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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 OMG we love love love both house hunters!!!! That is awesome you saw your town. How fun to see something so familiar. This show has been a great way to show fun place like Portugal off!! The house they chose is directly across the street from my uncle's place.. so everytime they'd show their view, it was my uncle's house lol Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN House Hunters International is one of my fave shows! Can we all come with you next time you visit your family? I had a friend when I worked in the airlines who owned a house over in Portugal. Never worked out for me to get over there though. You sure can We have an empty apartment there which we use when we go in the summer.. this summer unfortunately I won't be going since I gotta save everything I can for the wedding.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Good girl! I just got a DVR yesterday for the first time ever!! I'm so excited! I always had cable because I had a friend that worked for the cable co and he gave it to me free but I just moved out of town and they don't have service out there. I am so excited to use it for the first time OK, anyway I will have to see if I can find it and watch it! you're never going to watch normal TV again.. I hate commercials now so if we see something we like, we DVR it and watch after its done recording
  3. It was on again at like 2am so I DVRed it Just in case I feel like watching it over and over again lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I got the chills! I'm not sure if it's real, you can see the whole person and it's not like a shadow. What do you think? i think its for real but I believe in everything unless its obviously fake
  5. It's nice to hear you are cool with it Will she be able to travel by October?
  6. Anyone watch this show or the other House Hunters? Reason I asked is because they just recently repeated HHI in Portugal. With me being Portuguese and with it being a lesser traveled European country..I was sooooo excited. So I'm watching thinking theyre either in the south of Portugal which is our riviera or the Capital Lisbon..the couple is on their second apartment when the host goes,"With the beautiful view.." And they pan out to the beach.. it was MY town and MY beach!!!! I FREAKED OUT. My tiny town is a coastal beach town.. like a hidden jewel that not many people know about. There's only about 1000 people that live there and we're all related some way or another lol But of all places for this American couple to look than my own backyard My FI was convinced he saw my dad sitting at one the local cafes lol lol
  7. JennyK

    I'm new!

    how was your site visits?
  8. I know I have something Saturday I just cant remember.. and Sunday I have a 5k Lymphomathon Walk. My FI's best friend's mom just recently passed from Lymphoma so about 30 of us are going to walk to support him and raise money. Sunday night I'm gonna go see Chris Rock in NYC!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Well crap. They changed their website. You used to be able to watch them. Must be too popular of a show now. I did a youtube search and nothing came up.. I'll just have to wait a few more days..im sure they'll put it up
  10. Now that you emailed her, she'll be expecting an invite.. I'd be the bigger person and invite her + 1. She'll probably not come anyways if she's acting this way towards you
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I don't know if they have seasons out. I do have a "best of" dvd and it was like $10. You can watch all their episodes online I think. I'd check that out first. I can't get utube at work. they only have 3 episodes on the website.. and last night's not there
  12. YouTube - Ghost at the top of the stairs i just found this on youtube.. do you think its real? It really creeped me out
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha it was a big joke in our house. We just laughed at it more than truly finding it interesting. Did you see the one when GH's when to a castle with Barry as their helper? Dustin got knocked down after evoking something. It was hysterical- yet scary. You shouldn't piss off century old ghosts. yea exactly. They need the Jay & Grant there.. just isn't the same. I can't believe Steve just won't fly. He'd have so much fun over in Europe. He's Portuguese like me and if he went to Portugal, he'd have a field day!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I wasn't a big fan of GHI. I thought it was a big waste of time. They didn't even come back with any hard evidence and I got so tired of them having "experiences." Like Donna was always touched (I mean, do ghosts love her that much?) Barry was always seeing a dark shadow move out of the corner of his eye (must be the Irish whiskey.) As you can see, I'm bitter. I was so excited for it but then totally let down. When GH's went to Europe, those episodes rocked! I got so freaked out during the Irish one with the the little "fairies." I can't remember what it's called. grrr...Anyways, I hope you know what I'm talking about. yea come to think of it, she was always being touched.
  15. oh ok My dog is also a mini - mini huskey.. he was breeded to stay 30lbs instead of a full grown 90lb huskey
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Desperate Housewives of New York City...do you you watch Jenny? nah.. but I'll be watching the NJ one
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I liked the flashlight part I saw that one. GH International was only on for 6 weeks I think...right before the new season of GH started I cant stand Brian but the show was pretty good.. They can find sooooooooo much more international stuff due to the fact that America is so young. **ok weird I keep hearing weird noises behind me and my dog isn't even moving. I'm gonna go get him to keep him close to me lol
  18. ahhh then I saw the wrong one dammit lol I gotta see if that one is on the site
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Flashlight part? Remind me- haha that was too long ago apparently. Last night's episode was the AFB one right? That's what I just watched. Jay placed a flashlight down and it started to light up without anyone touching it
  20. ehh It was good.. I liked the flashlight part but I like more.. I love to hear good evps and see things on the thermals btw what happened with GH International??
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I missed it last night Went to my parents for dinner, and it's nearly impossible to get out once you're there! I don't mind if you chat about it though, I don't have a DVR, at least this way, I'll know what I missed...I should go see if a repeat is on SCI FI Rewind | SCIFI.COM here is the link to the full episode. I'm watching right now
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE We watched it...and I 'm not sure if I should comment yet since Jenny missed it. Needless to say I woke up with my back killing me because I had to sleep with my daughter last night. She was SO scared. She does this every week! Yet - she is OBSESSED with watching it! She wouldn't even eat her dinner she was so in to it! It didn't help that when I went to bed with her the winds were howling - so I totally see why she was freaked out! oh shiiiiiiznit I gotta see if I can watch it real quick and come back online so we can chat about it
  23. GO GLENDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a wonderful accomplishment for you and everyone who participated. CONGRATS!!
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