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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. I was hoping to get fire dancers as well.. surprise my guests. Let us know if you find anything!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN I am still working on what I'm going to get them. So far I have gotten them fuschia cover ups to wear when we are all getting ready and the to enjoy for the rest of their trip. If budget allows I would like to get them a nicer tote bag with their name embroidered. Then who knows what else I'll find... Have you got these yet? Do you have a picture of it in person / on someone? I really want to do starfish necklaces for the girls - but can't find one I like. TIA! Yea I have them just not the necklace to put them on.. They're so nice especially when the sun hits them.. there's so many colors.. I'll try to see if I have a chain I can put it on and take a pic
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha I hope the massage is from a Best Friend, not a Boy Friend. All these acronyms are killers. hehe yea my best friend Lauren..she's a massage therapist so we exchange services..I give her facials, she gives me massages
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Monique OMG...listen to us bashing her and her new man...let's be nice and wish them well...even if everyone believes it's a crock and will fall apart in little to no time...I guess I was expecting her to be with someone different...he just doesn't seem like her type like their unequally yoked! Oh well...I'm going to look for a copy cat of those shoes...that's my mission from all of this!!! And Farticle is tooo HA-Larious... me and my friends have another word for the year...TA-licious...my Grandma always mispronouces words and she doesn't say delicious she says Talicious...so when ever we eat something that is tooo good for words we say talicious! *** I just read online.. should've guessed it.. her shoes are Christian Louboutins ***
  5. hehehe I totally visualized that one.. glad you are ok
  6. welcome to the boards!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Not Ghost Hunters! It's back the 28th. My friend thinks they avoided the last 2 weeks since it's sweeps week for the major networks and Sci Fi can't compete. I dunno- just her theory. Anyways, I wonder if that Children of the Grave show is on. I want to watch that one! omg girl its so scary.. I just checked scifi.com and its not on. Just GH re-runs
  8. I wonder whats on tonight........?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride OMG thank goodness! Is he home with you yet? not yet.. I'm leaving to go get a massage from my bf and then I'm off to the airport to get him at 8pm.. woohoo!! Im so excited i'm seriously dancing like this ---->
  10. It does suck waiting especially if you are a planning whore like me.. I was at the travel agent like 4 days after prices were released for my week lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I don't think Jack is Jesus. I just think that some of them have leader roles like Jack and John. Remember Jack's tatoo said "He walks among us but he is not one of us" or something like that. yea hey did you notice another one of jack's tats? I thought he just had that one with the number 5..
  12. I did a search for this website and it didn't come up so I'm making a thread about it. There's soooo many hair and makeup ideas for our big day I've been saving pics like crazy. Wedding makeup+hair pictures - Project Wedding
  13. FI is back on American soil! I'm so excited now.. no more worries about China
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Kate and Charlie were dating in real life, then they broke up, but now they are back together again. They were never married or engaged or anything like that. He was not killed off b/c they broke up, they actually broke up b/c he returned to LA and she stayed in Hawaii and it made it difficult. I don't know what the heck is going on but I still think Jin is alive. No one agrees with me (my non-internet friends) but James also thinks he's alive and he's a pretty smart kid if I do say so myself so I'm going to roll with my FI on this one. LOL. James pretty much knows what's going on all the time b/c he loves history and philosophy and owns every book by every "character" that was introduced (meaning the philosophy of John Locke, Mikael Bakunin, etc) I have no clue if Claire is dead. I totally did not pick up on that. But do you guys remember that Charlie had a dream that his mother and Claire were on the beach and they were dressed like the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdaline (sp?) and they were holding the baby Jesus? And Jack and Claire's dad is named CHRISTIAN SHEPARD for a reason. Notably, Jack is a science man who doesn't seem to "believe" the way John Locke does. So its interesting that this CHRISTIAN SHEPARD and his daughter Claire who has been portrayed as holding the baby Messiah are waiting for John Lock. Maybe later on in life Jack becomes torn b/c he realizes that he never believed in the islands power or something to that effect. Which is why he is always trying to get back. So you are trying to say that Jack is Jesus? hehehe j/k but yea, I think he's starting to see that they're all bound to that island after they leave..its like their calling
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I will. I debated between the touch of vanilla and the touch of Citrus for a while. I hope they aren't too sweet. mine smells sweet bc I got all fruity smells..
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I just ordered four. One for me and one for the three bridesmaids! I'm so excited. I made mine Mango, Peach and a touch of Vanilla. I'm excited to see how they turn out. mmm nice! You gotta tell me how you like the smell I wear mine all the time. It actually lasts all day
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Very true. Which is kinda creepy. I was actually getting the chills during the last episode. yea how good is Lost though.. this show is just so crazy and deep now. I'm gonna mourn the day it's all over
  18. Maybe one Sunday that I have off I'll drive into the city and get a bunch of Pashminas. Those street vendors are easy to haggle with if you buy a lot. I believe I got mine at $4 and probably could've gone lower if I wasn't in a hurry to go
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Hmmm I wonder if that is why he left the show i doubt it.. I mean technically he hasn't "left". He's Hurley's ghostly friend
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