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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. aww I really like her dress. She looks so simple but beautiful..
  2. Im very close to spending $900 for 4 tickets in the 3rd row.............. ahhhhhhhhhh my FI will hit the roof
  3. omg.. so cute! I give you a lot of credit for fostering these animals. I would want to keep all of them
  4. You look stunning in the Monique Luo. It's an amazing dress!
  5. Thanks so much for the review! Many of us have booked Carlos - It's nice to see how wonderful he is!
  6. Your best bet is asking your WC. They have contacts and preferences and since they're from the area, they'll know how to find one.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 First of all, have an awesome time!!! Secondly thanks for the offer but the only think I can think of is what Linda said about fun shops. Are you going to check out the Captain Hook? If so I cant wait for your review on that! I've already been on the Captain Hook and it's an AMAZING time. I highly recommend it for everyone. The food is soooooooo good and the show they put on is so much fun. Everyone's dressed like pirates and in the middle of our sail, our boat goes up to another "pirate ship" and our pirates fight with their pirates. They all jump back and forth between boats. It's such a good time. While I'm down there now, I'm going to see if I can get a group rate or something.. I believe it's like $80pp normally.
  8. The girls names ring true. I know MANY Sofia's born last year.. I'm not really a fan of the name but it's become SO popular.
  9. IMO, I don't think it's a good idea bc it can get deleted real easy before they update their calendars. I also think it's more personal sending them out. Also, not everyone remembers to check email.. lol
  10. welcome to the boards!
  11. We all know it's not the same over there. this is my home.. but am I the only one scared to post on there? I'm a bit intimidated lol They all talk in this secret code that no one is supposed to know about. We should come up with code words too lol
  12. Hey girls! My mom and I are going to Cancun a week from tomorrow ( May 18 ) for my 2nd site visit. I'm meeting with my wedding coordinator at Le Meridien and my florist (Vanessa Jaimes). I'm also going to check out prices of different tours. I want to have my rehearsal dinner on the Captain Hook. Do you guys need anything? I'm asking a week in advance in case you think of anything. I'll also be shopping around downtown for possible favors. I'm going to try to take a large suitcase and pack light so I can bring goodies back
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye WOW!! If I had a couple of beer in me & someone asked if I was pregnant... I think I would have thrown a few punches! lol Kudos for your patience! My first thoughts was,"Obviously I'm not pregnant if I'm pounding them back!" LMAO I just get it from everyone.. I'm 5'4", 135 lbs and I don't gain weight anywhere else but my belly. There's like nothing I can do bc even when I'm 115 lbs I still have my belly.
  14. omg the last episode was sooooooooooooooo good!!! I'm so confused.. how can Jack's dad be everywhere? I never thought he was dead from day one when his coffin opened and nothing was in there.. but still. AHHH So now is he the one behind all this or is Penny's dad?
  15. Lizz I'm so excited for you!! All of your planning is going to pay off and everything's going to look so great. Can't wait to see pics when you get back!! *hugs*
  16. I hate my belly.. at least once a month someone touches it asking me when I'm due It just happened last week when I went to a BBQ and mind you I'm pounding back the beers, and my FI's friend's father asks his son if I'm pregnant. WTF..
  17. I'm a day late but happy birthday girl!!!!!
  18. Alyssa have you checked Jessica McClintock's website? My girls are wearing JMC and they're not BM looking at all. There's so many nice different dresses!
  19. Congrats! It feels so good when you find your resort
  20. *sending good vibes* I hope you can get it back
  21. JennyK


    welcome to the boards!!
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