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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I'm super late but everyone has given you good advice and I'm glad you guys had a talk. Civility is always best, especially since you have to deal with her all the time. Hopefully nothing will get out of hand, but if it does just remember that it is FI's job to set boundaries. Good luck w/everything! Thanks! We'll see how it goes 'cuz I'm sure he got in touch with her today.. we're trying to get it over with before Saturday's wedding. He's convinced she's sitting at our table.. I hope to god shes not but oh well.
  2. ahh this is tough.. Im torn between vacation and pets. I'm gonna go with pets for this month and vacation for june hehehe
  3. The Marriott CasaMagna was my first choice bc of that gazebo too.. and Josephine is really professional and nice. Good luck with your choice!
  4. HE actually brought it up last night before I got the chance. We faught about it a bit (him claiming that girls are caddy lol) but we came to the conclusion to be civil with her. He said obviously he won't be friends with her, he just doesn't want to feel uncomfortable if she happens to be where we are.. I'm fine with civil. I'm not an evil person so I can't be completely mean about it..
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Moorestown was my first thought from south jersey and short hills was my first thought for north jersey!!! Ack. I have an ex from Short Hills, god, I felt so out of place hanging out in that town! i dont even like going to that mall bc its just snotty rich ppl
  6. If I had to guess, it'd be Short Hills or Deal..
  7. Thanks!! I love finding new scrap sites. I've only been using scrapjazz.com and scrapbook.com Quote: Originally Posted by sm316217 Try this site for ideas..... The Best Scrapbooking Supplies On The Web - Two Peas in a Bucket Search the Gallery. I use them all the time and they have some amazing layouts. Also save your coupons every week from the paper for Joanne's. Look for sales. I only buy paper and sticker when it is on sale. and if you live in Ohio..... Hollo's PaperCraft Brunswick, OH @ hollos.com Hollo's Paper Craft is amazing. They sell paper by the pound. Really... you weigh it up... $1.00 - $1.50 a pound. You can get alot of paper for just a little. Like I said... if you live in Ohio or close it is worth the drive if you are a scrapbooker. Good Luck!
  8. Mods I'm not sure if this would go in this section of the forum so move as you see fit I just got a magazine from http://www.CB2.com which is part of Crate & Barrel. I found some really cool stuff to decorate the reception/ceremony DIY style. Hanging Candle Holder - how cute are these to even put a flower inside of it and hang from the arch during the ceremony: http://www.cb2.com/family.aspx?c=585&f=2447&viewall=1 Hanging Teardrop vase - same concept as the previous one: http://www.cb2.com/family.aspx?c=583&f=3672&viewall=1 Dome bowl - centerpiece maybe.. put flowers or floating candles: http://www.cb2.com/family.aspx?c=527&f=3988&viewall=1 Splash lights: http://www.cb2.com/family.aspx?c=120&f=2686&viewall=1
  9. I've never heard them but my obsession is ice cream.. I went to the site.. YUM!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 My book just came in the mail yesterday from my ebay purchase. I love it! I would reccommend it especially for anyone in the early stages of planning. Thanks for the original thread Jenny! Yea I really like the book. I'm crazy when it comes to planning so it's perfect for me. I have like little notes and stickys all over it lol I'm taking it with me when I go down again for site visit #2
  11. I just had a BM drop out too but I didn't mind at all. It's the least of the headaches lol But I'd definitely ask your FSIL if you think she's right for the job. I'm sure if you told her you lost a BM and you'd love it if she filled in, she'd be happy to do it.
  12. everyone has given me amazing advice - it's what I needed to see things differently and know how to approach him and be cool about it. I usually fly off the handle when I get heated but everyone has given me good pointers. My final decision is going to be to be civil with her but that's it. I'll have this talk with him tonight for sure.......
  13. Popemobile hehe That's really cool you saw him.. you'll have good luck all day now
  14. omg I can't stop playing Rock Band. We just got it last week and it's all we do til the weeeeeeeeeee hours of the night. The FI is all about the drums and I'm all about the guitar. I'm looking for a skin I can put on my guitar to make it pink lol
  15. A while back I tried getting into this.. I bought a bunch of materials but never got started bc the instructions were so hard. This seems easy enough. I might give it a try when I'm done with my 101 other projects hehehe
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kriswim I just adore your quotes! Where did you find them?? They're rub-on stickers. I got all of them at AC Moore. I just picked out the quotes about Love, Life, & Memories.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl wow jenny! it's stunning! i am so happy you got this one it looks AMAZING on you! yea it was meant to be that I went in that day.. I should've seen it as a sign when DB ordered the wrong dress for me the first time around..
  18. 1 month is going to go by so fast!!! Try to pack early and relax your last few days
  19. Thanks for the heads up! I was originally going to schedule for 4pm but now I'll push it up.. I'm the only wedding that day anyways
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline NICE! u will have to show us pix! and also, try not to let her get under your skin too. just smile and be merry...as hard as it may be with that douche nozzle sitting at your table. did you talk to him last night? girl I chickened out lol We were up all night playing Rock Band and by the time we went to sleep, it was too late to have this long convo with him. I'm gonna try again today.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by PenMarie I think Becks hit the nail on the head above -- this girl definitely doesn't WANT your FI -- it's the "game playing" that she enjoys...and the more your FI lets her get away with it, and the more she knows it bothers you, the more she'll keep it up. She sounds like one of those girls who "thinks" all guys want her and to boost herself up she has to keep telling herself this and wanting others to believe the same, including you. Thing is, they don't usually want the guy -- they just need to feel in their own warped minds that they could have him if they wanted him. Honestly, it doesn't even sound like your FI has a bit of interest in her either. Sounds to me like he just wants things to be peaceful since his sister is good friends with her and not have to worry about friction when you encounter her in social situations -- so maybe his explanation was a little off in asking you if the two of you could be friends with her again and he really just meant can you two just be civil with her socially. As long as he's just wanting you to be civil in social situations, I could deal with that...but as Ann has said, HE needs to set boundaries with her -- and make it very clear to her that it's what HE wants...that he's a grown man and is totally capable of coming up with those boundaries on his own based on his respect and love for you and your relationship. If she can handle it, great...if not -- it's HER problem. I wouldn't give her a second thought anymore. You hit it right on the head. He did say to me,"I won't be close to her like we were, I just don't want to feel uncomfortable anytime we come in contact with her." He suggested we invite her over for dinner or something and just talk things over and clear all the animosity. That way we all can understand each others feelings. I can guarantee she doesn't "want" my FI. It's the fact that before me, she counted on my FI for EVERYTHING. They always hung out, were each other's dates to everything.. and once I came into the picture, he wasn't as accessible to her. Now there was another girl in his life (me) and she had to be pushed to the rear. I don't think she liked that much. I honestly think that's why she's trying so hard to sabotage us.. because she wants her buddy back and be his "number 1" chick. He's made it very clear to me that he loves me and only sees her like a sister.. and its me he has to live with not her.
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