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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I think the boat is about to blow up and that is how Jin "dies" I think Sun was looking for a raft of some sort when she was headed towards the front of the boat and that is how Aaron and her survive. Then the boat will come with the other people that survive. Kate, Jack, Syid and Hurley. i still cant accept that Jin will die lol BTW, Sawyer was on Jimmy Kimmel ( I actually watched to see Drea) and he was kinda dorky.. I guess bc I expected him to come out all dirty and rugged and nasty.. RAWR.
  2. My old job blocked me from everything.. and recorded all of my conversations and email.. I was LIVID since no one told me I was being monitored. So I quit. Now I don't work office jobs so I don't have to deal with the bullshhhhhhhhhhiznit.
  3. since I wasn't on yesterday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
  4. YAY Lizz! Congrats!! Can't wait to hear all about it
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave Jenny, Like I mentioned I really thought it was a great idea to do a newsletter and you inspired me to do one of my own. Thank you. I want to share with you my newsletter. I hope it doesn't look too much like yours. It's super cute but I'd try to keep it to 1 page if your second page only has a signature. Let me know if you need any help!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley9078 Great job I love it, how often do you plan on sending these out? I'm sending another out when I get back from my site visit next week. I'll be able to tell them where we're staying since I'm not having my wedding where we'll stay
  7. My payment is sent.. All the best to Ann, Paul, & baby nugget
  8. welcome to the boards!
  9. Tami - you look radiant! And wow.. I can't get over how Tom looks at you in all of the pics.. so sweet
  10. Can't wait to hear all about it!! WOOHOO!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! I loved this but they were sold out!!! Maybe I should DIY? Don't think it could be very complicated or am I wrong?!?! Also for the price she was selling it, making it myself might turn out to be more expensive. I just saw that big sand dollar at Michael's.. might not be too expensive.
  12. dez i'll find out when I go to see my WC on Monday. If I can get her to find me fire dancers in the Cancun area, I'll pass the info on to you guys
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari This is mine... Yari, I can't wait to see your BMs in this dress!
  14. I got most of mine at Macy's (and used coupons!) but they are Jessica McClintock dresses. To get the rest, I went to a Jessica McClintock store.
  15. Ok I've already stopped once for my coffee.. I'm going to another DD in a little bit. I love free coffee............ *buzzin'*
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 I seriously looked through 700+ pics! Thanks chica! I know me too! hehehe
  17. I would go with Restylane like Maura said. I've heard good things about it. My old boss used to get it done and loved it.
  18. beck - you guys should get it taken care of before your wedding though.. you don't want drama on your wedding day...
  19. Happy planning! Welcome to your new home
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