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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. This is a legit pic I found on a flower website (This girl used their flowers and submitted a wedding pic) I don't really want to comment on anyone's wedding.. but.. seriously.. WTF ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?! Who's packin' a gun in the bridal party to put the photographer that had to shoot this wedding (hehe no pun intended) out of his misery?!
  2. I'm surprised my FI didn't come up with this plan lol I'm scared to tell him about it
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I was impressed with the "little girl" tugs but children ghosts always makes me sad. What is up with that story of the uncle throwing the child out the window. That was sad. I agree though- it was a somewhat slow episode. They need to have a really good one next week. They have too many slow/boring ones in a row. plus the one where they got served last week
  4. If for ANY reason you feel its nice but not not the one, keep looking and don't feel pressured to buy just because you have a bunch of people there with you. Also, I'd shop more than 1 store.. just to get an idea. Try on all different styles. You just never know which one you'll like to see yourself in.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera Jenny, sorry to hear that! That is awful.. When I see her tomorrow, I will mention it to her! Quick question! What is the best way to get to Le Meridien from the cancun airport? The hotel's car service is $80 US?? The hotel charges $80 for a transfer?! I wouldn't pay that much. I'd check with your TA that you booked your trip with if she can set up a transfer for you. If not, when you get out of customs, on your left hand side before you walk out the doors to go outside, you'll see a ton of people (90% are trying to sell you a timeshare, DO NOT stop for them!) but if you see van services or car services, ask them how much. I paid for me and my FI $30 round trip.
  6. I'm in the same position so I understand feeling almost obligated to work for this person/company. You are going to have to be strong when you tell him that you are leaving and he's going to have to understand that we all have to move on.
  7. Have a wonderful wedding and can't wait to hear all about it when you return
  8. Welcome!! Nikki (nikkianddean) is a Zihu bride too.. she can definitely help you along
  9. YAY! Congrats girls You guys are going to rawk!
  10. aww Congrats!! How cute are you?! Absolutely glowing!
  11. Happy Legal Day Morgan! We're thinking of you
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 I thought it was just ok. I like to see more action...lol! yea I'm the same. The commercials always make you think there's something real good.. then it sucks lol
  13. tsk tsk! Do you have BMs that can help?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera The number I have is JESSICA PANTOJA GERENTE DE VENTAS | SALES MANAGER T: 52-998-881-2225 F: 52-998-881-2246 She responded today to my e-mail regards to tasting this saturday. Wonder why she is not responding to your e-mail.. hmm..... I left her a voicemail.. I told her to email me again. If I don't get any response by this weekend I'm going to call her again. Clara ALWAYS responded to me
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill there were 5 girls on the news this morning that were involved in that accident. I guess they were on a snorkeling trip, a few students went downstairs and said the boat was filling up with water. From what the students said the crew jumped in a life boat and took off, left the students to fend for themselves. Some of the students said they almost got run over by boats, they also said they saw the dead girl floating. It was so sad. I read that they didn't give them the lifejackets when they told them to jump
  16. Coral Beach is such a gorgeous property.. she's lucky!
  17. i'd say sub the banana for another fruit thats not crazy packed with sugars..
  18. Lovingyou.com: Love Stories I love lovingyou.com for quotes and lovey dovey stuff
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Anyone watch last night's episode? It was in NJ Jenny! I did I did! Perth Amboy isnt far from me.. I love how Tango's dad got to go on the investigations with him. He seemed too nice to be a Linden cop lol They're usually poopheads. The episode was OK at best. I wish they'd start getting more EVPs or shadows. What did you think?
  20. It IS overwhelming but once you narrow it down, you'll be fine. Don't worry and happy planning!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ok I could be a little distracted right now, but I had a hard time following that article. It seemed poorly written and jumped around a bunch. They had too many people on a catarmaran and it sunk? While at the boat dock? I'm confused what happened. Did she get brain damage from the accident and just now died or did she have brain damage before? the boat sank. They told everyone to jump and she got caught underneath.. so when they finally got to her, she was brain damaged and died later.
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