Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 My parents are devout Catholics and FI and I are not religious at all. (Spiritual, but no organized religion.) Mom is pretty sad that we aren't having a Catholic ceremony, and honestly, I find it quite endearing. She truly believes, with all of her soul, that the way to start a marriage with a stable foundation is to have the church's blessing. So, while she's bugging the crap out of me, I know it's just because she wants us to have a wonderful marriage, and to her, we have a better shot at having a wonderful marriage if it has been thoroughly blessed. So, don't be too upset at your FMIL. It's hard for people of that generation to understand the DW thing, and it's even harder for devout Catholics to grasp not having a priest present. We are definitely taking them out of their comfort zones!
I think it's great that you're meeting in the middle and considering a small Catholic ceremony in addition to what you really want to do. Can you imagine how many novenas your FMIL would be saying if you didn't? I think my mom has already started doing rosaries!
LOL yea.. I always try to accommodate everyone. My FMIL is a devout Catholic but my FFIL is Jewish! My FI was brought up Catholic. When we were thinking of a NJ wedding, I said I'd do it in a garden or something so his Jewish family wouldn't feel out of place sitting in church. So it was never really an option from the beginning so I could please both sides of his family.