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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I was just checking out the RC website and saw the Bayonne location cruises. You make cruises sound so fun. I was worried I'd be bored, but sounds like there's a lot to do. I want to go on one now!!! Thanks for the info. Believe me..the only thing you'd have to worry about is getting sea sick. I do really bad but I just talk dramamine and some ginger candy and I'm good. Cruising really is a lot of fun.. start out with the 3-day one. If you like it, step it up to a 7 day! hehe I wanna do a 2 week cruise from my honeymoon.. we'll see!
  2. Welcome to the forums!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Jenny, do you ever leave out of the local ports (NY, Philly, etc) or do you usually fly to Florida or something? As of now I am expecting to fly somewhere for the cruise, but if I can catch a nice cruise out of the area that would be awesome!!! Everytime, I've flown to Puerto Rico and picked up the ship there. I do it that way so I can incorporate PR as a destination as well. My mom has sailed out of Bayonne, NJ and she said it was really great bc you're not paying airfare. I just think those cruises are a little longer.. like 9 days instead of 7. I think there's 3 day cruises that leave from there and go to Bermuda. BTW, you'll be fine on a cruise longer than 3 days. It's like a floating hotel. They're all so HUGE that even by the end, you'll realize there's sections you never even saw. There's always something to do and different restaurants to eat at. Plus, you'll be getting off at a port almost everyday. Every cruise has a day or more at sea but those are always fun too.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN hehe defintely... i think this calls for a day off for just the 2 of you!
  5. yea definitely.. I already missed him like crazy and this madness made it worse. I told him he's not allowed to go into work Thursday
  6. I LOVE cruising. I've been on Royal Caribbean - Adventure of the Seas, Princess - Golden Princess, & Norwegian - Pride of Hawaii. They're all really great but I'd say Royal Caribbean is the BEST.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Scary... I can only imagine your panic. Glad to hear he is fine and was able to sleep through it. Hopefully he just needed to get out of the hotel and clear his head.... try not to panic.. I'm sure he will get back in contact with you! he called me He said he freaked out when he logged onto AIM and he got about 20 IMs in a row asking if he was alive..so he went to the airport to leave but there are no flights out until tomorrow so he's staying until the end of his trip since it's only 1 more day. lord I dunno who panics more, me or him lol
  8. JennyK


    welcome aboard amanda!
  9. From what I was just told, he took it more serious than anyone in the group he was with and just said,"I'm going home." He probably hopped on a taxi to the airport. He'll probably try to get a flight out to San Francisco but I'm sure there's MANY MANY people trying to get the hell outta there. I can only imagine what's going through his mind.. he's alone without his family or me and this happens. He probably realized what could've happened to him and thank god didn't..
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese that is scary!!! good thing he is safe and sound. how long will he be away? I JUST got a call from my FMIL.. she just had my FI's cousin's (who he is there with) mom call her telling her that Greg is having a really hard time with this and packed his shit and left the hotel! He didn't call me. Now I'm back to a panic bc I don't know where he is and I don't want him traveling halfway around the world alone. I called his hotel room and no one answered. I'm going to keep trying until I get his cousin.
  11. Of all the friggin' weeks for a natural disaster to happen.. it has to be when my FI is on his trip to China! After my FMIL calling me to tell me about the earthquake.. I put myself into a panic and cried my eyes out for about an hour at work. I hadn't heard from Greg today and when I found out about the earthquake, it was 5am there. I managed to get his room number and had her call since I wasn't home and no international on my cell phone. He's ok and didn't feel a thing in Shanghai! I think he didn't feel it because he was drinking and sleeps like a rock when he's drunk! haha He was really worried about me so he called me to reassure me that all is well where he is. Ahh... this sucks though. I want him home now..
  12. JennyK


    welcome to the forum!
  13. I was at Michael's today too lol Was it the new stickers with crochet bikinis?
  14. Oh those are nice! I havent seen it with the row of sparklies!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Jenny - you really love these girls Those are so cute and a great price for BM gifts. Great find!!! yea I really do love my BMs Ive been so drama free with them and they're all so excited to go.. I just wanna give back for being so loyal to me
  16. Aww CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's such a great accomplishment!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I checked out the knot DW boards the other day & the girls do seam really nice. Before, I had only been on the other parts of the knot boards & it was not a place I'd feel welcome. Don't worry, if the trolls came over here we'd put them in their place right before Tammy bans them. My guess is they are just jelouse. The majority of my friends who had traditional weddings wish they would have done a DW. If anyone knows of them attacking the knot DW girls again they should put an alert here so we can go prove them wrong I'll try going over there and giving it another shot.. although I'm way too dedicated to this place lol
  18. I really am going a lil crazy with my BM gifts.. but I keep finding the cutest things! So here's my latest find/purchase They're hot pink (Mostly everything I'm getting my girls have fuschia in them) Victoria's Secret Passport Covers for $12 each They come in 4 different colors (Red, Silver, Raspberry, Leopard). Btw, I found them originally on Ebay but this lady was selling them for $50 each.. WTF?! Then I did a search on the VS website and they weren't listed. You have to go under Catalog Quick Order. Victoria's Secret - Passport cover
  19. Welcome to the boards! I'm from Jersey too
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Lilpaisley I post on the DW board on the Knot...but that is the only one. The other Knot and Nest boards can be really brutal. If you are talking about the DW board and you keep seeing people talking about "The Bow"...that is another private message board created by the DW girls. It's private because there have been many problems in the recent past with board vs. board cat fights...I kid you not. (Pun intended) It seems that most other current and former "knotties" think that DW weddings are simply wrong etiquette wise. They come over and post attacks on the girls on the DW board and the whole thing explodes in to a cat fight. It is so ridiculous and high school like. The girls on the attack then post “come over and see the cat fight” messages on all the other boards. I admit that I think it’s really funny and have feed the Trolls myself by pointing out when they contradict themselves. When the cat fights aren’t going on, the DW girls are really cool and have lots of great ideas. I’ve thought about posting a link to this board on there…but am hesitant for fear of attack. Lol. I have seen a few of the girls on this board as well. WOW I had no idea.. so it's like a war.. DW vs. regular AHR brides J/K That really is so childish. To each his own, right? If everyone in the world did everything the same.. it'd be so boring.
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