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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenleopard Ashlee and Pete's Wedding Cover of People cracked me up! What was Jessica doing in that side photo? Hahaha... i know.. way to ruin Ashlee's cover story moment with Jess grinding on tony
  2. I'm sure my FI would say my ring.. I don't know how much he paid for it but he said it was in his Top 3 most expensive purchases of his life (#1 - house, #2 - car). I would also love to pass my ring down as an heirloom. The cost of my wedding per plate is going to be high up there since it's just about as expensive as the NJ places. I just have it in my head that since there's obviously not as many people coming, it'll even out. There is ONE thing I want to splurge on.. but not pay full price like in the stores.. I've been looking online for the cheapest price under $250-$300 - Swarovski Crystal - Detailview
  3. JennyK

    I'm New

    welcome to the forums!
  4. I love seeing your foster pics.. he's so cute!!!
  5. JennyK

    Kind of New....

    Welcome to the forums!
  6. omg that's so sweet! I wanna be in your fam hehe
  7. I heard she definitely didn't look preggerz for her wedding but from this she's 3 months. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LOS ANGELES (AP) — Newlyweds Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz say they are expecting a baby. "While many have speculated about this, we wanted to wait until after the first trimester to officially confirm that we are expecting our first child," read a statement Wednesday on Wentz's blog. "This is truly the most joyous time in our lives and we are excited to share the happy news and start our family." Simpson-Wentz, 23, and Fall Out Boy bassist Wentz, 28, exchanged vows earlier this month at Simpson's parents' Los Angeles-area home. Sister Jessica was the maid of honor. The newlywed pop singer will go by Ashlee Wentz in private and professionally as Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, according to a report posted Wednesday on People.com. The couple began dating in fall 2006 and announced their engagement April 9. Simpson-Wentz's latest album, "Bittersweet World," was released last month. It peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard 200 in its first week, and tracks have logged more than 19 million plays on her MySpace page. A representative for Simpson-Wentz did not immediately return a call Wednesday seeking comment.
  8. welcome to the forums!
  9. welcome to the forums ~ good luck with the proposal
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl yeah, they have the snack boxes for sale. We'll eat lunch before boarding, thankyouverymuch. Yea I bought one but it wasn't worth it so on my way back from Hawaii, we ate before boarding
  11. If I remember correctly when I went to Hawaii, we had to pay for our meals as well lol
  12. Hi Amy! Welcome and Happy Planning! Here's a thread about Riu Palace Las Americas if you are interested: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20448
  13. Great pics Elizabeth! All of your work is just beautiful and bright.. you really know how to bring out the colors!
  14. My FI's best friend died 5 years ago and he still gets choked up talking about him. This is going to be a hard time for your FI so be strong.. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your FI.. *hugs*
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave Super sexy! You know it never occured to me to go for some fun sexy shoes. I always pictured a wedding dress with the traditional classy shoe to match it but after seeing your shoe I think that it looks really fun. I may look into getting something similar. Great idea. Besides it's always fun to do things different. I've always shyed away from traditional lol
  16. Today's shoe day! hehe Those shoes are SO HOT! I love the red butterflies - so subtle and perfect to match your colors!
  17. I think we all have the same opinion in staying out of it. She's not your BFF or anything and although girls should look out for girls, this is something that's Bob's responsibility to correct, not yours or FI. Yea it sucks, but unless Bob blatantly does something in front of you.. just keep quiet.
  18. I really like #2 for the clasp..it makes it elegant and chic like your dress
  19. Here's my dress.. it's ivory so the leopard print goes really well
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I love them! They look tall! Ouchie my fat arse would topple over if I tried to wear those. FI is going to die when he sees them. I LOVE high heels.. I'm 5'4" so anything to elongate my short legs lol
  21. Ceremony will be on the beach so I'll be making barefoot sandals but for my reception I got these shoes on Ebay for $19.99.. in total costing me $30. They're so cute! They'll go perfect with my dress
  22. I asked my WC about this and she said she knows someone that can do it for us and that she'd look into getting me their information. Once she lets me know, I'll post who it is
  23. WOw Danielle..you and your FI did an amazing job on the invites! Really nice..Congrats!
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