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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. welcome to the forums!
  2. JennyK


    welcome to the boards!
  3. Congrats Nikki!!! I can't wait to see your pics I still feel you are my date twin even though I changed it hehe
  4. So funny u mentioned Lia Sophia bc I have never heard of them until today. My co-worker bought some jewelry and it came in to our job. It was really cute!!
  5. JennyK


    welcome to the forums!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Ok, I didn't read everyone's comments because I couldn't wait to chime in here. I am the ULTIMATE Conspiracy Theorist!!!! NEVER TRUST THIS GIRL, NO MATTER WHAT!!!! Even if you tell your FI that you're ok being civil with her. ALWAYS KNOW IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD THAT SHE'S PROBABLY UP TO NO GOOD!!!! Have you considered talking to her? Maybe sit her down and have a talk and let her know you're on to her and her stupid games. That's definitely something I would do. I'm the type of person who doesn't care if I make someone feel awkward about stuff like this. Why should I always have to be the one to feel awkward. Tell her like it is. Oh, and another thing . . . no matter what - don't let her think that her flirting with your FI gets to you. She'll just do it more. Play it cool around her but let FI know it's not cool and he needs to be respectful to you when it comes to her acting that way. And lastly, if you want me to kick her ass, just let me know. HAHAHA I love your last sentence. I've decided to be civil for the sake that she'll always be in our lives but I will never trust her. I have 2 eyes in the front, 4 in the back.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl don't feel so bad, with the exception of the two you mentioned (and boring ones like skiing) i've pretty much done them all too! that's why i wasn't playing ... i'd have to post every 3 seconds! hahahaha!!!! maybe it's because i'm older than a lot of you either that or i'm a dirty drunken skank, haha! LMFAO!!! I'd be better at the "I have" instead of the "I never have"
  8. He talked to her today! He said that I wasn't gonna try to fight her at the wedding on saturday (LMAO) and that we want to be civil. I asked what SHE had to say. He said she said,"If we are going to eventually be friends again, Jen and I need to sit down and talk like adults and see what her apprehensions are." He explained to her my side and even said,"Well how would you feel if your bf was hanging out alone with another girl..you wouldn't feel comfortable." And she said,"Yea, you are right." So I'm happy. He took my feelings into consideration and told her how I felt about things and how to make ME comfortable.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye Wow, I just found out that my friend has a Cricut! She has offered for me to use it whenever I want it as long as I promise not to break it!!! I am soooo excited because I was about to head to Michaels this weekend to check them out! She said it would be silly for me to buy one when I can just borrow hers because she doesn't use it often! Pretty sweet!!! yea the cricut is expensive so definitely borrow her's! I was lucky that it was on sale and my cousin who works at AC Moore gave me her employee discount
  10. omg I feel like such a bad girl.. I've done every single thing everyone hasn't done except the arrested part and money for sex part lmao Never have I ever.. gone skiing (i know its boring)
  11. Everything will work out. You are a few months away so you can always switch to another airline. Thank sucks though.. will you get refunded?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa honestly, i wouldn't be willing to get married at a resort with a WC that was that unresponsive, especially if there weren't a lot of other brides that i could talk to about their positive experiences. i would be worried too! do you have a TA? that was exactly why we opted out of this place. We went there during our site visit and asked for her and she was too busy to meet us for 5 minutes. So we decided to contact her when we got back home and we didn't get ANY response. So I said.. ya know what? If she's going to be like this in the beginning, I don't wanna deal with this resort. Obviously with us being so far away, COMMUNICATION is KEY!
  13. How about like white calla lillies for them.. and pink for me?
  14. I love the dress.. the color is so nice and it looks really flowy! Congrats!
  15. aww its a beautiful poem. I'd either incorporate it into your vows or during your reception, surprise him with reading the poem to him.
  16. I'm having a hard time figuring out what kind and color of flowers for my girls since their dress is so bold (Fuschia)! I'm meeting with my florist in a month when I go for my site visit so I want to have an idea to give her. Here's a pic of my BM in her dress.. what do you think would match?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride You know what if she's going to go through all the trouble of trying to sabatogage why don't you go through the trouble of being fake. Normally I think this is immature and I would never condone this kind of behavior but it seems like you are stuck with her. Why not see her at the wedding and be all buddy-buddy with her? She probably likes seeing you squirm so if you act all friendly with her it might drive her even more insane. And once she sees it doesn't bother you anymore it might deter her from always being all over him. lol yea I told my FI that from here on in, even if we're civil and talk blah blah blah it'll always be fake on both our parts. But ya know..as long as it gets me through the night, I don't care. It's not like she's always around us or coming over our house.
  18. JennyK


    welcome to the forums!!
  19. thats ridiculous that you'd have to pay for his ticket. Tell her to pay for his ticket if she wants him there so bad!
  20. Futbol fans are insane right?! lol I've been to a few and there's always fights lol btw you and fi are so cuteeeeeeeeee
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