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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera Jenny, This is the e-mail I got from Jessica on the situation; "Thank you very much for consider this property for your important Wedding Event, my name is Jessica Pantoja and unfortunately have to inform you that my partner Clara Zamora is not longer working with us due personal affairs, however, I am on charge from now to attend all related with Wedding and Social Events, and happy to hear about your interest for our services." It is strange they haven't contacted you on this... I will keep you posted! anna I'm going to email her right now to be reassured..
  2. congrats and welcome to the forums!
  3. JennyK


    Grand Caribe Real is very pretty! Congrats!!
  4. welcome and happy planning!
  5. On my birthday! COOL :) Welcome and congrats - It's right around the corner!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera Hi Jenny, I have been in contact with Jessica Pantoja, and her e-mail is [email protected] I am going to Cancun on site visit next weekend and will be meeting with her. I will let you know how my meeting goes with her. anna Do you know if she is Clara's replacement? Definitely keep in touch with me.. no one from the resort has contacted me yet.
  7. welcome and happy planning!
  8. happy planning and welcome to the forum!
  9. JennyK


    welcome aboard!
  10. Dermalogica Sheer Tint Moisturizer When I worked in a spa, this was the skin care line that we used on our clients. It's an amazing line! Their moisturizer isn't heavy, comes in 4 different shades (untinted, light, medium, and dark) and has an spf 15. They were our best sellers in our retail. Dermalogica Sheer Tint Moisture SPF 15 (medium) 1.3 0z - DRM-STMspf15med
  11. I got an email this morning from my florist Vanessa telling me that my WC has left Le Meridien! I'm really sad bc I was so comfortable with her (I met with her just 3 weeks ago) and she really knew what I wanted and was so sweet and accommodating. I'm also in a panic bc no one from the hotel contacted me about this. Vanessa said that she hopes she can still do my wedding flowers since Le Meridien has their own florist. AH! So, for those of you who asked me for Clara's contact info and hasn't heard anything back, this is why. Once I know who took her place - I'll let you know.
  12. thats such a pretty dress..and flowy! Nice choice!
  13. Yea I was looking up prices and they were crazy! I was hoping to do a few days in one place, and a few days in another.. but now we're leaning more towards going camping. I've never been believe it or not lol
  14. cant wait to see your pics!
  15. I remember Candlebox during the grunge days of the 90's.. very cool!
  16. JennyK

    Bride to Be

    welcome! Whats your name?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lhc007 Then it's the perfect place! It is so pretty and very private! Trying the upload the picture the co-ordinator sent us but no luck! you can try photobucket.com and copy the
  18. Those dresses are so gorgeous & elegant. I cannot wait to see your wedding pics!
  19. wow Danielle, I cannot believe how she treated your parents. So rude and inconsiderate. If she doesn't want visitors, then her family needs to get out of the room as well. It's amazing how her true colors came out...
  20. Celina, so happy things worked out. Truth always prevails. You and your family stay strong and good things will come.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by redheaney I'm seeing them selling/having sold on eBay, for as low as $135 plus about $20 shipping! Yet another thing for me to have to keep an eye open for! And xJuicyJX - I love your scrapbooking pages! Really cool! thanks! I have to make more.. I've been so busy with other things I havent had any time to scrap
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