to meet by 6. SO, since it's cloudy but dry right now, we'll see! eek! you must be so excited
  4. Good luck with everything.. in BDW fashion - can't wait to see pics!!!!
  5. I didn't wanna have juicy j anymore bc I want people to know my name Unfortunately Jenny was already taken so I'm JennyK.. my future new initial
  6. why would they post bail?! That staff member needs to get beat too lol
  7. This whole policy thing is really getting out of control. They need to see that their business is gonna go down the drain and that brides talk. Eventually no one will be showing interest in these places
  8. Go into it having fun but like Alyssa said, you'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen. But regardless, its already sounding romantic hehe
  9. JennyK


    welcome aboard!
  10. MAC is great makeup though.. I love it but yea it's expensive. I have MAC Pro so I get a discount with my license and it still gets really costly!
  11. My new dress!! I'm so in love with it.. It's a size too big so you can see me grabbing it to get the full effect lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 Have you don anymore? I absolutely love this idea and you made everything so beautiful! Actually no because I got commissioned to make a scrapbook for a co-worker of mine. Her sister is turning 50 so I'm making a scrapbook of her life.. as if I'm not busy enough but I love to scrap! Plus is extra money on the side. I might get into a little business doing it. Once I'm done, I'll make more pages
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Thank you so much! You have such great finds! I'm pretty OCD when it comes to my wedding lmao
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston THANK YOU for this idea love it i just ordered 4 of them for my girls. 1: apricot 2: coconut a_touch_of: citrus then 2 of this frangrance oil_1: coconut oil_2: mango a_touch_of: lime Ohh your first one will smell like mine. I love the scent. I ordered an extra for me and I'm always applying it
  15. JennyK

    Hi there

    welcome to the boards!!
  16. Love your dresses.. especially your wedding dress! So beautiful Also, your hair doesn't look as orange as I thought!
  17. JennyK


    welcome to the boards!
  18. I just came across this website that has up-to-date pics on what the beaches look like per hotel so you can get an idea if it's damaged or not. Most pics are from late 2007 from what I've seen but there hasn't been a hurricane since before that so if the beach looks ok, then most likely, it still looks just like that. Thought this site would help you girls out Cancun Beach Photos
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill we went to a wedding where you had to sing a song, I think it had to include the word "love" in it, so you'd see a whole table of people stand up and start belting out a song, it was actually pretty funny to see. I can't remember what our table sang. thats such a cute idea!! The only thing I thought of was the bells..
  20. I was on a liquid diet but it was because I had my tonsils taken out and I couldn't eat any solids for 3 weeks. I went from 115 to 105lbs within 2 weeks. I'd try this diet. I'll try anything.
  21. Welcome back and congrats! Your pics are great!
  22. So nice you checked in on BDW! hehehe Congrats!
  23. That was the problem I had with my first dress.. after thinking about it, it was just too poofy to transport and I was worried I'd be too hot in it.. It would also have a lot of bustling to do as well.
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