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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Hmm. I do want a video. Should I try?? I know I will look like B. I say go for it!
  2. She died in a boating accident. Here's the link.. it's so sad. FOXNews.com - Texas Teen Dies After Mexican Boat Accident Off Cancun - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera Jenny, Last time I heard from her was Monday afternoon. She mentioned she has a big wedding for Saturday afternoon. I suppose she is crazy busy with that wedding? Hopefully she will get back to you soon.......... anna do you have her number by any chance?
  4. welcome to the forum!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 YAY! I actually made the soup earlier...it takes about an hour or so. I had a bowl and FI is like "I thought we aren't starting till Monday". I looked at him and was like "Hun, it's just vegetable soup, I'm not following it, it smelled good" LOL I'm going to make another pot of it this weekend. I know with both of us eating it, it'll go fast so its tasty?
  6. I'm in! I just printed it up the other day but haven't been to the store to get the ingredients and such. I'll start Monday with you!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by becks There are a bunch in one of my passport threads. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16771 Thanks Beck, for some reason the stamps I originally downloaded didn't have all of these... weird.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 My parents are devout Catholics and FI and I are not religious at all. (Spiritual, but no organized religion.) Mom is pretty sad that we aren't having a Catholic ceremony, and honestly, I find it quite endearing. She truly believes, with all of her soul, that the way to start a marriage with a stable foundation is to have the church's blessing. So, while she's bugging the crap out of me, I know it's just because she wants us to have a wonderful marriage, and to her, we have a better shot at having a wonderful marriage if it has been thoroughly blessed. So, don't be too upset at your FMIL. It's hard for people of that generation to understand the DW thing, and it's even harder for devout Catholics to grasp not having a priest present. We are definitely taking them out of their comfort zones! I think it's great that you're meeting in the middle and considering a small Catholic ceremony in addition to what you really want to do. Can you imagine how many novenas your FMIL would be saying if you didn't? I think my mom has already started doing rosaries! LOL yea.. I always try to accommodate everyone. My FMIL is a devout Catholic but my FFIL is Jewish! My FI was brought up Catholic. When we were thinking of a NJ wedding, I said I'd do it in a garden or something so his Jewish family wouldn't feel out of place sitting in church. So it was never really an option from the beginning so I could please both sides of his family.
  9. so cute.. I love that "adoring" picture! Thanks for sharing
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Lindsay OMG - I can't believe I just read that!!! Lindsay As a TA, this doesn't really happen right? lol
  11. JennyK


    welcome! Which resort?
  12. welcome aboard Mylee!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Please tell me your response we "LOL. Later chica." She shouldn't even be a TA. I haven't responded until she gets me rates and I say,"oh..well.. I just can't handle all of this and I'm going to have my guests book their trips themselves."
  14. JennyK


    Happy planning! Welcome aboard!
  15. Hi Casey- There's a lot of information around here..don't be afraid to ask! Happy planning :-)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave Jenny yes it can be done!!! My FI and I are doing just that. We are both catholic and really want to get married through the church but were torn when we found out a priest will not absolutely do it on the beach. Our parents were also pushing for us to get married through church. I even had my grandmother who lives in Mexico and is sooooo involved with the church try to find out but they will not do it. So....we are going to get married through the church 3 days before we leave for our DW. As a matter of fact, we are not even having a full mass. The only people that will be there will be my FI and I and our parents. I don't plan to wear my gown either, just a white suit or something and the ceremony will take place on a weekday at 4pm. The church we attend to is very popular with weddings and it would have been impossible to get a date for this year but I explained to them what we were doing and how we didn't want the whole ceremony and they were able to squeeze us in so just talk to your local church. Oh yeah, and we do have to go through the precana classes. We start our first class this Fridday. Good Luck! thats exactly what I wanted.. no mass.. just the important stuff
  17. Thought you guys might get a kick out of an email I got from the TA: Hi Jenny, You can either pay us and have your guest send checks to you personally or you can collect checks from your guests payable to Liberty. Which ever is easier for you, you will be the group leader and in charge of everything!!! Yahoo...Hopefully I will know more this afternoon!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 I was going to name it Carl. LMFAO OMG that was toooooooooooooooo funny
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Destination08 I am trying to figure out how to give my girls and possibly me a little sparkle in my hair. Which ones are better? Thanks! what do the twists look like?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jenny I think you will have a lovely mass ceremony at home that will make your FMIL happy and will be hassle free for you with the legal requirements. Then you just get anyone to do your symbolic ceremony. You can still keep the minister you were going to have do your ceremony anyway, it just won't be legal. And now you don't have to get prodded and poked by needles for the blood tests! YAY! anything to avoid needles lol j/k Yea and listen.. a good excuse to buy another dress!!! YAY!!!
  21. Welcome to the forums! There are many Dreams Cabo brides around They're always willing to help
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by weddingchick Congrats on the positive vibes from the interview. That would be a kick-butt commute for sure!!! I know.. can't get any better than that Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 I hope you get it!!!! me too!! Gotta keep my fingers crossed
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