Everything went really well. At the courthouse, my SIL showed up much to my brother's disapproval and had a bridal bouquet for my mom. We all hugged and cried hehe It meant a lot for my mom to have my SIL there since they're so close and with all the problems with my brother, there was a rif in the relationship. I just kept telling my SIL,"thank you thank you thank you" and she said,"Your mom is such an important part of my life, I couldn't not come." So I was happy. Afterwards we went to the restaurant and as people started to trickle in, she kept going,"OH MY GOD!" She was so so happy to have everyone there. I didn't tell her who was coming so everytime she'd see someone she'd cry. I kept using her camera throughout the night bc my camera sucks so once I get the pics from her husband I'll post them