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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. wow your pics look so professional! Very beautiful Tammy. Thanks for sharing
  2. I'm fuschia! My girls are wearing a fuschia dress *you can see it in the link in my sig*. Their flowers are going to be white calla lillies with a fuschia tie. I haven't decided on mine yet. I met with my florist on the site visit and told her I want pink pink pink. My invites that I'm working on also have fuschia & silver. So I guess those are my colors.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 I love GH! ever notice how the 2 roto router guys are the ones always finding stuff? The girl is annoying-Kris Willaims They did a story at this place called valentown-near Rochester NY (where Jay is from-Canandaigua) and its 10 min from my house. Now I wanna go there!!! yea I noticed that too! Shit only happens to them..always!
  4. JennyK


    Hi Rune Welcome to the boards!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye That's camo-overload!!! WOW!!! My cousins husband is an avid hunter, so as a small surprise, she got her garter made camo with pink ribbon. He didn't realize until he pull it off to throw it - now that was a cute little tiny amount of camo! That pic is making me laugh sooooo hard right now!! Like you said, I don't mean to make fun of anyone's taste, but come on.... the camo on the garter for the hunting husband is cute.. but camo all over.. not so much.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan That may be one of the advantages of why they called me....MTV usually holds spring break at the hotel Im getting married at! We'll see the hotel has been really shitty getting back to me and answering questions so far!!!!!!! As far as I know right now I am booked for the nicest room that they offer! I was wondering if I do get picked how all of my vendors will feel about it? Ive stayed at the Oasis Cancun.. Grand is on the same property. Where's your ceremony & reception?
  7. welcome to the forums!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan They will give me details when I talk to them again Monday ah ok..since they're putting you out there..
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan I know and other people are like WHAT! Who has an STD?!?! my FI giggles everytime I refer to the STDs as "STDs" btw, does MTV pay for any part of the DW?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 I just have this feeling that you will get picked. You have such a wealth of DW info. that no one else will have!!! They will love the STD and OOT talk STD, OOT, BDW, FI, FMIL.. what else? I catch myself in everyday life talking in code
  11. JennyK

    Newbie :)

    Hi! Welcome to the forums - Here's a thread with a St. Lucia bride. I'm sure she'll be HAPPYYYYYYY to see another http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22504
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan lol! I wonder if they will really call back?!?!? Now that Im in the running, I feel a little weird! What if I turn out looking like freakin bridezilla?!?! LOL! oh man I'd totally go bridezilla lol makes for good tv
  13. See! I knew that thread would do someone good hehehe Congrats
  14. first off.. im so jealous that you have a sonic! FI and I are planning a lil 2 hour road trip just to go to a Sonic lol
  15. I GOT A CALL BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going in Tuesday at 10am for my second interview! He called me today.. I really thought he'd call me like Monday like he said.. but I'm excited!!!
  16. wish i knew where an outlet store is around me.. I only know of one in Puerto Rico that my mom stocks up on everytime she goes lol
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