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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO and Rachel is complaining about lotions! I'd take that breakfast burrito and shove it you know where
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean I knew you'd have an answer! I love my job hehe
  3. JennyK


    Welcome to the boards!!
  4. poor kitty I really hope they can take those extra legs out! The cat seems to walk totally normal.
  5. heyyyyy I'm here hehe Yea, hyper and hypo pigmentations are really annoying pains in the butts. My two suggestions have already been said - 1. Microdermabrasion and 2. Laser Facials (Photo Facial). Micro will help, but if the hyperpigmentation keeps coming back, then you need something stronger such as the laser facial. I'm not a fan of putting a bleach on your skin.. in my opinion, I wouldn't want it to cause anymore damage. You can even check out a plastic surgeon that does this type of skin treatments.
  6. thank you thank you Yea, she even called the next day to say she's really happy that me and her can finally get along.
  7. I've been thinking about this for a while now too. I'll probably just let my WC keep it. If it's something that I can use again, then I'll bring it back
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by vtello hello lucy, If you don't mind can you tell me how much he charge for the Illuminated Dance floor? thx nessa I have also booked Carlos. He quoted the dance floor at $370 for 12' x 12'
  9. yea that last pic I was pretty wasted.. my dress was already gravitating south at that point. lol
  10. for those having a candy buffett in Mexico, did you buy the candy there or did you take it with you? I'd love to have one but I don't know how to go about it.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 That was very mature of you! You still didn't put any pics of how hot you looked!! hehe I got some pics from my camera. I gotta go gather around from my friends' cameras too.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Take knuckle dusters and boxing gloves just in case lmao lmfao!!!
  13. The wedding was on Saturday. I talked to her. We actually started talking as soon as we saw each other.. as soon as she walked away, my FI's face was classic. He goes,"Wow.... that went much better than I ever imagined." LMAO I sat her down before I started drinking and I told her that I don't want to have any problems with her and it really boils down to lack of communication. We have been using my FI as our middle man. We decided at another time and place, just me and her will talk and lay it all out on the table.
  14. welcome to the boards!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Why don't older women use lotion? Cuz they are all dried up and crusty & it just doesn't make a difference? LOL yea I wonder if that's it?! I mean there's no turning back from crust
  16. Andrea Bocelli is AMAZING but another one of my fave Italian singers is Eros Ramazzotti. He's got great music. Here's one of his songs - YouTube - I BELONG TO YOU (IT)-2005 EROS RAMAZZOTTI ANASTACIA official
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Oh ya. Like totally on cue. I would be paranoid but I just went and checked on the other ladies' bouquets. Some have lotion and some have candy in them. Unless, of course, we have been divided in stinky and non stinky groups. LMFAO!!! I wouldn't worry.. your boss probably gave candy to the older women that don't use lotions
  18. Thats so sweet! You are a lucky gal and with grandma's approval... you are set! hehe
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa That is fricking awesome! And a pretty clear indicator that you guys were already trashed...right? That 3 people could decide it's a good idea to stop & have shots on the way back to work? Definitely trashed. yea we were totally gone.. it was before I was with my FI and I was dating my co-worker........ so we all know where this one went hahahahahaha
  20. omg that fight was HYSTERICAL!!! I'm so glad Daisy got her ass beat!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel LOL- I must have seriously cursed myself. I just got a flower bouquet with tiny bottles of lotion and body spray in it. I kid you not. I'm off to the bathroom- I need to check my armpits. hehehehe you got it just as you said it? lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel OMG- you guys used to get free booze? I got ripped off! I got freaking lotion- again. Do you think they are trying to tell me something? Do I stink? At lunch he'd get like 2-3 bottles of wine and we'd all down them lol I remember last time, on the way back to work from the lunch, me and 2 other girls stopped at a bar and took shots lol No one knew 'cept us. I just crept back into my office like nothing was going on lol
  23. Heidi you look amazing in the pics! My FAVEEEEEE is the one you now have in your sig
  24. This is the only day I miss being an admin lol My boss always took us women out to a fancy restaurant for lunch and let us get wasted
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