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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. I cant see them being crazy busy in the morning of a weekday..but just call ahead before you go.
  2. I used Brandi Grooms for my BD, AHR, and E-pics..she's AMAZING. I highly recommend her. I can't say enough good things. PM me if you wanna see my BD pics.
  3. The only place in the BVI that I've been to is Jost Van Dyke. Your wedding will be gorgeous - congrats and welcome to the forums!
  4. thats beautiful! The colors are gorgeous
  5. I was a Le Meridien bride until about a month ago.. they just werent as flexible as we thought they were. It's a beautiful place.
  6. Thank you my love! I won't be around until Sunday since I'm in official state of panic.. Im still printing my programs and I go to take my dress out of the garment bag and my tulle was stuck to the zipper and my veil is totally wrinkled.. so I'm running around like a crazy person. *hugsssssssssss*
  7. I was like.. omg whats wrong with his balls and what advice can we possibly give lol lol ummm I like Christmas Tree Shop and Target for decorations.
  8. Myself and my guests are staying at a totally different hotel than the wedding. I did this bc of 1) cost 2) all inclusive 3) I wanted the freedom to customize my wedding as much as possible without having to deal with the vendor rules. So far so good.. all I have to do is arrange transportation between both hotels but fortunately its only a 5 minutes drive so its not completely out of the way
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Hello Jenny! Hi Andrea! Nice to meet you Quote: Originally Posted by mrsbancroft2be I think we have decided to have a people meet on Thursday night at the sports bar in the CasaMagna. We are not inviting all of our guests to the rehersal dinner on Friday so I feel we need to welcome our guests somehow. I think we will do it after dinner so we don't have to pay for food and just front the bill for drinks. Does everyone have shoes for bridesmaids? Mine have fuschia dresses and I can not find shoes anyone have any ideas? or good websites to look at? I'll be there the week after you (next door though) My girls are fuschia as well! I got them barefoot sandals and let them chose their shoes for reception
  10. hi hi hi! I havent really posted in this thread.. I'm 2/28
  11. CatalogBrowser http://www.partypop.com/forums/weddi...es/m381790.htm try there
  12. I JUST bought transfers today to try for some totes!
  13. JennyK


    welcome aboard!
  14. Your wedding is gorgeous and let me just say your makeup looks absolutely FLAWLESS! What a stunning stunning bride!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan wonderful! glad you were able to make the switch. was it fun to cancel with Le Meridien? um.. we havent given them the heads up yet since we got our contract for JW yesterday.. thankfully we didnt sign anything or send any deposits to Le Meridien but tomorrow I'll have Greg do the dirty work and contact them lol He's more eloquent at being a bitch than I am.
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