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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Thats a great idea Michelle. Maybe a white rose would be nice. With the pearls, if you are going to wrap them around your wrist, make sure it fits right.. you don't wanna be worried about them falling off your hand.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I can't beleive I forgot to post it... Yup, I got mine the end of last week and all 3 smell great! I don't even know which one I want now! I am going to test wear each one for a day to see what I think. I want to buy like a million more. Thanks, Jenny! thats awesome! I wear mine all the time too.. and I've noticed that it stays on almost all day!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 Good to know about the facials.....I might have gotten that wrong, I think Leigh said a peel! Either way both would be nice! But with the moisturizers I do use one but I have used the Aveeno with the SPF in the past and that REALLY made me break out. Tim used to work for McNeil (Johnson and Johnson) and I used to get all the Aveeno and Neutrogena stuff for practically free, so I've tried them all. I have never had a problem with my skin EVER, maybe an occasional pimple here and there so when I use a moisturizer that makes me break out I freak! I am going to the mall today so maybe I'll pick up the Body Shop one. Thanks for the suggestions though! Neutrogena I've noticed it tends to be drying. I've used both in the past as well. Everyone's skin reacts different. I always tell my clients - stick to what works for you -
  4. I also bought a corset to wear underneath which makes you look like you dropped 20lbs lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 I know right! Now, Leigh the Lustra AF is that a skin bleach and what exact facials do you get? I'm going to look into the facials, I've never had one.....believe it or not! I'm the same way I stay out of the sun but shooting outside really makes it hard to stay sun free! I hate using sunscreen on my face because it makes me break out but I do use Bare Minerals and that has a sunscreen in it. I find it really works nicely too. I'm going to chime in on this one hehe Facials unfortunately will not help with the spots you see. They're more of a deep cleaner and get rid of the topical stuff like.. blackheads, whiteheads..things like that. I definitely recommend getting a facial.. they're so wonderful and relaxing. My FI always says,"Why don't you just give yourself a facial at home?!" I'm like,"I like to get pampered to ya know!" Another thing is that we should ALWAYS wear a moisturizer daily with SPF15 or higher. I can recommend a few good ones. This is what I use and I absolutely love it - The Body Shop: Vitamin E SPF 15 Moisture Lotion, sunscreen, sun protection, sunblock, face cream, face lotion, vitamin e, facial lotion, spf, spf 15, lotion, moisturizer, day lotion, sun, skin care Aveeno is also really good and carry SPF in their moisturizers.
  6. I'm Feb 28 09 I haven't officially started a diet but I've been eating a lot of fruit lately which has helped me drop a few lbs. plus going to the gym.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Im glad it turned out all right, Now you know that if you two becomes friends then him and her will probably end up friends. Maybe you will become comfortable when they are together. In the past, I was cool.. like parties that we'd be at with her.. I'd be in my own huddle and them talking together. It never bothered me. I've always been really chill about everything so for me to get nuts about this.. it was a big deal Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus tough one.... hmmm which i had an easy answer for this one but i dont... it sounds pretty plataonic to me.. one thing is that if they try to hide something or that they are talking its somethign to worry about. but since he is so open and casual about it i doubt its something to worry about. im still friends with all my exes (well the sane ones) and i have no dseire to ever be with them. they are exes for a reason. its worth just setting him down and just telling him that you feel uneasy about it and you will do your best but that you really dont care for her.. I've never been opposed to being friends with ex's.. he's got a few others that I dont care that he talks to.. but for me it was the one that would call/text him everyday..the one that was jealous of our relationship. I've never stayed "friends" with ex's ever just bc I didn't want to encounter these types of problems within my relationships. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian you do look hot. i'm also envious of your boobage. ooooh, i so wish we could see a picture of your new BFF!!!!! you two will be hanging out in no time seriously though, i hope it turns out that she's not as bad as you think and that maybe she was just acting all crazy because she's really intimidated by you or something. you don't have to be best friends, but maybe you girls can actually get to a point where you like each other. I think me and her can get there.. I'm not completely against it. We're going to her house for a Kentucky Derby party soon so we'll see how that goes.. AND guess what? See I'm being nice.. since it's on a Saturday and I work all day, he's going to the party before me and I'll meet him there later on. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Yeah, sometimes when girls are nervous they "actafoo" HA HA LMFAO!! You crack me the f up lol lol
  8. I bought a second dress for my TTD because my original wedding dress was too big and poofy I thought to do a TTD. Now my new wedding dress isn't poofy at all but I love it too much to ruin.
  9. JennyK


    welcome to the boards!
  10. Your wedding looked beautiful. I can't believe how those rashes looked........ thats scary for all of us other brides going down to Cancun
  11. Your pics look great! I love how you found your guestbook exactly like your invites! It's such a nice touch Congrats!
  12. I'm really sorry to hear about this Yari. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the poor family.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH I always wear my bangs pulled back. You can even see it in the pic in my sig. This is my fave wedding hair pic.. I'm really considering putting mine like this or Carmen Electra's.
  14. I've never used Laura Mercier but I heard it's pretty good. I'm a true follower of MAC for pics.. especially the foundation "Studio Tech". It gives an all-over even look
  15. hehe thanks guys! I DO love my cleavage haha I did take a pic of her but it'd be f'd up if I posted it hahaha
  16. I wouldn't stress.. there's plenty of other resorts that want your business and are better at it.
  17. YEa I saw this.. soooooooo nice.. wish I could put that on a registry or something lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean I'm too scared to click there. Especially since I need to go watch the past episodes. I'll be in front of the computer tonite! you better get to it! This season is insane. I can't WAIT til tomorrow!
  19. I saw this on the news! It's pretty crazy.. I LOVEEEE cereal. That means I'll have all boys? lol
  20. everything looked beautiful and you looked AMAZING!! What a beautiful dress - Congrats!!
  21. I'm so tempted to click the link but.... MUST BE STRONG! I won't do it!
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