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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Did anyone see Kate on the Jay Leno show last night? She is super cute. aww I wish I saw that. btw, she's not married to Charlie in real life.. I think they broke up already
  2. I got my BMs a bunch of things.. Swarovski Starfish necklace - SWAROVSKI #6721 STARFISH PENDANT "CRYSTAL AB" 40MM (1) - eBay (item 280226046323 end time May-17-08 23:42:40 PDT) Victoria's Secret makeup bag in Fuschia like their dresses - Victoria's Secret - Must-have Makeup Bag Fuschia Pashminas Personalized Perfume - http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18920 Victoria's Secret Passport Covers - VictoriasSecret.com: The Official Site of Victoria's Secret
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Thanks Jenny! I meant to ask the size of the label and forgot.. you musta read my mind how did you do with your label??
  4. welcome to the forums!
  5. Im so going like 3 times tomorrow.. I'm caffeine addicted *as I sit here and sip my Coolatta*
  6. JennyK


    welcome to the forums!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel The word of the day just in case anyone cared- haha farticles The particles of air contaminated after someone or something lets out gas. OMG Thats hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Thats awesome! Congrats! It's such a good feeling having people love the work you do
  9. welcome to the forums!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild LOL your tattoo stories are great! I once knew a guy that had "Mija" on his chest from his ex-wife (she had "mijo"), and he didn't cover it post-divorce because he said it could apply to any future lady in his life...ewwwww omg LAME!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 That tat is way too huge!!! I would never get a man's name on me. My ex boyfriend whom I was with for 5 yrs got my name on his chest over his heart and it was pretty big. Dumb, I know. We broke up and he got with someone else. He finally got the thing covered after being with her for a few years- he had to get a huge state of Texas colored in with black to cover it. I couldn't imagine sleeping with my FI if he had a womans name tatted on his chest!!!! Nick will have a hell of a time covering that! Mariah just got a silver dollar size butterfly on her lower back that says M Canon. oh lord lol M Canon.. I doubt she'll be changing her name. What a dummy. I have a heart tat on my lower back..the day I went to get it my FI (who wasnt my FI at the time) said to me,"You know what you should do? Put my name in that heart." I go,"You know what you should do? Put a ring on my finger." LMAO He held up his end of the bargain lol lol
  12. Carly, have a great time! Your planning pics are so wonderful, your wedding will be BEAUTIFUL as you. We'll all be here waiting your return..review and pics for us pic whores!! LOTS OF LOVE & LUCK!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Oh shit I forgot about Cribs, that was nutty! I was just thinking about her pushing out the ice cream cart on TRL and taking her top off....good times! haha good times lol lol that tat IS huge.. how the hell is he going to cover that one up when they're done! I had a boyfriend once who dated this girl before me that I knew. She had a huge tattoo on her lower back with her ex's name. Before me and him were together I said to him, "How do you hit that looking at another man's stamp!?!?" They broke up shortly after lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 Jenny, wanna switch? My FI doesn't want to build it, but we don't have the money to pay someone outright to do it...so he's doing it because he has to. At least your's WANTS to do it LOL I don't care how grumpy FI is about it, I'm excited that I'll get to use the other 2/3 of my yard But I know how proud he'll be when it's done (as long as the monsters we call dogs don't destroy it) Yea they always get a sense of accomplishment.. they're the man of the house.. they're building their domain
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I have 4 now I'm obsessed with checking my referral number. me too hehe I've been posting on like 5 different boards
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by deznchris2006 I have a feeling that will be my job also...get the beer, order the pizza and maybe make some kind of COLD treat for them thats easy..the only sweat you have to break is opening up his can of beer
  17. LUCKY! Send your FI to my house hehehe I want a patio so bad and my FI wants to do it on his own too..
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Oh dude, I bet a 1000 BDW points it's less than that. I'd like to see these "alleged" tattoos too. So are the tattoos making this thing more "real" and less crazy? LOL really- it's like it's a selling point for why it works and totally makes sense. totally shows how devoted they are to each other.. *rolls eyes* hehe
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride LOL. I learned in law school that it would be something like if you told Greg that you wanted to have children and then you get married and refuse to get pregnant. That would be fraud b/c Greg married you by relying on the fact that you guys would start a family together. Or let's say Greg turned out to be gay. That would be fraud. Or you promise Greg to convert to Juddaism but then you don't. Again fraud. Ohhhh I get it now. I always wondered why Renee Zellwegger and that country guy divorced after 2 months..she said "fraud". I thought he was gay...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I'm with Jenny. Fraud or the Hollywood favorite...Irreconcilable Differences. I never got the fraud thing.. were they not the person you thought they were? I mean c'mon, 2 weeks is plenty of time! hehehehe
  21. welcome to the forums!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by townie princess OMG, then she has to be a good 15 years on him! Is he even legal? Anyone taking bets on how long this will last? I'll bet 1000 BDW points they'll be divorced or whatever hmm I say before July 1st. She'll divorce him and say it was "fraud".
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