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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. omg that dog is so precious! You said mini bulldog? How big does he get?
  2. I checked out this adorable boutique hotel in Cancun on my site visit. It's called Avalon Baccara. Avalon Baccara Cancun
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Most of the time they will close up. But they do have a special ring for pregnancy called "Pregnancy Piercings" Pregnancy Piercings when my belly starts getting bigger I'm going to get one of these. I've already re-pierced once and it didn't feel good. :-( Wow I never knew these existed! Congrats on the piercing
  4. I totally missed last night's episode so I pray my DVR caught it. superez - that's such a freaky story.. totally cool though! hehe Sometimes I wonder if hotel owners actually want their places haunted bc they know it'll draw more business. Like about 2 episodes ago on GH, the owner was happier than pig in shit when they told him there's a lot of activity going on lol
  5. It's your wedding and you can customize it to your tastes. I think it's so nice to do.. plus who doesn't love the beatles!!! In My Life is one of my all time favorite songs
  6. Have fun, congrats and can't wait to see the pics!!!
  7. Everything went really well. At the courthouse, my SIL showed up much to my brother's disapproval and had a bridal bouquet for my mom. We all hugged and cried hehe It meant a lot for my mom to have my SIL there since they're so close and with all the problems with my brother, there was a rif in the relationship. I just kept telling my SIL,"thank you thank you thank you" and she said,"Your mom is such an important part of my life, I couldn't not come." So I was happy. Afterwards we went to the restaurant and as people started to trickle in, she kept going,"OH MY GOD!" She was so so happy to have everyone there. I didn't tell her who was coming so everytime she'd see someone she'd cry. I kept using her camera throughout the night bc my camera sucks so once I get the pics from her husband I'll post them
  8. JennyK


    happy planning!
  9. Your pics came out beautiful! Congrats again girl!
  10. welcome and happy planning!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha that would be more logical. We just assumed it was telling us that we were going to die. I just don't get why it spelled out mort. That's just odd to me and I have played since and never had it spell out foreign words. Maybe jibberish I guess. I dunno- I guess it's just freaky that the damn thing moves anyways. Especially if you are playing with someone you trust to not move it. We have even had two people play blindfolded and it still spelled out words. I just don't get it. My college roommate and I did lots of "experiments" to try to figure it out. I wouldve been so scared too.. thats crazy!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by antonia321 becks - i'm watching clips from our wedding reception right now when everyone's dancing and he's just so fun! He even flashes all the lights to the beat of the music! do you have any clips online?
  13. Ohhhhhhh I remember the good one!!!! When i was in the 10th grade, I was always playing the board.. it got addictive. I took it to school one day since my teacher was out for the week. We started to play in the back of the room. The dial started spinning really really fast so we asked it to move something. I grabbed a book and opened it. Everyone was still, windows shut so no air flow, and 2 pages flipped. It was so scary that 2 guys actually ran out of the classroom freaking out lmfao
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel what happened with you Jenny? I used to play a lot when I was younger and one day a few of us stayed late at a friend's bar playing until 4am. The board kept telling us to look towards the mountains (this was in Portugal on my summer vacation).. but we didnt get what it meant.. the next day we found out there was a fire in the mountains. I have other stories.. I have to remember..it's been so long since I've played.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Oh geez. I'd like to say no so I don't sound like even more of a freak but I had a really scary experience with it when I was 17 or so. Still to this day, I can't rationalize it. same here..........
  16. Its so great to hear someone that used him.. I'm sure we are all relieved hehe
  17. ANyone believe in the Ouija boards?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel The princess? Oh ya. That was good. We had to rewind that several times. Sorry but hands down I think the best EVP was "There is no Jean here." Yea that one was good too! I see they got a new toy now.. the one where it supposedly starts to blink if ghosts walk in front of it. The best toy is the one they use on PS where it's like a telephone to the spirits or something.. they ask a question and they get a response right away
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel btw- I feel like such a dork getting this excited. lol girl i'm right there with you.. i love this stuff! Waverly Hills was a good one Did you see the one 2 weeks ago where they got the lady talking to them on the EVP!? That was so freaky!
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